AmeriGirl26's Replies

Have you seen how short some people are when badly nourished from childhood? I remember seeing a 16-year-old Indian child who only grew to be 5'2" when he should have been at least 6 ft. Try doing some research for a change. And have you actually read what Elizabethan nobles ate every day? They mostly ate meat, bread, very few vegetables, a tiny bit of fruit, very little actual milk, cheese, and lots of sweets, not a very nutritious diet if you ask me. We've only seen 2 episodes, so it's too early to tell of its quality. Wait until it's over before asking again. Rotten Tomatoes can go stuff it! I haven't put any stock in what they say about movies or tv shows because critics are idiots. 1.) Critics are part of a small, very messed-up group of people living in the Hollywood Bubble. They have no clue what good quality tv or movies are. They are notorious for praising all the bad stuff and dumping on or ignoring the good stuff on tv. Plus, you throw enough money at them, they'll say whatever you want about a flick, even if it's a lousy one. My best example would be that all-female Ghostbusters disaster that came out recently. Before the movie was unleashed, it got several decent reviews from bribed critics. After ordinary viewers were subjected to it, the critics didn't have to lie anymore. 2.) The actual viewers have a more accurate rating for "The Orville," and these are people who are not paid to say anything about the show. These are honest reviews that they do for free. 3.) I lost all respect for RT when they disabled the ability for anyone to criticize "Black Panther" when it came out. Then they pawn off the 100% fresh rating as truth, when we all knew it was a big fat lie. Like I said before, Rotten Tomatoes can go rot for all eternity. Last thing I need to see is fake gay romance on tv. It's disgusting to watch, makes me squirm, and is revolting. I don't care if Bortus comes from an all-male society, it's gross to see the details of his excursions on the holo-deck. They could have held back and just shown the beginnings of it, and then cut away to another scene, but no, they had to show the kissing, the stripping, the fondling....ugh! And you wonder why cable ratings have gone down in the past 5 years. Nobody normal wants to watch that. I actually can relate on this. Bortus has actually been something of a disappointment, because I thought he was gonna be the their version of the Klingons, but it turns out, he's more like a dysfunctional, messed-up, over-muscled sissy. And the culture he comes from has some serious, deeply-ingrained problems that they refuse to address at all. Interestingly enough, that is the second Bortus-centered episode that I will never watch again. I was hoping they'd come across a hidden colony of all-female Moclans whose ancestors had fled their homeworld centuries ago when their society decided to get rid of all the women, and we find out some things that the current Moclan society has been hiding. Now THAT would have been a much more fun episode to watch, particularly if the all-female Moclans were planning on wreaking revenge on their male counterparts' homeworld at some point, and it's up to the Orville to stop them. I'm more interested in the other characters, and the previews indicated that they're gonna do an Alara episode that looks like she'll be visiting her home planet. They also showed more clashes with the Krill. Now those would also be more fun to watch. No, it wasn't. If you can't tell the difference between CGI and actual costumes, you have no business acting like you know anything about special-effects. Costumes don't move that smoothly. I've seen animatronics headpieces on actors, as well as remote-operated prosthetics. That creature was CGI. Don't believe me? Go watch some sci-fi films and tv shows from the 80s, 90s, and 2000s. You'll see a stark difference. Animatronics tend to be jerky and mechanical in movement. It is possible that the actor wore a green-screen suit with the lower part shaped similar to the alien, but that's it. The creature we see on screen was computer-generated. It was a guy in a gray suit covered with pips doing the movements, and they stuck a CGI monster on top. Not much to really make a big deal over in terms of expense. His head was shaped like......oh I can't say it! He was fat, slimy, had a tricuspid mouth, no eyes, and a creepy feeler on the end. He almost looked like a blob of snot and mud. I'll bet he stank too. He really should have been punished in some way or another, even though he didn't get court-marshaled or have his mate sent away. Thank you :). I learned the difference by reading what actual psychologists had to say about Batman villains (they study them for fun), and whether they were psychopaths or not. Their assessment of the characters was a fascinating read, and shows that people use the term "psychopath" incorrectly a lot. She actually spoke of two reasons as to what inspired her to write the books. The first one was when she was flipping through channels and thought how messed up it was how you could watch stuff about the War on Terror on one channel, and then flip to another and see a harmless game show or something else going on. The second explanation was that she was inspired by the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur in ancient Greek mythology. She said in the myth that there was a Greek city-state that was being terrorized by the Minoan king on Crete, and once a year, the city had to choose a number of youths to be sent to be sacrificed to the Minotaur in the labyrinth so that their city would not be razed to the ground. All of that changed when Theseus set out to slay the Minotaur. I'm afraid the situation is like many when it comes to Japanese films. For one thing, not every knew about Battle Royale outside of Japan. I had never heard of it before someone mentioned it. I doubt it was in wide circulation, particularly among those who don't speak Japanese, and it's rated R for good reason. I suspect it was a case of parallel story creation. Someone writes a book, having no idea someone else in another country already did it, but nobody outside of that nation knew about it before they came yelling and complaining about this new unknown author "stealing" their ideas. It was interesting because throughout the episode, Bortus had been having the worst marital problems, but then he sees the leader of those people giving up her life so her husband and son could live, and telling him before they leave how she treasured each day with them, and it made Bortus realize he should be doing the same thing for his family. I think I found this article online. It was the first time I learned about Lewy Body Dementia, and it's very disturbing to read about. I kept wondering for years why Robin disappeared after the 90s and barely did anything of note, and now we all know why. Even sadder, nobody figured out what was really wrong with him until an autopsy was done on his brain after he killed himself. He didn't have to write a suicide note; his brain did it for him. Well, he's finding out that the depiction of hell in "What Dreams May Come" is a picnic compared to the real one. He's actually a sociopath. See, psychopaths have no control over their behavior. Sociopaths are in complete control of their actions and can consciously make choices. He shows all the symptoms of a sociopath, right down to the lack of empathy, believing what he was doing was right, even though most people know it was wrong, having no issues with using violence to get what he wanted, and having his own twisted sense of morals. Not to mention the fact that he behaved like an immature brat with a gun and goons. I know what you mean about the dying planet, and that was really sad, how they could only save less than half the population. It almost feels like the hidden civilization thing was tacked on at the last minute, as a tale of wisdom for Bortus. I see a creature his head is round his face is ugly I want to be kind but he talks and talks and says nothing his jokes are empty and only funny to him he bores all around him and clings to anybody he can like a barnacle on a ship he spouts useless facts he is desperate for friendship he overwhelms those around him with his mediocrity if he were to die tomorrow people would shed polite tears and privately rejoice in their homes enough is said of the crew member that is known as Dan "Return to Me," and "Under the Tuscan Sun" had Italians in them, though some lacked accents or were too stereotypical. Zeferelli's "Romeo and Juliet" also has Italians as the main characters. I found it disturbing how Kelly "moved on," and yet is dating a guy who has an awful lot in common with Ed. He's white, has dark hair and eyes, is in a leadership position (albeit in a classroom), and his job ruined his last marriage. She may as well have gotten a clone of Ed and dated that instead. And Ed spying on her while she was on a date with the teacher was NOT okay. It was even more disturbing that the teacher was not bothered by it. He seemed way too easy-going about it. And now Ed is using the teacher as a proxy for getting back to Kelly the way Worf used Quark to indirectly woo Grilka in DS9. Call me evil, but I really wish the amphibian guy would die. He is sooooo annoying, lame, boring, and irritating. He looks like excellent fodder for being a redshirt. Nobody would cry if he was killed on an away mission. It's no wonder he wasn't seeing anyone. Nobody could stand him, and his poetry is terrible. That was interesting that Dr. Finn has been spending more time with Isaac. He was especially helpful in getting it through the thick skulls of those stupid parents that their kid was not an angel, and was trying to throw the blame on Dr. Finn's older son. If I was a mom, I wouldn't tolerate a disrespectful little shit like that calling me a "pain in the ass" either.