looper007's Replies

Well it wasn't hard to top, first film aside the last two films were a mess. John Wick trilogy definitely gave action cinema in Hollywood a kick up the ass. Tough to chose which is the best film, I'd go 3,1,2 and that's not a knock on 2 at all as it's a very good action film. But 1 and 3 are top notch. Keanu Reeves just cements himself as the action hero. Didn't they do that woman plays a man thing before with Cate Blanchett as Bob Dylan, and it was the best thing in the film I'm Not There. She pulled of playing a drugged up Dylan in 66 to perfection. Elton John story for a good part of his life would make a great film, although I don't think they be doing a straight ahead biopic with this Rocketman film. He was the biggest solo star in music in the 70's, hid away his sexuality for years and had a bad drug problem for most of the 70's and 80's. As a actress she's very good, and don't think many would dispute that. Not everything she does is great but when she's good she's very good. But she definitely comes off like a very self important and I could imagine she's not the easiest to be around if you are a actor. She seems the type to get upset over anything. That critic thing just mad her come off like a bit of a dick. The Fly (his best performance to date imo) The Big Chill The Invasion of the Body Snatchers Into The Night Igby goes down (one of his most underrated performances and films imo) Silverado The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Annie Hall Deep Cover Nashville The Right Stuff Jurassic Park Goldbulm was probably in three of the best films from 80's and 3 of the best from the 70's too. Nah, the only Marvel filmd for me that come close for me is probably Guardians of the Galaxy, Infinity War or Winter Solider. Endgame is definitely not a 9 for me, I liked it a lot although not quite as much as Infinity War. I go a 8.2 or there about. Definitely nowhere near The Dark Knight. Pretty much nail on the head, all they needed was the Eurythmics "Sisters are doin' it for Themselves" to be playing on the soundtrack to hit the point home. The only moment I cringed throughout the whole film, could imagine Brie Larson hands been all over that scene. Made me feel more for Bok-nam more then anything. For me, Hae-Won was unredeemable at that point for me, horrible selfish character. I think they were trying to redeem her with shopping the gangster to the cops but it didn't work for me, I can understand why the director and writer did it but she did far too many scummy things by that point and she killed off Bok-Nam that I just couldn't like her. I think that was the point they were trying to make that it slams home to Hae-Won that she's forever going to be haunted for her actions and not helping her "Friend". Rightly so, she should suffer for what she did and didn't do. It's all about helping people when they are in need and she didn't help the person who cared about her the most. Top 10 of the best films made in the 80's imo, just amazing that Schrader even got this project made to be honest. I love that mixes Mishima real life with his work's too and flows so perfectly. Bailey's Photography suits the film to the ground, and the set design is just stunning. Also it has one of the greatest and most beautiful soundtracks ever done by Philip Glass. Got the Criterion Collection release of this and it's still as stunning ever. I think it's Schrader's greatest film. I think many will know him from Wes Anderson works, thought he was very good as the father in Rushmore. It was a big role but he left a mark as a loving father who just goes with the flow with his son. But for me I would recommend Minnie & Moskowitz (1971) Faces (1968) In The Soup (1992) (a massively underrated film) Lonesome Jim (2005) Love Streams (1984) Tree Lounge (1996) Basically anything in which he worked with John Cassavettes, Steve Buscemi and Wes Anderson and you get his best stuff. R.I.P. His greatest performance, it's the role that put him on the map for sure. You should check it out, be warned it's a pretty brutal film about Nazi Skinheads in Australia. Romper Stomper (still his greatest performance imo) L.A Confidential Master and Commander Definitely not with this one Rorikon. Well this one sticks out cause it's from a respected indie god in Jim Jarmusch, and it's also well left field from his usual films he does. Plus a cast of Bill Murray, Adam Driver, Danny Glover, Tilda Swinton, Steve Buscemi, RZA, Tom Waits and Zombie Iggy Pop. I'm liking the duo of Murray and Driver and I'm sure this won't be the same Zombie fare with Jarmusch at the helm. I think this might put a bit of life back into the Zombie genre. Film is by the numbers biopic, doesn't make it a bad film to be fair and I came out of the film with a smile. I enjoyed it a ton. Rami Malek performance along with the music makes the film worth watching. It's nowhere near a Best Picture winner imo, I gave it a 8/10. Malek deserved his Best Actor award, he's excellent in this. I think having May and Taylor so heavily involved didn't help the film become a outright classic as they clearly didn't want a negative picture shown of the band or Freddie. It worked for them, the film made nearly 900 million worldwide, that for a non franchise film is amazing business. It's not a classic but it's very good by the dots biopic. I hope Elton John's biopic coming up takes more risks and won't be afraid to show Elton's bad side. Nah he was perfect for the film, the guys a great actor when given the right material. He played the rock star who's lived a tough life and the excesses to a tee. Remember a lot of these washed up singers were/are good looking, look at Jim Morrison for example. I don't know for a while there she was one of the more stunning Hollywood Actresses, I say circa 2009 up to when she start cutting her hair and going for the real tomboyish look is when it went downhill. She's a pretty woman, but different strokes for different folks I guess. It hasn't nothing to do with Margot Robbie to be fair. Besides her Franchise work, Hunger Games would have been a success even if she wasn't in it same for X-Men. None of the non Franchise work which she is front and center have been hits, pretty damning considering she was Harvey Weinstein's last pet project and the way she was pushed early into her career. None of the film's she's been in have been awful, her work with David O. Russell is solid. I still stand by her Oscar win wasn't deserving but with Weinstein machine behind her and Hollywood loving to crown their IT Girls, she was always going to win. But her performance in Silver Lining Playbook is very good. I don't get why she got nommed for American Hustle, didn't think she was that great. Joy was the weakest of her O.Russell films. Serena, had the potential to be great, a well respected Oscar winning European Director Susanne Bier, two stars who had great chemistry in Silver Lining Playbooks and at the height of their fame. But it seemed Bier had problems with the studio and the film had massive problems from the start. I think Lawrence was miscast in this. Passengers is probably her most successful non franchise film grossing over 300 million at the box office. It's got it's fans and also it's haters. Mother! got made cause she was the main star and it was a brave move to do for her. Again the film has it's fan's and haters. Red Sparrow was another film probably to dark and bleak and if she wasn't in it wouldn't have got a wider release. Another brave move for her that didn't pay off. I think her best work is still Winter Bone, a performance she hasn't come close to topping. Maybe it's just me but she doesn't feel comfortable in the A Lister spot, I think she be far better suited in the indie or Oscar type films. Compared to TYMVB it's definitely more light hearted, it's still got a tinge of sadness to it with it's ending. What I love about John Duigan two films is how poetic they are, and he doesn't hide away from showing a darker side to coming of age genre. I agree with you I prefer Flirting too, I think cause I love Thandie Newton and Noah Taylor romance, plus Danny (Taylor) clearly has grown somewhat from the young lad in TYMVB and clearly has grown from his experiences in that film. Shame we didn't get a third film to finish of the trilogy. They can still do it but they have to recast the roles sadly. Shame as it would probably ended with Danny and Thandwie getting together. Plus the setting in Paris in 1968 would be so fitting. I have to disagree with you, I do think T2 doesn't get enough love as I do think it doesn't let down the side. But it was a tough task to top a film that was one of defining films in British cinema. I loved that Danny Boyle went for a different style and feel for the sequel and didn't go for the same feel of the first. I just don't think it flows as well as the first film and story isn't as gripping. The ending is just like the first one but at least Spud has a great ending. The film has plenty of highs especially Ewen Bremmer as Spud. Robert Carlyle as Begbie is given some light and shade besides been just a bastard, with his teenage son. McGregor and Lee Miller give two great performances. Would have been nice to have given Kelly McDonald and Shirley Henderson bigger roles. Anjela Nedyalkova gave a good performance. The soundtrack was probably not as era defining as the first one but it still had some great songs on there. Give it a few years and I think time will be kinder to this film. Both men have given me some of the best film's in my lifetime. And both are legends but it doesn't mean they don't deserve criticism when a turn out a not so great film. Scorsese hasn't really made a stone cold classic imo since Casino. A lot will disagree with that. I think Bringing Out The Dead and Silence are two of his most underrated works, especially Silence which is a fantastic film. The Departed and Wolf of Wall Street are his two best Di Caprio works. But Di Caprio is no prime Di Niro or Day Lewis for me. Hopefully The Irishman will be a return to god like greatness for him. Spielberg for me is a different story. His last few films for me have been very meh, Ready Player One, The Post and BFG. Wouldn't crack top 10 Spielberg. I really like Bridge of Spies, one of his more underrated works. Lincoln is worth it for Day Lewis performance alone. War Horse is fine. I love Adventures of Tin Tin, another one that doesn't get enough love. Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, I won't say anymore lol. For me personally his best works from 00's have been Munich (his most gritty work) and Catch me if You Can, both those are classic Spielberg, throw in Minority Report, Bridge of Spies and Adventures of Tin Tin and A.I. He hasn't made a truly awful film but a lot of his work won't be remembered like his 90's, 80's and 70's work. Really one of Arnie's more underrated films, it's less action packed and more a police thriller mixed with buddy comedy. But it's directed by Walter Hill (who was at his very best in the late 70's and 80's) and with a top supporting cast of Peter Boyle, Gina Gershon, Laurence Fishbourne, Richard Bright and Brion James. Great Villain in Ed O'Ross and Arnie and Jim Belushi make a good double act. Lacks the OTT action of most Arnie 80's classic's and I can see why some don't like it, but it definitely make Arnie's top 10 list imo.