MovieChat Forums > Politics > They said on ABC news today that Russia ...

They said on ABC news today that Russia might be preparing to invade the Ukraine.

What are your thoughts on this most pivotal of issues?


They’re certainly not worried about the US intervening. We’re lead by a senile racist who’s only capable of shitting himself on tv. The government is run by his party who only cares about securing more political power for themselves.


No, Fat Donnie is gone. I guess you missed the part where President Biden won the election?


And it goes to show how crazy you are. You would rather have high gas prices, high taxes, high crime, open borders, less safety from Islamic terrorism, defund the police, no cash bail, blm, LGBTQ, antifa, illegal aliens, sanctuary cities and critical race theory then Trump...


It is sad that we now have to pay the bills that Fat Donnie & his gang of spoiled brats racked up.

"sanctuary cities and critical race theory then Trump..."
And no, I'd rather have all that stuff THAN Fat Donnie.
(Next I will teach you how to properly use an ellipsis if you'd like.)


I am conflicted. On the one hand the Russian's are dirty commies so I say nuke 'em. On the other hand Russian women are the most beautiful in the world and wiping them out would be unthinkable. It's a conundrum !


You are aware that for quite a long time now, Russia has a few more nukes than we do?
In other words: nuclear war with Russia means, & has meant, destruction of The earth as we know it.


You say that like it's a bad thing.


There's no accounting for taste... if my dog looked like a Russian woman...




The Russians can smell weakness and Biden reeks of it!


No, that was Fat Donnie, & he reeked of many things. That's why Melanoma Tramp wouldn't even share a bed room with the fat fuck.


That’s this mornings breakfast.


First step is to stop the invasion happening in the US. If the US turns into a Central American shit hole it will act as all Central American shit holes do, and will simply beg for money from other countries and be in no position to help anyone.


Just goes to show military corruption at the highest levels for the US. The fact they're not scared of the military might of the US even though they're heavily sanctioned but can still fund to make hypersonic missiles, 5th gen fighters, S-400/500, etc. etc. with a fraction of the cost tells a lot. Too much bloat and nothing to really show for it as the US plays catch up. I know a lot of it is strong arming but do we want to take that chance and possible underestimate our adversary? I rather overestimate and go "phew, we over worried" than, "oh shit, we're unprepared because we got too much CRT and equity & inclusion on the mind. QUICK! Send in our lesbians and trans-Generals!!"


The ABC "forgot" (cough cough) to mention that it was the NATO the one deploying forces in the area, and then Russia deployed their own as a response to that:


If Russia and/or China are going to do anything big, they are going to do it now, with a weak incompetent man sitting in the White House.
Fraudulent elections have consequences.
