MovieChat Forums > Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (2024) Discussion > Sonic Adventure 2 Sucked & Shadow Was a ...

Sonic Adventure 2 Sucked & Shadow Was a Dumb Character

Why make a movie of shadow? He's a dumb character, ever since his debut. It's just a re-colored Sonic.

Not even mentioning the fact Sonic looks like a coughed up hairball. Sonic Adventure 2 was one of the worst games I ever played. I had it for DREAMCAST, the ORIGINAL. I played it when it came out, it was excruciating.

I will never forget how mind achingly frustrating those Rogue and Knuckles levels were. And how I played through them just to "beat" the game. And those idiotic "Grinding" levels.

Let's go grind on our shoes, people! You know, that's something people do , right?
Just run up to a rail and slide along it with your feet?

That works in real life, right?

SA2 was a shit game, on a crappy console that was already on its last legs. Last game of a dying console by a faded brand. Only people who still like Sonic are... *shudder*... furries... ewwww....


This is an L opinion.


Twitter users like the one above shouldn't be allowed on message boards, because they can't argue or discuss, debate or contribute. They can't even think. They just 'emote' at things.


I'm not a Twitter user, but Sonic Adventure 2 is agreed by many fans to be one of the best games in the series and Shadow is a fan favorite character.


If the OP hates Sonic Adventure 2, I dare him to play Sonic '06! A game full of glitches, a bad story, and long 2 minute loading screens! Also, Silver was a piece of shit character and unlike Shadow, never appeared in another mainline game, ever again. I have a feeling the OP only made this shitpost, just to whine about how he sucks balls at the game.


Seriously. Sonic 06 was one of the most disappointing games of all time.


It was so hyped from what I remember. Then the game released and people were like "Wow, this game is such a glitchy mess!".


I remember when the first trailer was released and how crazy the graphics looked compared to the gamecube Sonic era. It was actually the first game I got when I bought my PS3. Was such a letdown, but the graphics were pretty awesome.


Its a shame because Spyro: Enter The Dragonfly also suffered the same fate as Sonic '06 and that was a console generation earlier. The original Spyro the Dragon trilogy on PS1 was great. Having played through the Reignited Trilogy, the games still play fine but some of the cutscenes don't have the same charm to them, as they did on the PS1. Apparently, ETD was rushed and it only has 1 hub world and 8 worlds when it was meant to have like 25 worlds and more than 1 hub world, similar to the first 3 games.


Holy shit I remember Enter the Dragonfly. That game had so many fucking glitches even as a kid I couldn't believe it.


I played it and remember being so disappointed because I really enjoyed the first 3 games made by Insomniac.
