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Techto's Replies

Sure - she was pretty and warm-hearted. 1. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys 2. Santa Claus is Comin' to Town 3. A Charlie Brown Christmas 4. Year Without a Santa Claus 5. (tie) How the Grinch Stole Christmas / Frosty the Snowman As a kid I was surprised to learn that Mrs.Claus’ first name was “Jessica”. I would have thought it would have been something more Germanic given the apparent ethnicity/culture if her town. And, yes, I was dismayed to see she’d lost her svelte figure. She was a smokeshow as the kids say today. Even watching it as a child in the early 70s I thought it was a little unusual for a stranger to be requesting kisses for presents. Of course, I couldn’t conceive that the adult might find the kisses sexually gratifying and I think that’s the wrong interpretation anyway. I think it’s a mistake to censor older art forms. A parent could simply explain to a concerned child that those were simpler times when people’s minds didn’t immediately go to thoughts of pederasty when an adult requested a kiss from a child. It’s, as they say, a teachable moment. I think it’s open to interpretation. The obvious answer is the Islamo-Judeo-Christian God but it could be that he preciously worshipped a Wiccan god and required the intermediation of that deity to tap his former powers. As long as she comes across as contrite after release. If Martha Stewart could make a comeback, I don’t see why she can’t make, at least, a partial recovery. I doubt she’ll be the queen of Hallmark holiday movies anymore, though. But, in truth, she was getting a little old to play the romantic lead anyway. Agreed. I prefer Logan’s Run but there is the suggestion in the film, I think, that the android Box is capturing escapees (runners), flash-freezing them and feeding them to the dome dwellers. So the two films have a cannibalism connection. I saw it in the theater when I was 10 with my mom. I really enjoyed it and was not disturbed by the violence or imagery. I don’t recall seeing the flashes of nudity in Box’s cave, however. I wonder if I missed it or the censors had removed it for the theatrical run. The only movie I remember seeing with my mother that had actual nudity - and a rape scene at that - was Excalibur. Yeah, I agree that the SFX are a mixed bag. But I think the Sandmen’s blasters, the hologram of Logan and plastic surgery robot are still pretty impressive. Overall I think the movie holds up pretty well. I like the movie’s asthetic. Good answers however I think Logan directly aims his blaster at the computer at one point. So its destruction wasn’t completely accidental. I also think it’s plausible that Box was flash freezing the runners he caught as an alternative food source for the inhabitants of the domed city after the fish stocks ran out. He notes that this new food source began to arrive after the old source gave out. It’s not clear if Box was merely stockpiling humans or making deliveries of this protein source. Shades of Soylent Green. Yeah she looked lovely in “Logan’s Run” (1976). I approve of women’s fashion in 2274. The early incarnation of The Fonz. Unfortunately his character became became a self-parody after the first few seasons. Wow, workplace behavior doesn’t get more inappropriate than that. The man was a walking legal liability. Yes, indeed. She was the only reason I ever caught an episode of M&M. The show “jumped the shark” right out of the gate. It’s always been hit or miss but it’s best years are far behind it. After seeing her when she isn’t made up, it’s hard to view her the same way. I now think of her as wearing clown make-up. OP has chosen to focus on the sexual aspect but it was a form of nepotism/corruption. Her start in politics was disreputable; that is a matter of public record. Well that certainly helps to explain it! Should have gone for Rebecca Ferguson, though I doubt she’d have him.