Arwen or Éowyn ?

When I was younger I was definitely on team Arwen, she was etheral and more exotic. Tall, dark hair, full lips...Elf ears! I have to confess I did consider Éowyn a bit of a basic b!tch, a semi-cute plain jane.

As I've matured I've changed allegiance. Éowyn all day.

Aragorn had the loyalty of a saint to reject her.

Who'd you pick? No wrong answers here.


I'd go with Arwen. She's wise and noble. Eowyn has impulse control problems. That's only fun short-term.

By the end of the story, Eowyn has matured a lot, but most of what we see her do is actually quite self-interested. She seeks glory over duty, complaining of protecting the citizens of the Mark rather than getting a chance to fight at Helm's Deep. While that's understandable, it shows her impetuous and self-seeking nature. Arwen doesn't have that.

In the films, Arwen also gets to show off how badass she is with the Ringwraiths. In the books, only Eowyn gets that coolness, but I think Arwen would have had some mystical prowess as with most Tolkien elves.

Outside of that, Arwen's romantic nature and loyalty are appealing.

As to appearances, both are described as very attractive, and Liv Tyler and Miranda Otto (in the films) live up to their characters' descriptions.


Thank you for your thoughtful reply.


I try to put a little effort into "X or Y" threads or "Cast the remake!" threads or something. Just plain lists aren't fun to write or read.


Éowyn. She's a badass, and besides, elf-maidens are way out of my league.


I'm with you. I liked the elf lady when I was a young lad, but Eowyn puts up such a strong portrayl of a proud, defiant, resourceful, soulful woman. I'd rather have a handful of years of that than a lifetime with juicy tits. Aragorn was groomed by the Elves to love Elfkind. Poor bastard.


> Éowyn a bit of a basic bitch, a semi-cute plain jane.

True in 2002. True in 2012. True today.

Arwen always has been and always will be the correct choice.


arwen forever. watching it right now.


Arwen, played by Liv Tyler, is substantially better looking. Eowyn is also good-looking, of course, but Arwen easily wins.


If we’re taking the characters’ personalities into consideration, then Arwen for her passion and devotion. If it’s strictly a matter of which actress was better looking in the film, then Eowyn (Miranda Otto).
