MovieChat Forums > Neckk > Replies

Neckk's Replies

1. The Shining (1980) 2. The Conversation 1974 3. Misery (1990) 4. Vargtimmen (1968) 5. Gone With The Wind 1939 6. A Beautiful Mind 2001 I thought the film was hilarious. The ticking bomb in the tea or coffee was hilarious, IMO. Also, the subtle humor was funny as well. While sitting in a parked sports car: "We're invisible. They'll never see us coming." *starts up the ROARING engine and peels out* "... I'm Cliff" *awkward silence* Funny movie. Watched it twice back to back with the kids. They loved it, too :) I notice this too. Even dubbed lines. For example, I was watching Pixels with my kids, and I noticed a few instances where they replaced certain words to make it more age appropriate (I'm guessing). "And I couldn't even get a *handshake* from Venus Williams." hahaha Also, the off-screen dialogue is pretty noticable in Armageddon as well. From stray pups to alien creatures to fantasy: Riddick Alita: Battle Angel (... kind of) The Predator Warcraft The Wolverine Land of the Lost The Road Warrior "What do you think is a greater problem to the nation. White supremacy or a partisan mainstream media?" A partisan mainstream media, definitely. I used to like Candice Owens, but I saw the example you cited on TV today and revealed herself to be a hypocrite. She also took 6 weeks off from school due to racially charged harassment. Complete hypocrite when she says "white supremacy" isn't a problem. Sorry. PQ = Picture Quality :) Nick Fuentes has a youtube channel called America First. Most notable, IMO, he's against: - ALL forms of immigration, but only if non-white - Race mixing of any kind He also believes ALL, (yes, ALL) non-whites will vote blue and simply doesn't believe non-whites can be conservatives and/or assimilate to American values. He's pretty much a white nationalist in that he wants to have America as white as possible. I only posted his cons, but they're definitely deal breakers for me to become a fan or supporter of his. Here's a link of an interview in case you're interested: Ultravioletx, although I disagree with you on them ALWAYS being a propaganda outfit, I do think it is true as of late (with banning Nick Fuentes from their event and halting all Q and As). In my opinion, they started out strong, but eventually became shills who weren't allowed to criticize Israel for some reason. EDIT: To clarify, I'm NO fan of Nick Fuentes, but still support his right to be heard regardless of him being a racist. "I disagree..there are many like me. I was a lifelong liberal but I don't recognize what I see today. The public far left has become everything we use to be against..." Well said, bohemianoxie. I agree 100%. I thought this movie was awesome, but then again I'm a sucker for cyberpunk. Not a fan of SJ, but her wooden acting suited her well specifically in this movie. Great cinematography, loved the soundtrack, good cast, and most of all - Beat Takishi :) Definitely my favorite cyberpunk movie. Probably Mad Dog 20/20. Thanks, TexasJack. Good to know! I havent seen a lot of his movies, but Blade 2 was AMAZING. Ah, I see. Man, that's a tough choice if I had to choose. David Bowie was phenomenal. Cant do it. It's a tie lol :) And I agree with you about rap and hip-hop, btw. I used to listen to rap in the 90's, but after watching American Graffiti for the first time as a teen I stopped and broadened my musical horizon with the bands and names you mentioned above. Edit: Also, Little Richard was such a force to be reckoned with. Simply AMAZING. I think its weirder in multi-camera tv shows. Theyre ALWAYS facing the crowd/audience when speaking as opposed to facing each other lol Tom Waits. But the good kind of creepy :) I prefer the blues, but maybe its because Im a little older. I guess id have to ask you to define which type of rock and roll? For example, for me, Howlin Wolf and Muddy Water's Goin' Down Slow trumps any modern day rock and roll song. Such a great tune. This is my favorite music biopic movie. My ONLY gripe about the film was the omission of the late, the great, the one and only Bo Diddley. I care about our environment, but the straw ban doesnt make sense. The other day at a restaurant I recieved a paper straw with plastic utensils and a paper cup with a plastic lid...