MovieChat Forums > CodyXBrenda

CodyXBrenda (469)


Majora's Mask The opening scene was awful and poorly written! Movies worse than Ted and Ted 2 Unfunny!? How!? 4 days older than me Hasn't aged very well in 5 years People are sadists if they enjoy innocent people getting beat up Bully brutality in cinema was really bad, back in 2019! Carter reminds me so much of Berry from I Know What You Did Last Summer Question about the bullies View all posts >


What, did you daddy touch you in the naughty spot or something? Go to fucking Hell you son of a bitch! Wow, you're a pathetic piece of shit! Go fuck yourself! Also, don't forget to put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger because nobody wants to deal with a lowlife shithead asshole dickhead loser like you! This website keeps getting worse because it's filled with toxic shitheads who do noting but BITCH, BITCH, BITCH!! Enjoying being toxic shitheads, people?! You only have yourselves to blame! No, every Halloween movie made after 4 is worse than every Scream movie made after 4. I get that H20 and 2018 are decently made, but the rest of the movies suck and I'll take Scream 5 and 6 over the majority of almost every Halloween film made since the 5th one. Halloween 5, 6, Resurrection, and Ends are all worse than Scream 3, 4 5, and 6 combined. The writing for Scream 3-6 is a least clever whereas almost every sequel after Halloween II has pretty bad writing and completely ruined the character of Michael. I played it and remember being so disappointed because I really enjoyed the first 3 games made by Insomniac. Its a shame because Spyro: Enter The Dragonfly also suffered the same fate as Sonic '06 and that was a console generation earlier. The original Spyro the Dragon trilogy on PS1 was great. Having played through the Reignited Trilogy, the games still play fine but some of the cutscenes don't have the same charm to them, as they did on the PS1. Apparently, ETD was rushed and it only has 1 hub world and 8 worlds when it was meant to have like 25 worlds and more than 1 hub world, similar to the first 3 games. It was so hyped from what I remember. Then the game released and people were like "Wow, this game is such a glitchy mess!". No, it wasn't. The 1993 live-action movie was a soulless cashgrab. The movie was a terrible Mario movie, but a decent sci-fi flick. The 2023 one wasn't that bad and people just love to whine about being "entitled brats" when things don't go exactly their way and this website is a perfect example to exploit whiny moviegoers' own egos! This current generation loves to make an ass out of itself and embarrass themselves. Think God I grew up in the 90s before all of this social media garbage ruined us all. If the OP hates Sonic Adventure 2, I dare him to play Sonic '06! A game full of glitches, a bad story, and long 2 minute loading screens! Also, Silver was a piece of shit character and unlike Shadow, never appeared in another mainline game, ever again. I have a feeling the OP only made this shitpost, just to whine about how he sucks balls at the game. It seems that Alex did cause the apocalyptic future because he said he was the inescapable results of him. It bugs me because how would he think that unless Alex trying to alter the past by failing to save Emma somehow cause the apocalyptic lunar cataclysm to occur in 2037. The only takeaway would be that Philby's teachings eventually lead to what happened in 2037, way back in 1899-1903 when he asked Alex if we would go "too far". That's far more believable than a single person's tragedy and them failing to stop it leading to the entirety of mankind suffering an apocalyptic event, some 100+ years later. How does that even work? View all replies >