Celia's Mum Jax (spoilers)

Rewatching the film again a few years after not seen it. Celia's mum and Paul ex, Jackie a.k.a Jax always strikes as one of more tragic characters in the film.

She's a woman who's probably been through a few bad relationships and choice of men isn't great, stuck in a town and job that doesn't overly excite her. She's kind of worn down by life. In comes her old beau Paul, someone she clearly holds a candle for still and probably had the best days of her life with. She tries to relive those days but Paul isn't the same person and those memories that meant so much to Jax and that she probably relived in her head. Paul barely remembers. The scene when Paul forgets about their fake band name, clearly breaks her heart as she sees the times with him she holds so dear barely register with him. Also you can tell sexually, Jax don't stand a chance with Paul anymore.

Sleeping with Paul's dad is never really bought up much in the film in terms of Paul/Jax. One of nitpicks of the film is you don't get a sense of that betrayal or disgust he would have towards her. He seems very cool towards her. Maybe cause as his brother said, he blocks it out. Maybe cause it bought Celia into his life that he can forgive her that cause his little sister means the world to him. Or maybe he's just seen too much shit in the world that he just can't hold that grudge. She was dumb kid taken advantage by a older man, Paul didn't mean that much to her then but as time went on she knew she had it good with him. But you can tell with the hug at the end before the last flashback and that he still cares for her.

She's a interesting character. Any other details I missed out on.
