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Stormy sues T-rumpy!

Adult porn star Stormy Daniels has filed a lawsuit against T-rump, alleging he never signed 'the secret hush pack' which was dranw up just days before the election. Melania must be excited.

Stephanie Clifford, known professionally as Stormy Daniels, filed the lawsuit this afternoon in Los Angeles Superior Court. The suit alleges he never signed the 'disclosure agreement' which his lawyer Michael Cohen had arranged for her to sign. The suit alleges that the agreement not to disclose her 'intimate' relationship with the President is null and void, since it's lacking his signature.

On October 28, 2016 - just days before the election - lawyer Michael Cohen had her sign the agreement and a side letter agreement using her professional name. Throughout the 'hush agreement', which she was paid $130,000 to sign, Clifford is referred to as "Peggy Peterson" and T-rump is referred to as 'David Dennison' throughout the agreement. (Melania isn't referred to at all.) In the side letter, they go by their names - Clifford and Trump.

According to the lawsuit, Clifford had an intimate relationship with T-rump which started in the Summer of 2006, and lasted through most of 2007 while he was married to Melania and had a newborn son with her. The affair included meetings in Lake Tahoe and the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Clifford's suit says that the 'hush agreement', which is left blank where T-rump was to sign, was to prevent her from disclosing anything confidential in her relationship with T-rump, or to discuss other sexual partners T-rump had during the time of their affair, to anyone beyond ' a short list of people who already knew'. The $130,000was sent to her lawyer's account.

Clifford and her attorney are asking the LA Superior Court to determine "the hush pack" is null and void, as the agreements "were never formed, and therefore do not exist, because, among other things, Mr. Trump never signed the agreements."

Republicans would be outraged over all of this if it were a Democrat. But for T-rump? It's not a big deal.





Yes, I sense your exhaustion and fatigue. I understand with all the turmoil this clown is in, embarrassing our nation on an hourly basis, this really is small potatoes. I can see where the apathy in the Republican party has set in with T-rump in Office.

Yet I recall not too long ago when Paula Jones was dusted off by the GOP and sued President Clinton. The GOP was up in arms over this - how dare he tarnish the sacred Oval Office where Ronnie Reagan and Bush 41 sat? A lawsuit against him?

Today the GOP just throws up their arms in defeat - you chose him, we're stuck with him. For now.


Exactly! This is pure karma for tramp! He had no business bringing Bill Clinton's women to the debate with Hillary! Absolutely disgusting!!





Again, I sense your exhaustion and fatigue, too. I understand with all the turmoil this clown is in, embarrassing our nation on an hourly basis, this really is small potatoes. I can see where the apathy in the Republican party has set in with T-rump in Office.

Yet I recall not too long ago when Paula Jones was dusted off by the GOP and sued President Clinton. The GOP was up in arms over this - how dare he tarnish the sacred Oval Office where Ronnie Reagan and Bush 41 sat? A lawsuit against him?

Today the GOP just throws up their arms in defeat - you chose him, we're stuck with him. For now.


Andis @AisforANDIS

Pornstar Stormy Daniels sued Trump today because she believes the NDA she signed about their affair is invalid as trump did not sign it. Part of this agreement is that she is not to share texts or photos of their relationship. Holy shit boys, she might just have a trump dick pic.

10:15 PM - Mar 6, 2018


See Andis's other Tweets
