AmeriGirl26's Replies

I know EXACTLY what you mean! We used to actually have commonsense ways of preventing wildfires, until those fake environmentalists from the city started whining about possibly hurting some obscure animal nobody cared about in the woods. Then, came the bark beetles. Everyone's favorite scapegoat is PG&E when it comes to wildfires, even though it isn't always their power lines causing the fires to start with. I swear, that company's gonna go broke with all the lawsuits people keep throwing at them. They think PG&E is a punching bag/bank they can rob whenever they want! The banning of drinking straws only really affected certain restaurants, thank God. And somehow, I'm not sure that legislation really passed. We're still getting plastic drinking straws at certain places we eat. Turns out, the statistic the state govt. was using to ban them had been researched by a 10-year-old child who had spoken to TWO garbage companies, instead of a lot of experienced adults doing real field work on the matter. There are also still many non-mainstream stores that use plastic bags for groceries, although Wal-Mart & Foodmax went crazy and now charge $0.10 per bag you get. Thankfully my mother was experienced with grocery stores from previous states that did that, so we just collected a bunch of bags to use multiple times, and load up the groceries we've bought when we get to the car. I'm amazed we still have a middle class in this state, to be honest. There is such a divide between the rich and the poor it's astounding. The politicians in this state have messed it up so bad, it's a wonder that they haven't had everyone who isn't rich and on welfare move out. My dad and brother and I all watched the ball drop on tv and toasted with pink muscato wine. :) I'm something of an anomaly, being a native Californian and a conservative Republican, but then again, I spent 23 years away from this state before moving back 6 years ago. After observing the stupidity of the elite in Sacramento, I've been able to take away a number traits about how they make laws. Typically, California politics has never been about the common good. You basically have a little bubble of very rich, very stupid liberal politicians who live in the state capital, and have very little knowledge of how to actually do their jobs. Any time they make state laws, the end result is always to benefit THEM, never the common person. New environmental law? Don't expect the state to get cleaner and "greener" tech, but you WILL see generous donations from various "green nazi" groups filling up the bank accounts and slush funds those politicians have set up for themselves. Sanctuary state? Hah! Don't expect life to get better for anyone, not even illegal aliens or homeless. Basically, all those laws do is let them do whatever they want in California's cities (including pooping on the sidewalk and leaving their drug needles and garbage lying everywhere) while it makes the politicians look generous and kind (without any personal sacrifice on their behalf) and they get votes and generous donations from people who don't see the end results of these new laws. Never mind the people whose family members get murdered by illegal aliens, or kids who get sick from stepping on needles in the street on the way to school. Ban drinking straws? That's not gonna help at all with the giant garbage patches in the ocean. Tell India and East Asia to stop dumping their filth! In fact, it's not gonna do anything but make life difficult for restaurant owners in the state. But it makes the politicians, who have pristine manors and lovely clean lawns, look great to voters and lobby groups. I could go on, but you get the picture. A real gun so he can take out his old man and that bully. There was only one movie I walked out on, and that was so I could go to the bathroom and possibly blow cookies, but thankfully, they stayed down. It was "Three Kings," and my nausea was due to the camera movement and after seeing all the blood and gore, and then what that one guy's lungs were doing when he got shot, I couldn't take it anymore. Mom went with me because she got sick too, but neither of us really barfed. We calmed down in the bathroom and then waited outside the theater for my dad and brother. So, I think I stayed for about 3/4 of the movie. Most movies I either see them, or don't see them, and I go out of my way to see if it's worth my while to go to the theater these days, rather than waste money or need brain bleach afterwards. My brother only watched it to drool over Anne Hathaway and never watched it again. My only real complaint about theaters these days are the ticket prices. It's like, just 15 years ago, in smaller towns, they were charging $5.50 for matinees, and $7.50 for evening viewings, whereas in big cities, some of the huge theaters were charging $9 A TICKET!!! Seriously, NINE DOLLARS! Who the HELL pays that much for a single ticket?! I ask you! And now it seems ALL theaters are charging outrageous amounts for tickets! So instead of paying $22 for a family of 4 in the daytime, it now costs $36 for a family of four, and that doesn't include sales tax or refreshments. Ridiculous! I like the new tiered seats because then, tall people sitting in front of me don't block my view of the screen. I had issues with that in the older theaters back in the 90s. I think you put too much stock in our current medical technology. Hollywood has created this illusion that our medical tech is far more advanced than it really is. For one thing, we have yet to develop an artificial womb using machines. Second, no sane man is gonna want to try carrying a baby around, and chances are, he would die in the process. Better just to leave the baby-carrying to us women. I don't know, but they hinted heavily in the film that the Grinch was a mutant Who. I was 14 when it came out in theaters. The fact that he was nothing like the establishment, and actually fighting for what real Americans wanted, as opposed to the Clinton Hag carrying on O'dumbass's legacy of destroying America from within. But I don't expect someone with your IQ of 46 to understand. And you wonder why I avoided this mess? Both can be, but it varies from one person to the next. As it turns out, advertisements and movies are not realistic in any sense of the word as to how people actually look, versus those in the media, and it turns out, many men, particularly those in America, are not interested in a bony Barbie doll of a woman. Some like girls with more meat on them and hair that ISN'T blond. As for the women, again, it varies from one to the next. They do want men who are at least pleasing to look at, but not all are interested in marrying or dating an Adonis, because frankly, he's as elusive in regular society as the Barbie is. There was actually a scientific study done (and it was fascinating to watch on tv) and it turns out, that most people are naturally and subconsciously attracted towards people who are similar to them when it comes to attractiveness. They did this using a room full of volunteers; with an equal number of men and women, and did several experiments in having them choose a "partner." They used a scale based on the Golden Ratio, with 1 as the worst, and 10 as the best. It turns out, say, if you're a 6 on the attractiveness scale (and most people are in that range, by the way) chances are very likely that you will be attracted to someone who is between 5 and 7. (Part of that experiment was done blindly, so the volunteers couldn't remember who had what number). On rare occasions, you'll meet people who go for someone above or below that range, but that's a personal choice, rather than an unconscious one. Attraction is also based on personality too, hence why people who are not considered attractive by society's standards can still find a mate. My mom said it best when she told me "Water seeks its own level," and nowhere has that been truer than when it comes to people getting together. And I'm enjoying every minute of it. Would you want that creature visiting your home and telling you how to live? I wouldn't. I'd just as soon send in the national guard to gun her down if she set foot in my neighborhood. There's a reason the Electoral College was invented back at the founding of our nation. It gave ALL states a chance at choosing our president, instead of leaving it to high-population states like New York and California. Otherwise, those two states would always choose who got to live in the White House every election, and that doesn't sound very fair, does it? She also has a voice designed to torture people at Gitmo. Seriously, has she been smoking for 50 years or what? I know a few interesting songs: "Nuttin' for Christmas" and "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer"