MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) Discussion > Better than the original but...

Better than the original but...

Not as good as Batman V Superman or Justice League


That’s a neat trick, given that the original was better than both of the dogs that you name.


Lol, right.


HOW exactly is this better? This first was entertaining, this one is kinda plodding


This film had an anti Trump vibe to it. Thats why it was better than the original


not all of us care about any politics...

this movie was very weak. the entire premise sucked, was boring, achieved dullness. original felt way way WAY better. what s completely dumb story this was.

Would love to spoil it to save people time, but I won't. they'll know what I mean after they watch it, or some of it.


More like an anti-man, anti-80s vibe to it. Was everyone an idiot in the 80s in the USA !


Like now most were.


anti trump vibe has no correlation to the quality of the movie, cmon now....


no, the original WW was better.

BvS > WW > WW84 > JL


Dammit I'm entitled to my own opinion. I loved the anti Trump message within this film


I loathe Trump but blatant political commentary in an escapist film sounds tiresome.


OrAnGe MaN BaD


Better than the original but...

Not as good as Batman V Superman or Justice League


dear lord there is so much wrong here....

Ok, lets break this down

Better than the original means......WW84 over WW1

yet, Not as good as Batman V Superman or Justice League means.....BvS and JL over BOTH WW1 and WW84

Now I have not seen WW84 yet but I have seen WW1, JL and BvS

and The very thought that anyone could honestly watch The Biggest creative failure in Hollywood history in BvS, a film that is universally regarded as LITERALLY one of the worst CBMs ever made and truly believe its a better film in ANYWAY than WW1 is just beyond comprehension to me...

and then we have the Stunner that you also believe that Justice League(A Frankenstein Monster that Is NOT an Actually "MOVIE" instead its just a series of scenes edited together to fit a 2 hour run time) is also better than WW1, WOW!

BvS and JL are literally 2 of the worst films ever made.....wait....Thats not a correct statement.

again Justice League isnt actually a "film"

and I need to be more specific with BvS, Because BvS(The Theatrical Cut) is 1 of the worst films ever made, The biggest creative failure in Hollywood history and Literally The single Most MOCKED film in history

BvS The Ultimate cut though is just a Truly awful film but IMO and based on the consensus, Its improved enough to eliminate it from "The worst Movies ever" lists

Now, I completely understand everyone is entitled to their opinions but I must say I find your opinion that BvS and JL are better Than WW1 pretty stunning

PS, I'm also freely admitting that I may be Biased here, as BOTH BvS and JL were 2 of my most anticipated movies ever and I'm still Quite angry that WB Let Snyder ruin 2 "once in a lifetime" films like BvS and JL

But I got to say based on the Overwhelming Majority consensus of how Great WW1 and How AWFUL BOTH BvS and JL, Maybe I'm not biased


You are saying the DCEU is a massive failure? Quite the opposite. Sounds more like you are biased because you're more of a Marvel fan. Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne are the 2 most recognized superhero names while not in character. How can you think Tony Stark and Steve Rogers are more widely known? The DCEU is no failure. You drinking too much on Christmas?


He didn't even mention ONCE Marvel, what are you smoking?

And yeah, lately DCEU IS a massive failure ... JL, WW84, Birds of Prey, BvS Theatrical they all suck. Plain and simple. And the shows? OMG. With the exception of Gotham which is semidecent the others are ... beyond bad ...

So yeah, DCEU is pretty much a failure right now, the heroes are well known not because of the quality of today representation but because past interpretations (Superman, The Dark Knight, etc).


He sounds like a huge fan of Marvel. Did you know Aquaman 2 will be coming out? The DCEU will continue to grow. Sounds like you are drinking way to much today like the other poster


You sound like a butt hurt hardcore fan that would eat and defend any turd under the DCEU umbrella.

Unfortunately i'm NOT drinking too much today. Not yet.

And we are not discussing unreleased movies. Might be a great movie might be a turd like all other releases from the last years.


You are saying the DCEU is a massive failure


Yes Unequivocally, Not only a failure but DEAD!

Most of the actors have been recast and replaced.

Most of The movies of been Rebooted and Thrown out(WW84)

4 Different "Bosses" were hired and fired during The "4 years" of DCEU /

tell were where you see the DCEU?

The rebooted new The Batman? with A New actor Playing Batman?

Wonder Woman 1984 where The director is on record saying she intentionally set the movie in 1984 so they cant ignore everything in JL and The DCEU and where she basically Rebooted the character in The movie?

The Suicide Squad? New Director, New cast, No Will Smith, WB on record that its A "Soft Reboot" to investors

Joker? Recast, Not set in the same universe

Aquaman? Literally one throw away line about Steppinwolf, Other than that it is its OWN movie, The director is on record saying he ONLY sign on to direct the film If he had Final Cut approval so WB couldnt screw up the film in Post Production

Shazam? lol A Headless Superman because WB knows Cavill is out lol

Yes The DCEU is a Failure and I mean DCEU has Snyders DCEU or The films during Snyder Disastrous reign....MOS, BvS, SS, WW, JL and Aquaman......

4 of these 6 films were universally hated by the majority and under performed badly at the box office causing unprecedented damage to the characters and brands

during this time Snyder Literally KILLED a proven Billion + character in Batman, in Just 2 films Snyder Literally damaged The characters earning potential by almost 50%

Snyders take on Superman badly damaged the character and caused The character and Movies to not even remotely reach their potential...

Synders Dark,Depressing,and colorless tones were universally hated and caused Untold damages to the films, characters and brand....This is why WB badly interfered in each films post production after BvS trying to "Lighten The tones" and add Humor, This is why WB kept Firing "Bosses" after BvS came out, This is why WB fired and hired New "Bosses" after Suicide Squad and JL came out...

Snyder didnt just cause MOS, BvS, JL and SS to fail....HE KILLED potential Franchises

Avengers is the single biggest box office draw in the history of Box office.

Its the only franchise ever to have 2 film top the 2 Billion + mark

have 3 films open over 200 M+

and have 3 films top 600 Million + domestically

Justice League absolutely had "avengers potential"

Justice League could have been a Franchise where WB made 3 to 5 films over the next 10 years making 1 to 2 Billion + per film, Justice League could have made WB 7 to 10 Billion dollars over the next decade like Avengers did for Disney

Instead Justice League is DEAD after only 1 film and WB Lost over 60 Million making the film!

BvS was predicted by every box office analyst to make at MINIMUM 1 Billion + and Most thought it had 1.5 Billion + potential

WB greenlit BvS with a Budget of 250 M+ and ended up ballooning to 400 MILLION+..

In the end, BvS made 860 Million after its collapsed after OW due to "Poisonous" Word Of Mouth, resulting in WB netting only 100 Million in Profit

for comparison, Disney Netted over 500 Million in Profit from The Avengers.

Or another example, Civil War, A movie that came out at the exact same time as BvS, had The exact same "Hero vs Hero" concept, Made 1 .1 Billion + and Netting Disney over 300 Million + in profit

Now for the Ultimate example to prove the depths of BvS's failures...

The last 2 Batman films that featured ONLY Batman BOTH topped the 1 Billion + mark.

and Yet In BvS you had a film that featured the first ever cinematic Meeting of Batman and Superman and featured The Debut of Wonder Woman and This film failed to reach 900 Million let alone 1 Billion

somehow Snyder managed to LOSE Audiences, Batman was a proven Billion + characters by HIMSELF, But Snyder Gets Batman,Superman in the same movie and screws it up so horrifically, He Literally LOSES audiences! He makes a film so horrible that he cant even get JUST the people who saw ONLY the Batman movies to show up


Yes....The DCEU was a Unprecedented failure...Literally the biggest creative failure in Hollywood

Justice League and The Franchise that wasnt is the biggest missed opportunity in Hollywood history....In the hands on a good director Justice League could have been a 1.5 Billion+ film that started a Franchise where WB made 3 to 5 films over the next decade netting WB 10 Billion....

Instead WB left it in the hands of Snyder and he KILLED it after only 1 Film

Sounds more like you are biased because you're more of a Marvel fan.


I'm a life long comic collector and reader of BOTH Marvel and DC

I'm not biased toward either....

But I do admit, I'm angry toward DC/WB....

again for Me, BOTH BvS and JL were among my most anticipated movies ever...

when you read comics like I do and You are literally getting ready to watch something you DREAMED OF like a Justice League film or BvS....something 10 years ago I didnt think was possible...

and Then you Literally watch IMO 2 of the worst possible films ever made....for Me thats unforgivable...

I have the opinion, That we actually got the absolute worst possible movies...

and what I mean is, If 15 different director made BvS and JL....we'd get some good versions and some bad versions...

But I honestly believe, No director could have made a worse film than Snyder did....

any director who directed BvS could have screwed it up, but I'm convinced No director could have made a worse film than Snyder did...

So for me, Thats very hard to get literally have a DREAM movie and watch it and come away thinking, "That was the worst possible version of that movie"

But I'm not biased toward DC....

Joker and The Dark Knight are in my top 5 greatest CBMS of all time....

I love TDKR, Batman Begins, Wonder Woman

I even like Aquaman and Man of Steel(although I feel it has some huge problems)

Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne are the 2 most recognized superhero names while not in character. How can you think Tony Stark and Steve Rogers are more widely known?


this is odd statement, I dont remember saying anything about this....

But lets break it down

1st I Will 100% agree Bruce/Batman and Superman/Clark are the 2 biggest names and superheros on earth....again Thats why BvS is such a failure, ONLY Snyder could screw a film so horrifically that A film that featuring the first ever meeting of Batman and Superman and the debut of Wonder Woman could fail to top 900 M and Make Less than The last 2 Batman films featuring ONLY Batman!

Now to answer your question.

How can you think Tony Stark and Steve Rogers are more widely known?

I dont, if were talking ONLY Appeal....Batman and Superman are more widely known

Buttttttttttttt if you were talking Popularity, box office drawing power and which characters are more known to the general public?

Surprising Thanks to Synders failures and Kevin Feiges genius....Iron Man/Tony and Cap/Steve are the much more proven BIGGER box office draws now and much more widely known to the general public

and to answer how I could think that? How could I not? I can only go by facts and the facts clearly proven unequivocally that Cap and Tony are bigger draws and more known by the general public now

Fact #1-we have undeniable proof that a Film featuring Iron Man Vs Captain America was more popular and had a bigger audience than a film featuring Batman Vs Superman when Captain America 3 Civil War Beat Batman V Superman at the box office grossing 1.1 B+ to BvSs 860 M

Fact 2# In 2013 Man of Steel Grossed 668 Million, at the exact same time only 1 month earlier Iron Man 3 grossed 1.2 Billion +....easily proving Iron Man/Tony is the bigger draw and more popular

Fact #3 in 2014 Only 1 year after Man of Steel grossed 668 Million Captain America 2 came out and grossed 714 Million, Proving Cap/Steve is also a bigger draw and more popular than Superman

Fact #4 Avengers Age Of Ultron made 1.4 Billion in 2015 featuring Tony and Cap as the leaders of the team, 2 years later Justice League made 657 Million featuring Batman and Superman as the leaders of the team

Bottom Line

somehow Marvel Studios turned 2 B List characters into 2 bigger box office draws than WBs Ultimate A List Characters...

of course this took the help of Snyder literally damaging the characters beyond repair ...

But yes, to answer your question....Bats and Sups are the 2 biggest, most well known characters in the world.....and Yet astonishingly Iron Man and Cap are easily the bigger draws and more popular among the general public

The DCEU is no failure.


The DCEU has FAILED and is DEAD


Dude, you should be a writer. After reading what you wrote, you are 100 percent correct. You laid it out perfectly and I see the error in my ways of thinking. They royally screwed up. I guess they were trying too fast to catch up to Marvel and rushed Batman V Superman. But back in 2008, The Dark Knight was very well received. At that same time Iron Man came out. DC put out Superman Returns 2 years earlier. DC had a shot right there to create the cinematic universe but failed to see it. You could say they also had a shot in the 80s. Superman 3 and 4 were huge failures and Batman came out a few years later. That could have been a huge draw if they had thought of it at the time


You drinking too much on Christmas?


says the person who looks at 4 of 6 DCEU being Universally hated and under performing at the box office as "No Failure"

please tell WB JL wasnt a failure....I'm sure that Will make them feel better after losing over 6 0 Million making JL

Please tell Snyder BvS wasnt failure after WB sat Snyder down after BvS's disastrous reception and told him JL could no longer be a 2 parter like Snyder Planned, wanted and WB even announced, But now after BvS's disastrous reception WB forced him to make the film into Just 1 film

Please Tell Snyder BvS wasnt a failure after WB Mandated Jon Berg(The new "Bosses" after Snyder was DEMOTED after BVS's disastrous reception), Now had to "shadow" Snyder on set of JL because WB didnt trust Snyder after BvS, and Snyder now had to run every decision by Berg because Snyder had literally no control anymore!

Please tell WB BvS wasnt a failure after they had a meeting after BvS's disastrous reception and poor box office to FIRE Snyder, But execs did the math and realized it would cost TOO MUCH to fire Snyder given the timing because JL was 2 weeks from starting production, WB would have to eat all the money spent on sets and delays!

Oh ya, and please tell Snyder MOS,BvS and JL werent a failuree When He was finally FIRED! Snyder wanted to stay on after the death on his daughter , WB FIRED him because Snyder delivered a first cut of JL that was "unwatchable"

heres the proof for all these claims, try reading these and tell me the DCEU isnt a failure-


get to drinking....its not everyday you Literally have to READ in details just how badly something you LOVE FAILED.....but in the case of Snyders DCEU...the failure is well documented!


Yeah, same here, I enjoy both marvel and dc alike. I hope the best for both, unfortunately, dc may be closing shop on almost every front within the next couple of years. I always felt that dc characters were more challenging to adapt to film and television since I always perceived them to have a more serious and darker tone than marvel characters.


Lol, read some of this tools other posts. Everything is contrary to popular opinion or simply meant to be inflammatory, hence the markings of a troll. I'd suggest not giving them the satisfaction of a reply.


BvS is a steaming pile of shite , it cant be worse than that


You wouldn't say that to either Superman or Batman to their face


Superman and Batman don't exist. They can't hurt you.


Just out of curiosity… how much did you like Jesse Eisenberg in BvS?


Has anyone reported this asshole for trolling? The wokeness is fake. Responding "you're drunk" is the last straw!


You can report him yourself. Just press the report text.


Yeh i have, his trolling is poor, he tries far too hard to come across as a snowflake, if you check his history it all started at the time George Floyd got murdered.


The guy who died from a drug overdose?


Sorry, yes , I retract that , the guy that swallowed a shit load of drugs before he was arrested.
