MovieChat Forums > looper007 > Replies
looper007's Replies
I think it could be superhero burnout after Avenger's: Endgame and how big and awesome that was, anything been released after that was bound to be a comedown. You could say Wolverine or Deadpool, two of X-Men world's biggest character's in today's world weren't in it. I think the slight disappointment of Apocalypse probably took the wind of the great work done by First Class and Days of Future Past. They were following two great X-Men films in the underrated Deadpool 2 and the masterpiece that was Logan, so it needed to be great and the reviews weren't. Focusing on the least interesting characters in the cast maybe didn't help also.
It's a shame the 2nd generation cast went out on such a damp squid of a film, i thought Michael Fassbender was a great Magneto, and his turn in First Class was the best acting in these run of films. Mcavoy was a great Professor X. Nicholas Hoult was very good as Beast. I think the casting of Jennifer Lawrence was probably a bit of a stumbling block to the franchise, the fact when they cast her she wasn't the big name she became and the following films had to put her front and center. Not her fault to be fair. But she didn't help that greatly with the box office. I stand by that First Class is one of the more underrated superhero films, and Days of Future Past one of the best. After that it went meh for me.
I wish they went for a more Sicario just bleak take on trouble's in Mexico or went straight out as a actioner cut around 25 minutes out of the film to make it flow better, they just got stuck in the middle with it and it just didn't pay off for me. I personally would have gone with maybe Ben Affleck's character turning on Isaac and the other's and maybe leaving them for dead and them going after him, I was waiting for Affleck to go full on bad guy. But for the cast it had it should have been a lot better then just a passable netflix film that will probably end up been unwatched in a year or two time at the end of the action section. The cast were solid, Oscar Isaac been the main stand out. But I probably go 4/10. Which is a shame.
I gave to disagree with you on the Garbage part, it's no Heat or The Usual suspects but it was a pretty damn enjoyable watch. 2hrs 15mins running time was probably too long and could have been 1hr 40mins and it would have been just as good. I thought the performances all round were good, especially O'Shea Jackons Jnr. The twist got me and really notched the film up a mark just for that alone. I didn't think it go down that route.
But it definitely went for to homage Heat, with Butler cop character, having a bad marriage and married to the Job and Pablo Schreiber's robber character been like De Niro's thief, been professional at this Job. Also the opening shoot out and ending shoot out were a knock off of Heat. As I said not a patch on Heat, but I'd give a 7.3.
I've seen 10/10 women with guys many would consider out of their league. But as you said it might be something attractive about them to those people and not just all about looks and if the person looks like a model. Not everything is about looks, and for those saying he's ugly. I love to see what these guys are like to take pot shots at Ritter's husband, most likely none of them are oil paintings themselves I bet.
No put they are fucking stupid threads. Are you some oil painting to take points shots at him. Grow the hell up.
1492 is really a underrated film. One of Scott's neglected masterpieces imo.
Last of The Mohican's is up there probably alongside Heat as Mann's best work. Shame that Daniel Day Lewis didn't do more action roles as he slipped into it here quite easily. Wes Studi is a great villain who you buy his reason for his actions. Madeleine Stowe English accent aside, did a fine job. Wonderful soundtrack. And it has one of the best endings ever involving Russell Mean's turning into a bad ass and just destroying Studi, who doesn't even get a lick in at all. Some of the best cinematography too you are likely to see.
Michael Mann at his peak was one of the best around.
Lawrence of Arabia
Judgement At Nuremberg
The Godfather II
Barry Lydon
The Deer Hunter
Fanny And Alexander
The Right stuff
Once Upon A Time In America
Malcolm X
Blue is The Warmest Color
Seven Samurai
These are all in my top 100 Films of All Time list. Amazing how many excellent over 3 hour films there is.
Fair play to him, and we need to stop with these stupid threads about someone spouse been too ugly or good looking for them. As long as she's happy and is enjoying life that's all that matters really.
In terms of her Hollywood career, maybe not. She did fine in Braveheart and really stood out looks wise. She was probably at her hottest as the Villain in Bond film The World is Not Enough. Firelight is her best non French work imo. I Liked her in A Midsummer Night's Dream with Kevin Kline, Christian Bale and Sam Rockwell. Some of her choices in her non French work after that was questionable. Alex And Emma, a rom com with Kate Hudson, Lost and Found with David Spade. She never really got to spread her wings as a actress and was just used for her beauty.
Even before she hit Hollywood, her French film career was in it's 15th year by the time she did Braveheart. She was acting since she was 14. She made her name with The Party in 1980, which got a sequel two years later. Those films were big hits for her and made her a star in France. She then did Fort Saganne in 1984 with Gerard Depardieu and Catherine Deneuve. She then had a hit with Happy Easter with French legend Jean Paul Belmondo. At the age of 18, her first four films were big hits. She then began to show her acting chops and show she was more then just a pretty face, with her future partner Andrzej Zulawski (he was 45, she 19. But they were together for 15 years and had a son). She did L'amour Braque with Gerard Depardieu. Then another film with Depardieu in the excellent Police (1985), she's great in that.
Her Work from that point onwards, is give and take really most are below her talents and she happily settled into Romantic films, with probably her standout film been Revenge of The Musketeers in 1994 (better then it's 5.9 rating on IMDB). I think 2008 is her last best year, with Female Agents and LoL (remade in U.S with Miley Cyrus) after that she's just coasting. Early to mid 80's is peak Marceau.
Cost far too much money and most of them pretty much flop at the box office, which is a risk the studios don't want to take. Remember Al Pacino's Revolution, a film that deserves more love then it gets. It's not perfect but not as bad as it's rep would make you believe. That film was a flop at the box office and scared a lot of studios away from those type of films.
Definitely his best performance probably alongside Born On the 4th of July. I disagree with someone on this thread who said he's not much of a actor. The guy can act up a storm but he's far more into been a Star. He should have won that Oscar and am surprised at this time in his life that he's not going for more meatier roles as well as the big blockbusters.
Look at her co-star/ex boyfriend Robert Pattinson, he's now considered one of the best actors around and his filmography is pretty damn great, and that's not throwing in the lead role in Christopher Nolan's new film and him been cast as Batman. I just think Pattinson has just done it better then Stewart has in way. He's chosen meaty lead or supporting roles that have shown his acting range. His role is the Claire Denis High Life, one of the films of the year for me, is excellent. I think most of Stewart's post Twilight roles just aren't game changing stuff imo.
I do think she's better then many give her credit for and some of her work is underrated. I even liked her in Adventureland but I remember people just crapping on her performance in it. She needs something like a Good Time type of role like Pattinson did that just blows people away. I liked Personal Shopper and Cloud of Sils Maria, but they are the type of films that will split people down the middle. Some think they are pretentious and some who love it.
Personal Shopper and Clouds of Sils Maria, are probably two of her more well known acting work and probably her best work to date. I think many would consider both in their top 3 of her best work.
There will be blood, and nothing comes close. It's probably the greatest American film of the last twenty years or so for me.
You won't go wrong either with Phantom Thread, The Last of The Mohicans, My Left Foot, In The Name of The Father and My Beautiful Laundrette, A Room with a View and The Unbearable Lightness of Being. In terms of just the films been straight out fantastic those are his best.
Gangs of New York is worth watching just for Day Lewis and the locations. I don't think Scorsese quite got that film right which is a shame. Lincoln is a bit of a drag just worth it for Day Lewis. The Boxer is enjoyable enough, not Day Lewis greatest turn and probably his weakest in his Jim Sheridan trilogy. Nine, I felt he was miscast in that one. The Crucible is solid same with The Ballad of Jack and Rose. The Bounty is fine.
I say his weakest work along with Nine is probably Stars and Bars and Eversmile, New Jersey. I think Day Lewis learned quick enough after those films that Comedy and him don't mix well. But overall, he's had a pretty top notch career.
He's a guy who picks scripts for how much money they make in the box office then the quality of film imo. He's not into the art of cinema rather making the big box office takings. Even his worst action films make money and people still flock to see them. I'd like to see him start doing his own Predator, Commando, Die hard adult action films instead of action films for kids, not one of his films will be looked on fondly like Arnie's action output is. It's a shame as he is talented and charismatic but it's all about the green for him.
Philip Kaufman at his peak was the master of a long running film. He reminds me of Paul Thomas Anderson in a way. He made such European cinema like films in a way, he didn't feel like like an American filmmaker. To get films like The Unbearable Lightness of Being and Henry & June even Quills made by American studios deserve plaudits. He's got a few masterpieces under his belt, like The Right Stuff, Invasion of The Body Snatchers, The Wanderers and The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Films like Henry & June and Quills are flawed but definitely better then most directors films. Also check out The White Dawn and The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid, two underrated earlier films made by Kaufman. Some of his later work isn't the strongest.
A undervalued and underrated film director who deserves more love then he gets. The Right Stuff for me is the greatest American film of the 80's.
You should check out his recent works as he's been knocking it out of the park. Good Time, High Life, Lost City of Z, The Rover, Life, Damsel in Distress and recent film The Lighthouse which he's been getting some of his greatest reviews. The guy is far better actor then Twilight films suggest. He's about to be the lead in the new Christopher Nolan film, so him playing Batman shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, the haters need to get on board and forget about Twilight as those days are long gone of him been just another pretty boy actor.
We don't know if he's working out behind the scenes as we speak, look how Christian Bale did it in such a small amount of time when he did The Machinist and to getting into shape for Batman Begins, which is just crazy how he did it. Same for Daniel Craig when he did Casino Royale. So a few months of hardcore training and he will get himself into top shape.
I think higher 6's and lower 7's would be the right rating for it as a film on IMDB rating. It definitely didn't need to be 2hrs 12 mins long and I would have cut off 30 mins and made it flow faster and it probably would have made it a more enjoyable film imo, and it's just standard meat and potatoes filmmaking, not a game charger or all time classic like Arthur Penn's Oscar winner Bonnie & Clyde film. But it's worth it for Costner and Harrelson performances alone, and is a one watch and done film. I'd personally love to see a Texas Ranger film about the early days unless they've done films based on them, sounds like it was a wild bloody time.
If you go through most of these best of 70's lists you definitely see why I think the 70's produced the best films. You get over 20 all times classics in one year. You should check out every film on the list, definitely recommend them all.