ThreeTenToYuma's Replies

The FBI had nothing to do with the Benghazi investigation. They only got involved when it was discovered that she likely had classified material on a private server. The evidence was overwhelming at that point. You can't give a tax cut to people who pay no taxes. It's really quite simple. Yawn. Lots of inexperienced people are in the White House and some growing pains are expected. Big deal. We voted for Trump, not the people surrounding him. LOL. There was ample evidence from the get-go that Hillary violated the law. Numerous Secret and Top Secret emails were found on a private server. Do you have any idea what a massive security breach that was? Historic tax reform. Travel ban. Epic economic growth and job creation. Steel tariffs. Repeal of the Paris agreement. Bringing North Korea to the table. Try again. Wrong. The FBI generally needs strong evidence to open an investigation. It isn't a simple matter of receiving a tip. That's why the Parkland shooter was never investigated. The Second Amendment doesn't have to justify its own existence any more than the First Amendment. The right to own a gun is fundamental to American life, and there's nothing you gun-grabbing socialists can do about it. More of the same fact-free nonsense. Thanks for proving my point. Sorry, my white trash to English translator seems to be malfunctioning. Hahahahahaha, you conveniently failed to address any of the objective facts laid out in the article. Just a bunch of emotional hyperbole. Epic fail. I've only been to Chicago once. Took the Blue Line train from O'Hare to a downtown hotel (Hilton Palmer House) for a conference I was attending. My impression of Chicago was that it is a big dirty city. Huge amounts of graffiti and derilict housing. If anything the movie seemed generous in its portrayal, at least as far as the inner city goes. Ivanka sold a spa in Canada. That's your big story? I bet you thought Clinton's far more serious influence peddling was no big deal. LOL I'm a die-hard Trump supporter and gun owner. The movie is crap. Lots of unconvincing performances. Everyone involved seemed to be going through the motions. I didn't think it was politically incorrect either. Most of the bad guys were white even though violent crime in Chicago is overwhelmingly perpetrated by blacks. They clearly didn't want to offend anyone, which is pretty much the definition of PC. Unless you live in Arizona, which does not observe DST. We have no reason to believe it wasn't. If it was consensual, I would say it was tasteless but no big deal. Anything else? We were talking about sexual assault. Interesting how you lowered the bar to "harassment" once your original argument fell apart. I expected nothing less from a moron. You have no idea what was or wasn't said during those pussy grabbing sessions. You're a loon.