PeppermintHippo's Replies

Your sock account right on time. 😂 People who type in all CAPS are mentally unstable. #fact Well better in the sink then on the American Flag or on the graves of Sandy Hook victims. Goblin When a fat man says that a fat woman is beautiful to him....what he’s essentially saying is “look here now, you see this body? Hot chicks don’t want none of this so I have to lower my standards to keep my feelings in check, ya dig?”. Okay so you live in a bubble where facts don’t matter. Best of luck to you sir! 👍🏻 Does your family accept the fact that you use sock accounts and have the personality of a girly man? Have you come out of the closet yet? Yeah but I told you that Gattaca is listed on every Conservative movie list on the internet. You can’t deny physical evidence. [quote][–] eYeDEF (498) 4 days ago LOLOLOL! You clearly didn't read the article I cited or you'd know I wasn't misquoting anyone. The "causing bad things" came directly from the guardian article. Are you really that clueless as to the reason why I facepalmed that quote? It's because your captain stupid president was about to spend money on a commission to research anti-vaxxer conspiracy theory you dumb tool!!! So of course you being an Alex Jones cultist you'd need me to spell this out to you else you'd never recognize the deranged idiocy of such a consideration.”[/quote] Wow you both start paragraphs with the “LOLOLOL!” Would you like me to dig up more evidence? Ummmm no every Conservative movie list on google has Gattaca on it. The movie also promotes Christianity and natural birth. Nothing in the movie is even remotely Liberal but nice try. Does your manager at Burger King know that you’re posting on company time? Or Hollywood is run by intolerant Liberals who won’t give Conservative screenwriters a chance. This seems much more likely. American Sniper is Conservative to the core, it portrays muslims as being violent hooligans. Liberal leaning movies like to portray Muslims as being victims of war and the real enemy is the United States. Gattaca is a conservative movie because Ethan Hawks is born with every disadvantage one can have but through hard work he accomplishes his lofty goals. If Liberals wrote this movie then Ethan Hawke would be a victim and society would be the villain. Perhaps if it was made today the lead actor would be black and there would be a scene where a group of white kids are bullying the black kid. Does it make sense now? Wow I divided them up 50/50 between white and black movies and you still find issue with it? 😂 I could list about 500 obvious Liberal leaning movies but only 10 Conservative leaning ones. This is what happens when Hollywood is controlled by Liberals since the age of dawn. Brokeback Mountain, Selma, Black Klansman, Moonlight, Blue is the warmest color, hidden figures, Green Zone, An Inconvenient Truth, A Few Good Men, Traffik, and many more. Who is “we”? Ohhh sorry I forgot I’m talking to two separate people. 😂 You’re not even trying to disguise it now. I knew you suffered from mental illness the second I read your first post. Your last sentence needs some work, it’s pretty brutal to read. I’m fairly certain you’re unemployed based on your posting habits. Hmmm both of you follow me to the same boards and accusing me of straw manning. Yup just a coincidence🤷‍♂️ ^^^^Sammy talking to himself again 😂 Projecting much? Looks like I struck a nerve hehe. Look at it from my perspective, the same 3 accounts keep following you to every board and agreeing with your every word. I see nobody agreeing with a word coming out of my mouth. Put all that together and it’s obvious who has the socks.