AvaSinatra59's Replies

Eddie Mueller screened this on TCM's Noir Alley the other night. He stated that Huston told Claire Trevor her voice would be dubbed in, so she sang it without stressing too much. Don't know which to believe, but they're both good stories! I hear you, but check him out in this 1985 interview. He's funny and down to Earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjpU06LSpow I agree with you about Christie's acting style, but it matches the characters she played in those days. Compare them with her role/acting style in "Heaven Can Wait". Most definitely. He lived it out for real two years earlier, during the filming of, of all things, The Bible. You're welcome. "You're prettier, too." She was married to Bryan Brown, whom she met making The Thorn Birds, the year before. I doubt it, but they did look very comfortable together. Agreed. Jake is much nicer - all around - than Whit (Sterling) in "Out of the Past". Great analysis. Thank you. Thank you. Yes, he was. Glad Sonny felt that way, because what ensued is one of my favorite scenes in the film, especially when he deigns to bit Carlo's hand, which I believe Caan adlibbed. Yes. The only other one I can think of, although it's much more protracted, is the opening scene of Citizen Kane. Great observation. Thank you. Stripes were also worn by (male) prisoners. I don't believe whatever they said was spoken in English, so I don't believe we were meant to know exactly what was said. I suppose it was something along the lines of them being out after curfew. (As a colonized land, there most likely would have been a curfew in place for the native people.) They were not put under arrest for anything. Just given a warning about the curfew. Thanatos and Eros. Agreed. I think it ties into the fact that she left the knife where she found it, right outside her door. She fondled it longingly when she first encountered it, like it was a way out. Revenge on the cheating spouse, is another, although not in respect to The Letter. Agreed. Agreed. He bought an old, broken-down one because the last thing anyone would think was inside was a million dollars. Also, since he'd gotten away with it he had a lot of hubris, and it did him in, just like Icarus. Thanks. Just looked it up on imdb and it looks great, if this photo is any indication: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0508282/mediaviewer/rm4257578496