MovieChat Forums > Techto > Replies

Techto's Replies

I think the scene of Mary Beth becoming a bit of a diva with delusions of grandeur was meant to make her a less sympathetic character so her death in the next scene wouldn’t hit the audience quite so hard. She looks so much younger in this film. Of course it was to appeal to women viewers. The studio was afraid only the mostly-male Tolkien fanbase would turn out. They may also have feared blowback if no women starred in the blockbuster trilogy. If we’re taking the characters’ personalities into consideration, then Arwen for her passion and devotion. If it’s strictly a matter of which actress was better looking in the film, then Eowyn (Miranda Otto). Yama hama. I have long thought Anna Kendrick to be a two-face. Krysten, though, is either hot or merely attractive - never a woofer. I thought it effectively, if entertainingly, showed the danger of abuse of power by an autocrat. I did not, however, find Becket’s sudden transformation into a spiritual person at all convincing and thought the prerogatives of the Church he was fighting to preserve unwarranted. The institutions of the state and church were both flawed. -spoilers follow- At the beginning of the film, Henry, kneeling beside Becket’s grave, wondered if Becket had loved Gwendolyn and had hated him for taking her from him the night she killed herself. So Henry himself was in some doubt as to the import of that event and we never hear Becket say how, if at all, it had changed his feelings for Henry. I don’t think there was any suggestion their relationship was sexual, though I thought it was odd that the movie began with Becket in the bedroom of the woman Henry was bedding. I guess he was keeping watch. I thought O’Tool ‘dramatically’ outshone Burton. Tackling the really big questions, I see. Can’t go wrong with either - especially for lovers of fair skin - but Eowyn (Otto) gets my vote. Thanks! Very cool. Thanks so much! The easier question was who was in the wrong. Angus was wrong both to have stolen the snow globe and to have given it to his father. He was also wrong to have duped Mr. Hunman into taking him to Boston under false pretenses. His reasonable desire to see his father did not excuse any of those acts. It was her boyfriend and in this regard the film seemed true to life to me. Our hopes for Mr. Hunham rose and were dashed along with his. I thought Dan’s wife Alice (Leora Dana) was better looking, myself. The thought crossed my mind, but I think not. Alice was just entertained by Wade’s description of a past partner’s captivating eyes. I have seen Mr. Smith Goes to Washington — only just recently. I put odd seeing it because I was afraid it would be too sappy. I needn’t have worried. I like him especially in ‘Rear Window’ and ‘Anatomy of a Murder’. Thanks for the tip on the radio drama. I look for it. Same. I’d never heard of TSATC but liked Jimmy in other films and so decided to give it a try. I’m glad I did because it’s a gem. I have. Not for a “G” rated film, IMO. For me, her words of encouragement to Jeff at the Lincoln Memorial was the high point of the movie.