Here I come. Hem (skip if keeping it real isn’t worth your time lol)...
She's self-righteous and humorless
Boy, you’ve been listening to too much of that anti-diversity, anti-feminist, anti-human decency, anti-reality propaganda coming from butthurt right wingers they got you seeing and hearing things that aren’t there. Either that or she does come off that way
to you. Not enough smiling? Oh boy. We’re clearly seeing different things.
That said, if preaching what she does makes her self-righteous, then that makes her and so many other outspoken broad minded people in her industry (and frankly, around the whole country) self-righteous as well. And you know what? GOOD. Knowing the kind of people (toxic masculinity whincels and the Laura Ingrahams of the world) that become furious over what those like Brie stand for and speak out against makes me say... keep triggering these chuds, Brie! What’s more, I also say it’s a relief these “out of touch” famous faces like Brie don’t share the same beliefs as the Faux News crowd and won’t stay quiet to appease them; the only celeb voices that should be heard to according to these Brie haters are the real intolerant ones -- a reality show host demagogue is their king after all.
Funny though, remember how Brie’s fellow Avengers co-star, ScarJo, became a big target for said whincels for daring to speak truth to power and speak unkindly about the aforementioned demagogue? (She has, of course, been on this group’s shit list for several years now.) I do. And make no mistake about it... although Ms. Johansson is currently not on their radar they still go after her (“left wing fruitcake!”), especially when she has the audacity to say something that’s too ”SJW”. However, since Brie has been much more outspoken with her anti-social injustice views (hey, Chris Evans has been doing the same for years!) and has thrown real facts out there, misinformation-spreading whincels (“she hates white men!!”) were ‘course going to go after her like they go after any woman who ruthlessly tells it like it really is and stands up for the rights of others. Unsurprisingly, this whincel hate crowd is currently losing their minds over another public figure that doesn’t take ANY shit from their kind: AOC.
While U may not seem to hold a grudge against Brie like others that have been attempting to smear her do, obviously she rubs you the wrong way for a few similar reasons the scummy whincels have made her their biggest celeb target. But go on and believe (or feel the same way as) everything these legit bigots are saying about her. Poor thing. Where exactly are reports like “Avengers cast hates Brie” & “She’s difficult to work with” coming from anyway? Hint: they originated from and are being spread around by those that feel seriously threatened by Brie and are obsessed with her. Yes, dem 4Chan dwellers that can’t stop putting out hate videos of her on YouTube every damn day. Videos full of lies, deceit, butthurt, pure misogyny, and criticism directed at literally every single thing she does (the way she fucking breathes gets negatively pointed out—I see you Games and Geeks or whatever the hell that punk goes by). In short, pathetic lowlife incels are behind it.
Now unless VERIFIABLE reports come out that show she’s smug, unpleasant to be around, and has done genuinely bad things (saying things that offend white nationalists and super sensitive right wingers isn’t remotely bad), then by all accounts she’s not bad... at all. All this negativity surrounding her only exists thanks to fake news-spreading reich losers that want her to shut up and disappear. Well, she isn’t going anywhere. And even if she WAS difficult to work with, I’m sure those complaining about this don’t hold any double standards. Nope, not at all! In closing, toxic reactionary whincel voices are loud on the internet, but fortunately they’ll ultimately never represent the majority. Cheers.