In an interview with NBC at the closing ceremonies of the Olympics, Ivanka Trump said she believes her father when he says he's innocent of sexual misconduct of more than a dozen women.
""I think it's a pretty inappropriate question to ask a daughter, if she believes the accusers of her father, when he's affirmatively stated that there's no truth to it. I don't think that's a question you would ask many other daughters."
She then added, "I believe my father. I know my father. So, I think I have that right, as a daughter, to believe my father."
Same here. I depends on what you call misconduct? I doubt he raped anyone but outside of that can it really be called misconduct. Just ask any 3rd way sex positive feminist.
Oh come on already! You expect a daughter to be on board when she is asked about her father's sexual misconduct?
I don't see you people p#ssing your pants over Chelsea Clinton's support of her pervert "father", if he is indeed her biological father.
She was asked at universities about her father's affair with Monica Lewinsky and her curt reply was , "I don't think that is any of your business.
On no little Miss Chelsea, your lying daddy the President was NONE of our business when he perjured himself.
She was asked about mommy's account of landing under "sniper fire" in Bosnia, oops!, they were feted by a little girl bearing a bouquet of flowers. Doesn't EVERYONE confuse those two things? Bullets? Bouquets?
Honest little Miss Chelsea said, "Well sir, I think that my mother's on record as having talked about this and I support what she said. I mean I was there as well and I'm so honored that I was there."
So she supports a liar and that's all well and good with the left. She WAS THERE and there were NO bullets flying in, just bouquets. But God Almighty, could a Clinton EVER be honest and say, "Well mom lied. She meant well. But ya know, she wants to be President, so she'll say anything."
Well "I MEAN", there is video footage of them receiving a bouquet and NO incoming! Good grief, if little Miss Chelsea can do such bald faced lying about her creepy a@@ lying, criminal parents, why the freak are y'all so upset that Ivanka supports her dad? Get the h#ll over it already!
I feel sorry that Chelsea was dealt a crap hand in the parent department. But she sure has reaped millions from their criminal activity. Like she'd be so successful and wealthy if mom and pop worked at K-Mart and little Chelsea had to go to community college. LOL
"I don't see you people p#ssing your pants over Chelsea Clinton's support of her pervert "father", if he is indeed her biological father. "
Are you implying there's a chance he's not her father? What's your source?
"She was asked at universities about her father's affair with Monica Lewinsky and her curt reply was , "I don't think that is any of your business."
No one asked Ivanka about her father's affairs with Marla Maples, Stormy Daniels or Karen McDougal. They asked her about accusations of sexual misconduct. Totally different subject. No one asked Chelsea about sexual misconduct allegations against her father.
"On no little Miss Chelsea, your lying daddy the President was NONE of our business when he perjured himself."
No one asked Chelsea about perjury. They asked her about her father's affair.
First, Ivanka gave the answer I would expect a daughter to give of her father, regardless of who he is. Given the situation I can't imagine anything else she would've said.
But honest question; do you think really think Trump is more honest than Hillary Clinton? Because from what I can tell it's not even close with Trump telling way more lies than her. Look at the stats on public statements by each of them:
Each statement in question can be clicked on with a detailed explanation as to how they arrived at their finding with sources referenced for where their info is coming from. We all lie at times, politicians even more, but I've never seen anyone blurt out lies quite as freely as Donald Trump without a second thought as to how easily verifiable as a lie it would be.
But even if Hillary is as bad as you claim, Donald Trump on the campaign trail told us he was so much better and honest than her. If that is the case, why is saying "but Hillary did it" a valid excuse? The man that was elected assured us he was better. I'm far from her biggest fan but I wish Hillary was President. But she's not, Trump is and I wish his supporters were willing to defend him on the merits of his words and actions and not by deflecting to Hillary Clinton.
As someone who's pretty liberal, I really can't stand Donald Trump. But if I was a conservative I'd probably like him even less, because I really believe he is doing irreparable harm to the conservative brand.
Markdown, you gave a reply that I can get behind! A daughter was defending her father!
I honestly don't get behind adultery, etc., but my point was just that people "close ranks" around family.
I am sure that you and my friend (and sometimes foe, Doggie , lol ) have parents, maybe siblings, spouses, cousins, kids, etc. We all have problems with family, but most people rarely speak out about family in public.
It's just a natural thing to do. We criticize each other in private. But I don't get why it's so important for Ivanka to attack her father in public. Who KNOWS what she says to him in private? Maybe she yells at him. But I don't see why anyone would expect her to hate her own father.
Sorry if I come across as saying "Hillary did it" is a valid excuse. It's not!
But you've never seen anyone blurt out lies like Trump? I refer you back to the video of Mrs. Clinton being feted with flowers when she landed in Bosnia. Her "account" of the even was that she was "ducking bullets". Seriously! Be honest here.
Do you remember her saying she was named for Sir Edmund Hillary? He became famous for climbing MT. Everest about six years AFTER Hillary Rodham was born. lol
The woman has a history of bullsh#t stories to make herself look good. If you want to dislike Pres. Trump, okay, I am sure you have good reasons. But why in the world, if you hate bull crap, would you be in favor of a Hillary Presidency?
I was just comparing the way Chelsea Clinton has answered questions about her parents compared to Ivanka Trump. They obviously both love their parents and support them publicly.
This issue is not so much about politics as it is about family. Most of us support our families, no matter what they do.
The sniper fire lie and Sir Edmund Hillary lie are lame for sure but they are fluff lies that don’t really hurt anyone (except the person who tells them when it’s discovered as a lie). It’s like Trump pretending to be his own publicist back in 1991 or me telling people I played Ben on the pilot episode of Growing Pains. Lame for sure and while they do speak to someone’s character, they really amount to nothing. I’m more concerned about lies of substance. Now you can take any politician, including Hillary and Obama, and you will find lies of substance. But I’ve never seen so many from one person as I have from Donald Trump.
Look at the following examples:
Trump tweeted: ““Congressman Schiff omitted and distorted key facts” @FoxNews So, what else is new. He is a total phony!”
-This lie about omitting key facts omitted key words from the actual Fox news quote which was actually “Congressman Schiff, he argues the Republican memo omitted and distorted key facts, that it was initially meant to meant to mislead the public,” So Trump’s tweet completely changed the meaning of what was said on Fox news.
Trump tweeted: “I have been much tougher on Russia than Obama, just look at the facts. Total Fake News!”
-Trump has failed to implement sanctions on Russia that were voted in overwhelmingly by both Democrats and Republicans alike. Also since Mueller indicted 13 Russian Nationals in the Russia investigation, Trump has taken time on twitter to lash out at Obama, Hillary, other Americans, but NOT Russia. This should disturb everyone.
Trump Tweeted: “Very sad that the FBI missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter. This is not acceptable. They are spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion with the Trump campaign - there is no collusion.”
-To imply that it was because of the Russia investigation that the FBI mishandled the tip they got on the Florida shooter is dishonest (and frankly despicable). The FBI is capable of handling multiple investigations and it is unlikely that those responsible for investigating a tip about a mentally unstable Florida man would be working with Mueller on the Russia investigation.
Trump Tweeted: “Funny how the Fake News Media doesn’t want to say that the Russian group was formed in 2014, long before my run for President. Maybe they knew I was going to run even though I didn’t know!”
-It has been confirmed that Trump trademarked the "Make America Great Again” slogan in November of 2012 so there is evidence his planning of a Presidential run was well in the works by 2014.
This is all within the past 2 weeks and only on Twitter, not even looking at what he’s said live. Go back further and it just gets worse. Listen to the stories of some of the contractors that Trump screwed over by not paying the agreed upon for services and goods rendered. Listen to the stories of Trump University victims. Read up on Trump’s involvement in the ACN Video Phone multi-level marketing (i.e. pyramid scheme). Read up on Trump’s misuse of charity money to settle legal disputes.
There are Republicans that I like but Trump is not among them. Trump is not a good man and personally I think he’s a terrible President. So yes I do wish Hillary Clinton had won the election. Not so much because I like Hillary Clinton but because I think Trump is a train wreck of epic proportions.
Okay, I appreciate the feedback and the fact that we can have a civilized discussion!
Regarding Hillary Clinton's "fluff lies". Well yes I agree that they haven't hurt the country. It just goes back to character. If someone can lie so easily about the little things, I just don't trust them with the big things.
Why would she bother to lie about those things? The commandment about "bearing false witness" does not specify that if it is a "fluff lie", it's okay. I think Hillary Clinton is an out and out phony. I simply do not trust her at all.
I couldn't vote for who I wanted for President, so I had to go with Donald Trump.
I have commented in other posts that Donald Trump was not my first choice for president. I never really followed his career. All I knew was that he was a self promoting billionaire. But I have to say that I honestly loathe Hillary Clinton so much that I would have voted for anyone in order to keep HER out of the White House.
You think Trump is a "train wreck"? I think Hillary is a " total disaster"! lol I despise her Saul Alinsky socialist tactics for attacking opponents. The left wing media gave her a pass on everything. They were her rah rah cheerleaders and in her corner all the way. And STILL, she could not win. That should say something about the fact that many Americans are sick of media bias.
I've gotten a bit off the original topic. I just did not think that Ivanka Trump should be criticized for defending her father.
I just watched a bit of news this morning (FOX) and they said that Hope Hicks told "white lies". I thought, "wow, what a coincidence." ...what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive...Washington needs to read more Shakespeare. LOL
Honestly, I never heard of that woman before! I don't know where she is going, but maybe into the private sector to make MORE money!
"First, Ivanka gave the answer I would expect a daughter to give of her father, regardless of who he is. Given the situation I can't imagine anything else she would've said."
Then both you and Ivanka have forgotten that just seven weeks ago, she very publicly supported the #TimesUp movement, which sole purpose is to support victims of sexual misconduct, which includes those who accused T-rump of sexual misconduct.
Either she supports them, or her father - but it can't be both. Too many of us haven't forgotten.
"Then both you and Ivanka have forgotten that just seven weeks ago, she very publicly supported the #TimesUp movement, which sole purpose is to support victims of sexual misconduct, which includes those who accused T-rump of sexual misconduct."
No, I haven't forgotten that, I just don't care. Look, she's talking about her father so of course she'll say that. Although the flip side is that her opinion on her dad's alleged sexual misconduct is largely irrelevant since you'd expect a daughter to have blinders in regards to her father. The only way this would matter is if Ivanka had said "oh yeah my dad is totally guilty" which of course would never happen.
As far as her support for the TimesUp movement, if she was heavily involved I'd find this worth caring about but her support amounted to a passing comment. She's not a key player in any of this. This isn't a battle I care to pick and the only reason I commented on this was in a reply to PJ regarding the overall honesty of Donald Trump.
She's a top Presidential adviser in a very public government job. If she's uncomfortable answering those questions in her public role, then maybe she should not have taken the job. But it is the job she chose to take, and questions such as this will be asked since they're relevant to our time. If she's in too deep, or can't separate daughter from Presidential adviser, then (IMO) she should resign.
"I depends on what you call misconduct? I doubt he raped anyone but outside of that can it really be called misconduct. Just ask any 3rd way sex positive feminist."
Aside from the nearly 2 dozen women have accused him of sexual misconduct, he himself has bragged about grabbing women by their pussy and kissing them on the mouth without consent. What more does anyone need?
"He never admitted that. Name one person that he "Grabbed by the pussy"?"
September, 2005 - Trump speaking to Billy Bush as they were about to meet Arianne Zucker:
"I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything"
He didn't say he grabbed Arianna Zucker by the pussy, as I stated 'he was about to meet' her. "About to meet her", not "already met her". Comprehension isn't your strong suit, eh?
Let's bring that to the proper context. Instead of you saying Doggiedaddy fiddled kiddies, imagine if he said it himself in another post that he "fiddled kiddies." No way in hell would you be responding to his accusers by saying "evidence motherfucker." You would have accepted his admission as guilt. Yet when Trump admits his misconduct, you look the other way and chalk it up to mere locker talk and ask for evidence.
If anyone alive today claimed they killed Abe Lincoln, it's already factually proven they are telling a lie. When Trump says he grabs women by the pussy, there is no factual evidence that he is lying.
Also, testimony can be used as evidence especially when it matches other testimony. When Trump admits to grabbing women by the pussy, that is his own testimony against himself that he sexually harasses women. When added to other testimony of women claiming he sexually harassed them, it becomes evidence even in a court of law. That's how people can be sentenced to life in prison simply based on testimony.
Then again, I'm explaining this to a stupid person who has no idea how to even argue a valid point.
"Well then, if Trump has admitted to it and women are claiming exactly that then it's an easy case for the prosecution, open and shut - guilty!"
If he was not the president with an entire party working to keep him in office, then open and shut it very well could be. There are many hurdles to cross when attempting to prosecute a sitting president.
We had W Bush intentionally lie to the public so he could start a war with two countries that did not attack us, and there was no prosecution. Open and shut doesn't mean a damn thing when you're talking about the president.
It's always the Republicans. Nixon, Bush, T-rump.If Clinton came after these last 2, he would have never gone so close to impeachment - he could have just lied and said 'fake news'. He should have fired Ken Starr, too.
Call me crazy, but getting unceremoniously fingered against your will by some old dude at random doesn’t make a person a prude because they don’t like it.
That’s how it works, dumb bitch. If I don’t yes to letting you into my pussy, don’t trying force your way in because you “think” I’m into it. Again would you be happy if some guy grabbed your dick or ass?
I bet trump could grab a pussy right in front of you and you’d still defend him. Such a silly, silly man. I pity the poor girl you dupe into letting you touch her.
We were talking about sexual assault. Interesting how you lowered the bar to "harassment" once your original argument fell apart. I expected nothing less from a moron.