MovieChat Forums > Politics > When will people understand being left w...

When will people understand being left wing isn't a choice?

So many people think they can "leave" the left because they don't like the way they're behaving. That doesn't matter. If you have left wing views, you're a left winger, it's that simple.


I don't know many people who are leaving the 'left', but many people have been leaving the right in droves, and now call themselves 'independents' because of how T-rump ruined their party. They want nothing to do with him, nor the assholes in Congress who are afraid to step up to him. That party will be tainted forever - worse than what Nixon did to it. And there's no Ronnie Reagan on the horizon who can restore it.


If all the right are leaving in droves as you say, then why the TDS? Everything should work itself out according to your own words, yes? If only you actually believed the chepooka that comes out of your rot, you'd have more time to tee-hee like a fairy.

Speaking of fairy, how many times have visited the read aloud versions of Alice the Fairy today? The good thing is that it's just a book and it won't judge you regardless of how despicable and wretched you are. It's okay to tee-hee all you want.


Everything should work itself out according to your own words, yes?

How did my words say 'everything shall work itself out' ? Do tell - this should be entertaining.


If the right are leaving in droves and if you BELIEVE all of the chepooka you spew here with your slanted threads, then HOW CAN'T IT WORK ITSELF OUT? How stupid are you that you have ZERO ability of forethought? Why do I have to SPELL everything out for you? This is proof that other than you're stupid, you don't even believe what you are saying. Insecure much? Stupid much? πŸ™„

Now go back and put your dunce cap back on. Remember, it's not to remind people that you're stupid. It's to remind you.

Speaking of dunces, even a despicable wretched dunce like you can appreciate the read aloud version of Alice the Fairy! Have you chosen the child version today or the adult reading version? Either or, tee-hees are bound to happen.😁


Why do I have to SPELL everything out for you?

Because all your posts are ass-backwards, meaningless, and nonsensical....for starters.

Still, I'm gentle with you - knowing you have quite a developmental disorder, and struggle with comprehension.

But help is on the way...


Was that ENTERTAINING for you? Getting rekt? I enjoyed it very much too. I'm sure it'll happen many times over.

Yes, you are a stupid ignorant despicable wretch, but no Alice the Fairy this time. I'm going to recommend something a little more appropriate for you. Please enjoy!


Leaving in droves, lol!! You are a pathological LIAR.


Projecting, once again. What else is new?


Posting your pathetic responses here but slinking away from being called out on your proven lies, in other threads. You're not fooling anyone.



Its people such as Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, Tim Pool, and Candace Owens. All of them are grifters. Dave, Jordan and Tim did it to chase alt-right clout and grow their channels online. Dave also got Koch bro money but the well has kinda run dry which is why he moved to The (dying) Blaze. Candace was also getting big money investors but she was smart enough to get in on the Fox News racket which is more than happy to get a black Trump supporter, much to the chagrin of Tomi Lahren.

I suspect Dave will be headed over to Fox eventually, especially seeing how well he gets along with Cucker Tarlson.


I disagree..there are many like me.
I was a lifelong liberal but I don't recognize what I see today.
The public far left has become everything we use to be against...


Thank your for your reply. I too value Freedom of Speech. I remember when the ACLU, a left leaning organization used to stand up for that freedom and now oppresses it with the label of hate speech.


Now they're the Anti-Christian, League of Un-Americans.


"I disagree..there are many like me.
I was a lifelong liberal but I don't recognize what I see today.
The public far left has become everything we use to be against..."

Well said, bohemianoxie. I agree 100%.


The public far left has become everything we use to be against...
This is a misconception because the country has moved to the right.

JFK, LBJ, Jimmy Carter all pushed for medicare for all.

Reagan changed the democratic party to become more corporate. That's how we got the Clintons. What we are seeing is a return to form back to the FDR and JFK eras. But anyone who speaks like FDR or JFK is now considered far left by the establishment. However those candidates (Bernie and Warren) are leading the pack because Americans see through the establishment's bullshit.


Yep, as the man said, "Stupid is forever".


There is nothing stupider than a conservative.

"Trump is a billionaire who's gonna fight for the working class."


"Trump is a billionaire who's gonna fight for the working class."

Well, who else could?


Stupid is forever.




So, is Ultraviolet "fighting for the working class"? Just how are you going about it, UV?


Like most of the working class, I'm fighting for myself. Trump is also fighting for himself, but the difference is he's using the presidency to accomplish it.

But keep it up with the non-sequiturs, corn pop.


Better look up those hyphenated words before you use them, UV. That's not what "Non-sequitur" means.

Oh, so, then, Trump isn't fighting for the working class, and neither are you. So what's your problem with him then? Apart from the fact that he's the President and therefore he must be using the office to fight for his own gains. I mean, it's logical isn't it. He's a President you hate, therefore he must be corrupt.

Wow, you Lefties.


Corn Pop? Wasn't that the man Biden confronted??!! 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣


There is nothing stupider than a conservative.

...but indoctrinated komrades with ZERO INDEPENDENT THOUGHT are by far the stupidest.

Now it's correct.

BTW, are you for sanctuary cities, yes or no?


I'm a leftie and why on earth would I leave that position? The right wing sucks.


Why exactly?


Because the right wing elected Orange Head!!!!!!!


I figured you'd have no semblance of a reason.


This is today's entire Democrat platform: Orange Head bad! Cheeto! T-rump! T-rump! T-rump! SCAM MAN!! Oh and free stuff.


I have a right to express my views even if they differ from yours. Remember the First Amendment???


Of course you do. It would help your cause if you had some substance.
