MovieChat Forums > looper007 > Replies
looper007's Replies
Definitely a important film of it's time been the first time a X rated film won Best picture.
It be tame for today's audience but two fantastic central performances from Voight and Hoffman, a film that's pretty downbeat even for today and a fantastic soundtrack by John Barry. Well worth getting the recent Criterion Collection release.
Warrior is the guy's version of a chick flick in way. I agree I think it's the Rocky of this generation. The ending of the film doesn't have you tearing up I don't know what will.
Locke is definitely one of his greatest performances, even in some ways I'd put it before his role in Bronson. It's a tougher role to play in way. Plus acting for 90 minutes with him been the only actor on screen and holding their attention for the whole time is tough to do and he did it.
It's a tough call for me, I agree that Bronson probably get's the nod. I just love the soundtrack, the gritty feel and Hardy's performance. Chopper is fantastic but I think it loses it's way a bit in the third act.
I think it's a fantastic film, it has flaws (even though the first half hour of the film could have been cut imo, just the camera work, just epic scope of it is must see). But some great performances from Christopher Walken, John Hurt, Isabelle Huppert, Kris Kristofferson, Sam Waterston (damn he plays a right bastard in this) and Jeff Bridges. A fantastic and underrated soundtrack, some of the most stunning cinematography you are ever likely to see, the set design is top notch. Amazing that Cimino even got this made, it's such a downbeat subject and pretty much a non commercial film. I don't think even a Christopher Nolan and all his power would get a film like this made today.
You have to see the longer version to get the real justice from this film. As I said it's not perfect but it's a lot better then it's reputation.
Definitely agree Yonkers, amazing to think Bronson was only made for like 2 million as it looks like a more expensive film. I think the difference with Hardy and Bana, is that Hardy lived up to the potential set by his performance in Bronson. I don't think Bana has come close to his role in Chopper or has made a film as good imo. He's had a solid film career but has he had a performance as good as Chopper since, I don't think he has.
But agree they'd make a great double bill. Which one do you think is the better film Yonkers?
No way, he just needs to find some proper acting roles and avoid the franchises for a while. Get back to what made him one of the best acting talents out there.
He's got so many. He's not called one of the best actors of his generation for nothing.
Stuart A Life Backwards
The Drop
Peaky Blinders
The Dark Knight Rises
The Revenant
Mad Max Fury Road
For me his three greatest performances are in Bronson, Legend and Locke, three totally different roles but both amazing. Locke is just him for 90's minutes driving talking to people on a phone. But it's so gripping that you totally get stuck into it and that's thanks to Hardy.Legend, he gives two excellent performances as the Kray Twins. Bronson is his break out role and probably the one he's remembered for. He was awesome in The Revenant. Also his Bane in Dark Knight Rises has aged brilliantly really.
He's done some great work since then, 12 years a Slave and Steve Jobs he got two Oscars nods for those roles. Both of them excellent films. Frank is one of his greatest performances. Macbeth is one of his most underrated performances. Slow West and Trespass Agaisnt Us are another two great roles.
It's just he's stopped doing those smaller indie or serious films to do the franchise work and his more serious acting roles that he's done here or there haven't really connected.
Even the dislikers of those films always cite Fassbender as the best thing in those films. Even in X-Men, he's definitely nowhere near the worse things in those films. He was awesome in First class.
You could put down The Snowman and especially Assassin's Creed to him. But not every actor has great films all the time.
He's definitely gone into a slump. I just don't think he's a blockbuster type of actor. He's at his best when doing more indie personal work.
I think he's the best thing in those Prometheus films by a good distance. He was fantastic in X-Men: First Class but that film was really centered around Magneto. The others not so much so, but Future Past is probably the best X-Men film imo. Assassin's Creed just didn't work at all. The Snowman was a disaster from the get go. Dark Phoenix has got bad reviews. But to be fair to Fassbender he was signed on to do those X-Men and Alien Franchises so he had to do them.
He's done bad stuff even during his golden run, Jonah Hex, Blood Creek, The Counselor. But he needs another Hunger, Shame, Frank, Steve Jobs, Macbeth type role just to stop this lean period.
As has been said before this isn't a straight ahead biopic about Elton John's life. It's a Fantasy musical as much as anything else and that's what makes it special for me. It tries something different and doesn't hold back from the wild times and addictions of John. I like to see what cruise ship you'd be on if you see this on it lol.
It's not a show for everyone, people probably went in expecting a funny comedy about a Hitman becoming a actor with Bill Hader doing his funny stuff mixing with crazy characters. But what they got is a slow burning, very very dark comedy that's more dark violent drama, with a lot of unlikable characters and the main one been a cold blooded killer who's killed both innocent and bad people. It was bound to pick up people who don't like that.
For me it's fantastic.
It hid the body of Detective Moss, the cop that Barry killed at the end of Season 1.
I have to disagree with you I think Sarah Goldberg as Sally is fantastic. She's self absorbed, cruel and isn't as good a actress as she think's she is but you still feel for her and she at times show's she cares for Barry in her own way.
It reminds of another dark comedy/drama called Fleabag, written and starring Phoebe Waller-Bridge (creator of Killing EVE). Not that show is about an hired killer or has a ton of killing in it, just that it's far more dramatic then comedic for large parts of the show and all of the characters are so human, in the sense that they are unlikable and not always nice.
Especially Barry, he's a cold blooded killer who's murdered innocent people as well as some bad ones.But he clearly has a side to him that cares and wants to do better. Sally, in any other series she be seen as the prize at the end of the rainbow for our main character. But in this she can be amazingly selfish and cruel and at times it's always about herself instead of others. But she clearly cares for Barry and has good to her. Gene, is another who really is all about himself and also only has a acting school to boost his ego. But it's clear he cares for his pupils. Fuches went from someone who cared for Barry in a way to becoming someone set out to destroy him and become his main villain.
It's a pretty damn bleak show at times and doesn't hold back. And I love it for it.
One of the better franchises out there to be fair, all the films are excellent and gave action cinema in Hollywood a much needed kick in the backside. Great to see it grow from strength to strength. Plus Keanu Reeves is awesome and a good guy. Bring on part 4.
Sorry mate, but Dunkirk is a masterpiece imo. I can see why some might not like it as it's not about the characters but the event itself and it was a nice change of pace.
It's a totally different type of film to be fair, it's more fantasy musical then a straight ahead biopic then Rhapsody. I really loved both films but I give the nod to Rocketman, just cause it did something different and didn't hold back from the sex and drugs and Elton's diva behavior something that Rhapsody did for me.
I don't think it make the money that Rhapsody did, just think when Mercury died that Queen were still at their peak as a band and that has helped Queen's fanbase grow through many generations. Elton has released some iffy stuff and some good stuff since his early 70's pomp plus he's still around today.
I think Rocketman will probably age better as it mixes up the straight ahead biopic and does something different with it and that it doesn't hold back on the rock n roll drugs, sex and mayhem of John's life.
Taron Egerton did mention it in a interview with Jonathan Ross a year before the film was released that it was going to be fantasy/musical biopic based loosely on John's life.So I wasn't expecting a straight ahead biopic and that what makes the film even better for me. I think as a film it's probably better then Bohemian Rhapsody for that reason (I really liked that film) and it didn't hold back from John's drug, sex fueled pomp something that Rhapsody did especially on Mercury's sexuality.
Definitely mid 2000's is at her peak before she started to lose weight, she's not a bad looking woman now. But at the time of Closer, Garden State era, she was legit one of the most beautiful actresses around.