MovieChat Forums > PeppermintHippo > Replies
PeppermintHippo's Replies
How many sock accounts do you have? Serious question.
Does eYeDEF think he’s fooling anyone when he uses such obvious sock puppet accounts that follow him around and parrot his every thought. This is just lazy trolling geesh.
I know you don’t have an answer, I’m just highlighting this so when dumb people read this thread they will be like “hey that whiny liberal isn’t answering the question, he’s running away....what a coward”. 😎
Okay then who are the moral figures on the left that ooze with moral superiority? You can keep playing dumb all you want to but anyone reading this thread can see you hiding in your turtle shell when asked simple point blank questions. Your belief system is obviously fragile and not thought out too well hehe.
Another non answer, wow you’re really afraid to answer a simple question.
Can a Liberal ever answer a single question? I mean I know that your belief system is built on a house of cards but it shouldn’t be hard to list your heroes haha.
Who are your heroes on the left? Come on, we are waiting. 😂
Yes a jailbird for donating $10,000 too much and violating a campaign law. Yup wow what a monster he is. I’m sure Rosie O’Donnell will get the same sentence.....ohhhh wait she won’t because she’s a Liberal, wow must be nice to have a double standard.
Yes please share with me your heroes on the left like Stalin, Castro, maybe Bill Clinton? I could use a good laugh.
As opposed to your role models of Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Lena Dunham, Colin Kappernick, and Fedil Castro.
Yes your side that is okay with killing babies, making excuses for Islamic extremists, and now sticking up for ms-13. Yup your morals are too high for me to reach lol.
You mean like how Obama left that animal in charge in Syria? Those chemical attacks are on his hands har harrrrr.....wait now I sound like you.
Your sense of history is quite poor, we bombed Japan for two reasons: 1.) To bring a faster end to war, saving more civilian casualties in Japan and 2.) Pearl Harbor
Once again fascism was born out of failed Marxism, it’s up to you to prove how something that was created on the left somehow went over to the right. Hitler was a National Socialist and never referred to himself as a fascist so who on the right is/was a fascist on the right?
You don’t seem to know much about anything lol.
Fascism was created out of failed Marxism, this is how started out on the left and why it has always remained on the left.
^^^your proof
Almost all fascists in the history of this planet came from a left wing ideology. If you look at what Trump says he’s clearly not a fascist but actually the opposite.
Trump may have lost the battle with women, but he has set things up to win the war. The Media, which has brainwashed women for decades is about to collapse on itself in the next year or so, when this happens I guarantee that we will see a huge shift among female voters. I have many female friends that are starting to distrust the media more right now then I’ve ever seen, if the media isn’t careful we might see a red pill movement sweep the country like a wildfire.
Women in Europe are a little more aware of the current state of the world, they’re way past the point of buying into the Utopian world where Muslims and Christians play hop scotch together and sing Holly Jolly Christmas.
America has a way to go until the chicks wake up and realize that they’ve been brainwashed.
Welcome to America where women are considered victims and white men are labeled as privileged yacht sailers. Be sure to not trip over the double standards that are sprinkled everywhere.
Are you a snowflake, social justice warrior, or both? You’re taking my opinion pretty hard, it’s borderline comical.
You must have missed the part where I admit that women look better than men do on average. Was I being sexist towards men here? You seem to view women as victims so of course you get offended the second someone criticizes them, but are totally fine with it being the other way around. I’m guessing you might be a cuck but I could be wrong.
You would think that with over 4,000 posts that you could come up with a better response than parroting me.
Nice straw man, I’m here to have a discussion.
I’m talking about the law of averages, obviously some women are shallow and some men drastically drop in looks, but women on average look better but at the same time their looks tend to drop more drastically. You’re free to disagree but my thesis does have merit.
You seem bitter and jealous, might want to get some exercise.