Then investigate it. If it's a plot hatched by the Obama Administration to help Hillary, then let's see Trump order people to actually look into it. Trump doesn't want any of that. Trump wants to fire people based on allegations, so he can put in his cronies to fire even more people based on allegations. And if he pulls it off, we have a fascist dictatorship.
That's how fascism starts. First you get rid of the rule of law, and then the beneficiary becomes the dictator. THAT's what Trump wants. He doesn't want an impartial investigation. LOL. He knows that will always smack him upside his crooked head.
Not sure how you did that but somehow you spun this back around to be Trumps fault, thats some leet skills there kids. I also give you kudos for using fascism and dictator in the same post. Do you think he will not step down after 8 years? I have heard rumors that he might nominate Kim Jong-Un to be the new Supreme Commander of the United States of Trump.
I did it by explaining what he actually wants to happen. We're not likely to see Trump allow the events of his presidential campaign to be impartially investigated. This is all about him finding a reason to fire Rosenstein.
Do you think he will not step down after 8 years?
Only if he is successful in getting rid of the rule of law. Since he will most likely fail, I believe he will step down after 4.
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Obama's presidency wasn't being threatened for the removal of the rule of law to prevent. The rule of law was not interfered with at all during the dozens of Hillary Benghazi hearings and committees.
Thats what he wants you to believe, he secretly tried to stay in power only to be ousted by Trump. If Hillary had won then Obama would still be President.
Will? I've made no predictions about what will happen in the future since the future is impossible to predict.
Trump might want to stay in power seeing how he's already mentioned wanting to twice so far in his presidency, but whether he'd be able to successfully circumvent our laws is anyone's guess.
When you forget the past you are doomed to repeat it, like we are now. When Trump is out of office it will be in the past and it will all just be speculation.
Bubba is not psychic! No one can predict the future but I can predict with 100% certainty that Trump will leave office when he is voted out or if his term is up. What I am trying to convey is that no matter who is President someone will make up lies and hearsay about that person. Fox News denigrated Obama for 8 years! Did anything they say come true? No, of course not. The MSM is like an earwig, they say the exact same thing everyday and then get guest hosts to repeat it over and over again. The biggest lie perpetrated was that Obama was going to take our guns and ammo. I worked with people that actually believed that the Government was going to come to their house and take their guns. The result of this lie was the all out buying and hoarding of ammo. There was a shortage for about 3 years.
Honestly I don't know what to believe from the media anymore since they will put a spin on the news in their favor. The news today is all just opinion and conjecture.
Ok, that's fair. Sorry I misinterpreted what you were trying to say.
I'm also fairly certain that he'll leave office if he's voted out and won't try to extend his terms beyond 2 term limits. I'm not 100% as you are, but probably 98%. I don't think MSM has been engaged in spinning any untruths with regards to this, they've just brought up the couple times when he's cited he's mentioned he's considering extending his terms.
Almost all fascists in the history of this planet came from a left wing ideology. If you look at what Trump says he’s clearly not a fascist but actually the opposite.
You mean like how Obama left that animal in charge in Syria? Those chemical attacks are on his hands har harrrrr.....wait now I sound like you.
Your sense of history is quite poor, we bombed Japan for two reasons: 1.) To bring a faster end to war, saving more civilian casualties in Japan and 2.) Pearl Harbor
Once again fascism was born out of failed Marxism, it’s up to you to prove how something that was created on the left somehow went over to the right. Hitler was a National Socialist and never referred to himself as a fascist so who on the right is/was a fascist on the right?
I'd be embarrassed linking to any video by Dinesh D'Souza. That jailbird is a supertool. You need better role models dude.
But I'm not even sure what your point is about claiming fascism emerged from failed Marxism. That's true about one preceding the other, but fascism is still a far right political ideology Mussolini embraced after rejecting Marxism after initially engaging liberal economic policies.
Saying fascism 'emerged' from marxism means nothing since it bears no resemblance to marxist communism except being authoritarian. Regardless, authoritarianism is wrong in all its forms, whether on the left with Marxism/Communism or the fascist right. And to say fascism is 'left wing' is just empirically wrong and just reveals you have no idea what you're even talking about.
As opposed to your role models of Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Lena Dunham, Colin Kappernick, and Fedil Castro.
Yes your side that is okay with killing babies, making excuses for Islamic extremists, and now sticking up for ms-13. Yup your morals are too high for me to reach lol.
Does eYeDEF think he’s fooling anyone when he uses such obvious sock puppet accounts that follow him around and parrot his every thought. This is just lazy trolling geesh.
Ah, so you're so desperate now that you're accusing SammyJackson for being me?
You are one hilarious troll.
Just because you're consistently wrong doesn't mean anyone would make the slightest bit of effort to start a "sock puppet" account to criticize you. What a waste of time that would be when you make yourself look stupid all on your own.
But that you would even think that does reveal that's something you've probably done yourself. Unlike you, most of us have lives to live.
I like when these idiots accuse other of being 'unemployed' based on 'posting habits'. What does that say about T-rump? Do they believe he's unemployed as well, based on his "tweeting habits"?
Yeah and it really is hilarious how obvious it is when they would think posting habits is actually an indication of anything except a keen awareness of their own unemployment history and how it affects their own posting habits.
It's hilarious how they think they're being so witty when it really just exposes themselves to their own insecurity and ridicule.
That's clearly not true given the stupidity you've revealed here makes you the dumbest poster on this thread alone, let alone "the bunch". There's not even a close second.
You clearly didn't read the article I cited or you'd know I wasn't misquoting anyone. The "causing bad things" came directly from the guardian article. Are you really that clueless as to the reason why I facepalmed that quote? It's because your captain stupid president was about to spend money on a commission to research anti-vaxxer conspiracy theory you dumb tool!!! So of course you being an Alex Jones cultist you'd need me to spell this out to you else you'd never recognize the deranged idiocy of such a consideration.”
Wow you both start paragraphs with the “LOLOLOL!”
Would you like me to dig up more evidence?
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I know you don’t have an answer, I’m just highlighting this so when dumb people read this thread they will be like “hey that whiny liberal isn’t answering the question, he’s running away....what a coward”. 😎
I love how it's so obvious when you can't come up with a coherent argument because you break down and start calling people 'whiny liberals'. You did it last time too when you couldn't explain why NRA was opposed to common sense solutions.
So I'll take that as you waving the white flag as usual.
Zero. Sock accounts are for people like you who consistently lose arguments and need to prop yourself up because you have nothing better to do with your life.
But I can tell you have a boatload just by the fact you would even ask such a question.
Projecting much? Looks like I struck a nerve hehe.
Look at it from my perspective, the same 3 accounts keep following you to every board and agreeing with your every word. I see nobody agreeing with a word coming out of my mouth. Put all that together and it’s obvious who has the socks.
It was actually YOU that started coming to this board recently. All you need to do is look at my post history to see I was coming to this board before you were.
So yeah, it looks like you've now reduced yourself to making stuff up because of just how desperate you are. I find that quite hilarious actually.
Yes a jailbird for donating $10,000 too much and violating a campaign law. Yup wow what a monster he is. I’m sure Rosie O’Donnell will get the same sentence.....ohhhh wait she won’t because she’s a Liberal, wow must be nice to have a double standard.
Yes please share with me your heroes on the left like Stalin, Castro, maybe Bill Clinton? I could use a good laugh.
Can a Liberal ever answer a single question? I mean I know that your belief system is built on a house of cards but it shouldn’t be hard to list your heroes haha.
I answered your question. I don't worship people and don't hold any political figure or celebrity up as a hero. People are human and all have their flaws. I judge them based on their character and merits, but I also freely criticize their mistakes.
Just because you don't like my answer doesn't mean I didn't answer your question. I don't hero worship period.
Okay then who are the moral figures on the left that ooze with moral superiority? You can keep playing dumb all you want to but anyone reading this thread can see you hiding in your turtle shell when asked simple point blank questions. Your belief system is obviously fragile and not thought out too well hehe.
Oh and FYI, any user who puts Hippo in their name like that is identifying as a troll. This is probably the same guy as UltimateHippo, who trolled IMDb for years and also trolls here.
"I'd be embarrassed linking to any video by Dinesh D'Souza."
...especially if it's that fucking Prager U video, which didn't get a single point right.
"Saying fascism 'emerged' from marxism means nothing since it bears no resemblance to marxist communism"
And is, in fact, the mortal enemy of Marxist communism--a far-right movement built around palingenetic ultranationalism promising national renewal by means of the destruction of the liberal society and violent suppression of the left. Including all Marxists.
"And to say fascism is 'left wing' is just empirically wrong and just reveals you have no idea what you're even talking about."
It evinces an ignorance of the subject that couldn't be more complete but worse, it's the product of someone who has been so misled he's been made to believe black is white and up is down.
Yes. It's really quite amazing the kind of disinformation being peddled to those on the right, as it seems to be a not uncommon trope of theirs that fascism is "left wing". It makes me wonder what right wing demagogue is spoon feeding them this misinformation for this to be such a common claim. I suspect Rush Limbaugh must tell his listeners this, maybe Alex Jones too.
In fact I've seen some actually point to Hitler's ironically named "Nationalist Socialist" party as proof. As if having "socialist" in its name meant the Nazis were in any way actual socialists. Although here I think it's just a case of raw stupidity and lack of education by the right wingers who assume this.
It has been popularized by Jonah Goldberg but it has floated around various fringe-right circles for decades. When, in Europe, fascism first began filling mass-graves with leftists, Ludwig von Mises--one of the American rightist "Libertarian's" patron saints--praised it for no less than having saved civilization and said the praise it has earned for this will live for all eternity. He later went to work for the Austrian fascist regime before, in a bit of ironic justice, having to flee when the Nazis rolled in (because he was Jewish, not because he wasn't a good fascist). After the horrors of the war, when his previous position wasn't going to go over with any public anywhere, he did a full 180 and began describing fascism as "socialism."
Ohh yeah, I'm definitely familiar with Mises and his infamous Institute of Austrian school economics so often hailed by right wing libertarians.
Had no idea HE was actually the original source of this. No wonder why when I hear it used, it's often said with such an air of semi-legitimacy.
And now looking through Goldberg's bio, who I'd been unfamiliar with outside of being a writer National Review, I'm seeing how he's been the real culprit pushing this historical revisionism impugning a sort of guilt-by-proximity of fascism being 'left wing' in his book Liberal Fascism. Ugh. How terrible, but thanks for that bit of info.
Hahaha, textbook liberal. If you don't agree with me and my bullshit left wing views, you're a nazi. You guys need to watch burning your hands, because you pull that card so fast it gets hot!
Nazi, Nazi,Nazi.... you're still doing it, and spouting bullshit to justify it. Site your source to Trump saying brown people are less American. Rediculous,bitter,hatred doesn't equal facts.
It’s obvious to everyone, who’s been ignoring the law for the last decade. Only blind dumbass demokkkrat lemmings like yourself pretend they can’t see it. As my post said last week. Game Over.
November is coming. Your worthless party has zero to offer but hate and porn. Good luck with that.
You are daring one criminal to investigate a bigger criminal knowing that it will not happen? I understand that both sides may be dirty and thus "too big to jail". What I don't understand is why you would actually advocate in favor of this and call the other side fascism.
Don't insult me. Executive orders are not legislation but they have the weight of law in that they can literally stop prosecution of laws that were on the books by congress. Hence I called it legislation via executive order. Your the idiot and are totally dishonest when you intentionally refuse to recognize the metaphor I used by trying to interpret literally. I'm not suprised the main tool of the left have always been "misrepresentation of an openants argument."
Executive orders can be blocked by Congress... quite easily actually. The only way to get rid of the rule of law is to fire the people that enforce it and replace them with cronies... leading to totalitarianism. If it was as easy as an executive order, then every president would be a borderline dictator, and presidential term limits would've been long gone by now.
This was a major counter-intelligence investigation, trying to determine whether a hostile foreign power might have either infiltrated or be controlling a major-party presidential campaign.
This is entirely standard and the fact that the FBI thought it was necessary shows that they were doing their jobs.
What wouldn't be appropriate is if they had launched this investigation without cause, to try to find dirt on Trump to derail his candidacy. Everything we know so far suggests the opposite. They had legitimate reason to investigate Trump's campaign after interrogating the Australian diplomat to who tipped them off to Papadoupoulos bragging about having Clinton emails.
In fact, as detailed in the NY Times last week in Operation Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI took extraordinary steps to prevent the public from learning of their investigation. Meanwhile Comey had no problem announcing his reopening of the Hillary email investigation while never saying a word about the FBI's ongoing investigation of Trump. Hillary blames him for her loss to this very day.
So once again, any suggestion that this is a "deep state conspiracy" against Trump is just his gullible supporters lacking critical thinking skills to recognize the purported conspiracy doesn't make a shred of sense.
They're also just too dense to see this is just another assault by Trump to derail an investigation into him where he knows he's guilty.
They're grasping at straws trying to deflect and disrupt Mueller's investigation by insinuating a "crime" was committed. And Trump's junta knows this, too, but the real intention is to force Rosenstein to hand over documents that will reveal information about the evidence Mueller has on Trump and his thugs. And by doing so, a terrible precedent will be set that a President can force an investigation into his wrong-doings to surrender evidence about it so he can circumvent it.
This behavior by the Trump Mob is just another brick in the wall of the bought-and-paid-for members of the Republitard Party whose ultimate goal in service to their billionaire oligarchical masters is to dismantle the power and control of the entire Federal government. The only "deep state" in this country is them...and Republitards are too retarded to realize it.
Yeah, for a new laugh look at what the fool just posted right below with claims about an FBI "secret society." It boggles the mind that these people share the planet with us.
"This was a major counter-intelligence investigation, trying to determine whether a hostile foreign power might have either infiltrated or be controlling a major-party presidential campaign. "
Then why didn't they have a FBI informant in the Hillary campaign? It was said that the Russians hacked the DNC so wouldn't the FBI would like to know if a hostile foreign power had infiltrated her campaign as well?
The FBI had legitimate reason to investigate whether Russian assets had infiltrated the Trump campaign. In May, TWO MONTHS before the first stolen Clinton emails began being released by Wikileaks, one of Trump's foreign policy advisers, George Papadoupolos had drunkenly bragged to an Australian diplomat about having stolen Clinton emails that they were going to use against Hillary.
The Australian diplomat didn't take those boasts seriously at the time, but as soon as the Clinton emails starting being released in July, the diplomat grew alarmed and informed his bosses, who then informed the FBI. To get a FISA warrant to monitor targets in the Trump camp a judge has to approve of the wiretaps to conduct surveillance. Without probable cause, the FBI can't get FISA warrants required to secretly monitor people. That would be a gross violation of the Fourth Amendment and the Electronic Surveillance Act.
The FBI didn't have probable cause to investigate the Clinton campaign. The DNC had all their emails stolen by Russian hackers remotely. In fact, the FBI was even aware of it at the time and tried to alert the DNC in September of 2015 that the data off their servers was being directly downloaded to Russia. But the low level tech guys they spoke to at the DNC were too incompetent to understand the threat, and no one had any idea the data would be weaponized against them by being released to the public.
So why would you think that having their emails stolen by Russian hackers off DNC servers would give the FBI any reason to believe that Russian agents had infiltrated the Clinton campaign? There were no suspicious people with ties to Russia working for the Clinton campaign. Meanwhile, not just Papadoupolos, but foreign policy adviser Carter Page and campaign manager Paul Manafort had already been on the FBI radar before they even joined the Trump campaign because of their sketchy ties to Russia.
"To get a FISA warrant to monitor targets in the Trump camp a judge has to approve of the wiretaps to conduct surveillance."
To correct a major misimpression implanted by Fox News and the right-wing Rage Machine, the surveillance of Carter Page--the surveillance approved by that FISA court--wasn't even requested until over a month after Page had left the Trump campaign, at a time when the presidential race was in its final days.
Exactly. Great point. Hannity, Nunes, and the right wing noise machine had long tried to push the idea that the FISA warrant had been unlawfully brought against Carter Page to surveille the Trump campaign.
That's still repeated on the Fox shows on an almost-daily basis. I end up absorbing far more Fox than any sane man should have to and none of the big shows that push that lie have ever even mentioned that fact on the air: Page left the Trump campaign in September 2016. The surveillance of Page wasn't even requested until October.
Heh. Let me guess, you work in finance and are therefore forced to be subjected to that daily stream of political disinfo? Whatever the reason, I'm so very sorry. That sounds awful. I really can't handle much more than a few minutes at a time before my blood pressure rises more than I like. The lies they typically get away with foisting on an unsuspecting and generally ignorant viewership I find too appalling to stomach.
Turns out he wasn't the only mole trying to weasel their way into the campaign. Obama turned the IRS and FBI in highly politicized departments. The IRS not allowing tea party groups to do as they pleased and it's obvious from Strzok that there is at least a secret society within the FBI doing all they can to bring down Trump.
Absolutely anything obongo touched turned to shit and was corrupt. You name it, each and every thing.
Republicans spent years investigating Obama's IRS targeting of 401s and conservative media blared from the rooftops about how it was politically motivated. Until it all fell apart when it was confirmed from an exhaustive IG investigation the IRS also targeted liberal groups like Acorn. I bet you never heard that from conservative media because they don't report stuff like that.
Your charge that he politicized the FBI doesn't even make sense in light of how Comey acted toward Clinton during the campaign while protecting the public from knowing Trump was even being investigated. Neither Mueller when he was running the FBI nor Comey would have allowed the FBI to be politicized by any president. That's why Comey got fired.
Like I said above, this was a major counter-intelligence investigation by the FBI trying to determine whether a hostile foreign power might have either infiltrated or be controlling a major-party presidential campaign that they had legitimate reason after being tipped off by Australia's diplomat to investigate.
Unless you have evidence of Obama's involvement, you're just stabbing blind in the dark like your lord and master trump to try to evade his own criminality.
"I bet you never heard that from conservative media because they don't report stuff like that."
The regular corporate press barely reported it either, after spending an extended period hyping the entirely false charges of IRS targeting, which were the product of professional car-thief/congressman Darrel Issa in league with a sympathetic (conservative Republican) inspector general in the Treasury Department.
But long before the final IG report came out, documents obtained by FOIA requests by ThinkProgress contradicted Issa and showed IRS had targeted liberal groups.
This was more broadly covered in the liberal press when it surfaced in 2014, but conservative media made no mention of it. I looked hard on the Fox News website for it at the time but there was never a word.
When that Treasury IG--a conservative Republican named Russell George--looked into this matter, he issued a report that concluded the IRS office in question had used inappropriate criteria for its review of applications for tax-exemption by conservative groups. He testified to that effect as well. Lots of headlines. A major press feeding frenzy.
A month later, it was revealed that George's investigation hadn't even bothered to examine how comparable liberal groups making similar applications had been treated. It was further revealed that the BOLOs (be on the lookout lists) the IRS office was using--one of the things that had drawn a lot of attention earlier--had also included phrases used by progressive groups. And George had concealed this fact. No big headlines, barely mentioned in the press at all.
The question arises as to why the investigation was handled in this fashion. Was George simply being a hyperpartisan? That was probably a factor, but it turned out there was more to it:
"The Treasury inspector general (IG) whose report helped drive the IRS targeting controversy says it limited its examination to conservative groups because of a request from House Republicans. A spokesman for Russell George, Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration, said they were asked by House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) 'to narrowly focus on Tea Party organizations.'" (The Hill, 26 June, 2013)
Like most of what Issa did during the Obama administration, it was a manufactured fake "scandal," right from its origins. And Issa's behavior in subsequently keeping it afloat--particularly his treatment of Lois Lerner--was, in my view, criminal.
Ugh, yes now that you've jogged my memory it's coming back what a repugnant figure Darrell Issa was. I didn't follow the IRS hearings too closely, but now I do recall why I couldn't stand that prick. It's hard to keep track given the number of villainous GOP hacks in the House during those years.
If that was entirely true, Trump could have never been elected president, and his approval would be 0.01% by now. So far, the big Repub campaign effort in 2018 has revolved, primarily, upon promoting virulent hatred of brown people with funny accents from foreign shores. I suppose we'll see how well that plays out.
Remember when the demokkkrats and their media denied the existence of wiretaps.
Remember when the demokkkrats and their media denied the existence of spies inside the Trump campaign?
Remember when the demokkkrats and their media denied the existence of wire taps of trump after they cited their existence on the Jan 20th edition of the NYTimes?
Remember when the demokkkrats used to be anti fascist and pro free speech?
Remember when the demokkkrats has a proactive platform consisting of ideas and solutions?
Remember when the demokkkrats and their media claimed spying on the Trump campaign was for Trumps benefit?
I know I know it’s hard to imagine, but back when JFK ran he actually gave some inspiring speeches. Those were the days.