Bully brutality in cinema was really bad, back in 2019!
Was was up with all these movies in 2019 involving bully brutality? It was really bad! You had the damn opening to this and IT: Chapter Two where some youths assault some minorities in their 20s/30s. Then you had Shazam where some shithead teens run over a disabled kid with their car and then fucking proceed to beat the shit out of him. Wow, just wow! Jesus Christ, that's not entertaining at all. It's just sadistic as fuck and not even fun to watch! I can handle it when slashers have people being stabbed and sliced up with blades, but this is not in the same kind of "entertainingly bad fare" when its just innocent people getting beaten up by some sadistic bullies/thugs. The writers can go to Hell!
As brutal and sadistic as the Terrifier movies are with the over the top agonizing slow and painful kills. At least they're not as bad as some piece of shit bullies beating up someone "for teh evulz"!