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ColdOfWinter's Replies
Except she wan't loved in exile either. She eventually became a powerhouse by NOT being the very person we saw this last episode. IF she had made a move to permanently silence those that knew of Jon's secret, it would have been a bit of a cold move, but somewhat staying in character. If she had killed Jon outright so there could be no claim, It would have been out of character but an interesting plot twist for her character. Killing a ton of innocents because they didn't open up the gates and let your Dothraki hordes freely rape and pillage... I don't know...
I'm actually no fan of Dany, so I really didn't care that she went full blown crazy. However, I do see other people's point that the build up to the insanity wasn't handled well, and I can't see how anyone would see what Danny did as a good strategic move. Even a dragon can't protect you from poison.
Not just the sandsnakes, the entire Dorne army should have been in all out war with King's Landing. It was pretty bad writing to write off Dorne the way they did.
Yep Varys was one of my favorite characters, but he really did mess that decision up.
True, I'm just wondering on something as big as an adviser trying to kill her, if they would have only reported to the Hand and not immediately attempted an audience with her.
"Missandei's last wish", thats an interesting point. If it was premeditated it might have made the whole thing a little less about Danny going mad, and more about good old fashion revenge.
Glad I'm not the only one on Varys. I agree Margaery would have been good for Tommen. And I actually believe Tywin would have supported that process. I don't think he cared as much about ruling as he did for the legacy of his family.
What soldiers of Danny's hold that type of loyalty to Tyrion? If Tyrion had brought a Lanister army maybe, but as is, none of the army would feel more loyalty to Tyrion then the queen, or grey worm. You have the Dothraki that probably have zero respect for Tyrion, and you have the unsullied, which are only dedicated to Dany. Tyrion also doesn't have the money he once had to bribe loyalty.
As far as I can tell, Tyrion (who is one of my favorite characters by the way) made his decision based on nothing more then Vary's confronting Jon.
I think, and I'm just going off my gut feeling on this, that the writers were trying to show us that Cersei was never who we thought she was. I got the feeling in that moment before death we were suppose to realize that she was a young woman playing at ruling, never really becoming that ruler she tried to show off as.
Now I don't actually feel like it "worked" because I can point out too many horrible things she did and smiled at while it happened. I just feel like her admission that she just wanted to live and she just wanted her baby to live, was her way of saying she was done with the game she had been playing.
I don't know if you can call her the main villain. Little Finger was the true villain of King's Landing at the start(though we didn't find out till much later). Joffrey became the main villain up to his death. Cersei didn't become main villain till after Tywin's death.
throw in the fact that ONLY he managed to swim to the shore out of his whole army. Either it makes sense that this is where he swam ashore, which means it makes sense where most of the other sailors swim ashore. Or it makes no sense for him to have swam ashore here. Unless of course they want us to believe that he is the Sole survivor of the attack... and that would just be stupid writing.
HA! Great recap.
Well like I said it was mixed feelings for me. Jamie had become one of my favorite characters so it was a little jarring to know nothing he did mattered to his character. I could have thought of a few hundred ways to kill off Cersei that would have been more satisfying, but once I got past that, I just meant there was a little bit of poetic justice in the end result.
I don't disagree with your take on it, and I think we probably had very similar feelings right after we were done watching it.
Well the story has been a little heavy handed of late, but this is exactly when the game of thrones takes you out. When you seem at your most powerful and invulnerable is when the backstabbing and politics gets you killed.
I agree with what you are saying except for the "strong ally in the North". Ned getting sent to the wall isn't exactly a great trade off. It would have prevented a civil war, but it would have still soured the relationship of the North and King's Landing.
I suspect Vary's (or his death really) will be the catalyst that causes Tyrion to push for Jon's claim to the throne. With so few episodes left, my main concern is that none of this will be able to play out in any fashion that will satisfy the viewer. As much as I hate to say it, at this point it would be better if the writers just stick to the crappy hollywood ending that everyone has already guessed at.
It has been forever since I have seen the episode, but wasn't it part of the show that Gendry did have sex with Melisandra?
I'm not sure I understand your complaint. She single-handedly brought down the space ship that was wrecking all of the other Avengers, and she went toe to toe with Thanos, and looked like she would have won if not for the power stone...
They made her ungodly powerful, and we needed less of her for any of the other heroes to have any standout moments.
If they had given her any more screen time they would have pulled a Superman in Justice League moment with her.
I think all the priestesses and priests of the light have mentioned it a few times, they don't have any power only that which is gifted upon them by their god. So unless their god wanted the night king to win she would have just been another undead in his horde, no fire power.
I do agree there was a lot of other missed opportunities.
LOL good point.
Yeah I'm with you. The other stuff I can take or leave, but the weird part that all the women heroes lined up together with none of the men to go tearing through the enemy lines, it was just way too over the top. It was jarring enough to make me roll my eyes during probably one of the greatest movie fight scenes I have ever seen. If it had been two maybe three of the women, then ok, it still would have been a little heavy handed, but at least believable. As was it was the single weakest part of the whole movie.
Yes they clearly broke their own rule of time travel. I don't blame the movie though, its pretty much impossible not to break the rules of time travel. That's why its so hard to make a great movie that involves.
Along those same lines, there is no rule about not seeing his former self or former teammates, so we should have seen him returning the stone at the same time the other Avengers were collecting it. That would have greatly changed the Hulk and Sorceress supreme's conversation if Captain showed up ready to hand the stone back.
Can't stress it enough, this was an awesome movie, time travel just makes the story telling almost impossible.