Sonic Adventure 2 Sucked & Shadow Was a Dumb Character
Why make a movie of shadow? He's a dumb character, ever since his debut. It's just a re-colored Sonic.
Not even mentioning the fact Sonic looks like a coughed up hairball. Sonic Adventure 2 was one of the worst games I ever played. I had it for DREAMCAST, the ORIGINAL. I played it when it came out, it was excruciating.
I will never forget how mind achingly frustrating those Rogue and Knuckles levels were. And how I played through them just to "beat" the game. And those idiotic "Grinding" levels.
Let's go grind on our shoes, people! You know, that's something people do , right?
Just run up to a rail and slide along it with your feet?
That works in real life, right?
SA2 was a shit game, on a crappy console that was already on its last legs. Last game of a dying console by a faded brand. Only people who still like Sonic are... *shudder*... furries... ewwww....