MovieChat Forums > kuku > Replies
kuku's Replies
• <i>Look I was simply trying to say that the show gets a bad wrap these days, you seem intent on ignoring that</i>
Nope, it doesn't have bad rap. It has well deserved bad reputation.
• <i>and rather relishing in giving me a history lesson</i>
Don't complain about what <b>you</b> started. It was <b>you</b> who started arguing that Doctor Who has been always progressive. I answered that the show has changed. Since both classical liberalism and wokeness have been labeled as 'progressive' in different periods, your sentence is <i>technically</i> correct. However, if you're trying to imply that the show keeps being essentially the same, and that's what it seems, then you're lying.
Using your same rhetoric trick I could argue that western countries never have considered illegal being gay, and I would be <i>technically</i> correct.
4. The Castaways (1974)
Charlie Chaplin is not only slapstick comedy. He created one persona, Charlot, and became famous with its slapstick comedy. But his later movies are far more serious. Limelight is just beautiful.
The original Picard character was barely emotional and he didn't really get close to anybody. The character worked fine because it served as a pivot for an ensemble cast... but having him as a central main character in the show is extremely difficult. You'd need VERY good writers.
Obviously, modern Hollywood lacks diversity when it comes to writing: most writers are shit, racially diverse shit, but shit nonetheless. Lacking good writing, the obvious way to go is to "emotionalize" him and make him the standard white knight in modern shows.
If you like Charlie Chaplin, don't miss Monsieur Verdoux
You can't handle the truth! - A few Good Men (1992)
Which other meanings does it have?
Political Correctness? It's the most visible part of it, but it's still the same.
Progressive politics? Well, many people call that ideology 'progressive'. However, 'progressive' is a much worse term, since many people use it to talk about classical liberalism or European traditional social democracy. It's much better to have some more specific term like 'wokeness' that cannot be confused with classical liberalism. That's why I think the term 'progressive' should be dropped, using more precise terms instead.
<blockquote>she seemed to look at the notion of it (but not the reality of it, as she didn't really know it) as a glorious adventure</blockquote>
Again, <b>NOBODY</b> thought the war was some kind of glorious adventure.
You know why men got the vote? It wasn't because some heteropatriarchal conspiracy. In most western countries, democratic vote was linked to wars: men go to war to defend and protect something that is theirs. The democratic vote was a way to handle out the property of the country. And having soldiers that were willing to fight made a big difference. That was actually one of the keys of Napoleon's military success.
Until then, you had to hire people to chase after your own soldiers (and kill them if necessary) so they would advance towards the enemy instead of running from them. I'm not kidding. That happened during WW2 too, in the Red Army. That probably will happen in the next war, since in western countries people feel that those countries don't belong to them anymore, and aren't willing to fight for them:
Nobody thought the war was a glorious adventure or anything like that. People fought to protect their country and their people, because they thought that was their duty and their responsibility and felt proud of it. And that's it.
That's a male thing, and even though there's smart women that can understand it, you clearly don't. Media has sold that image that men's life was some kind of 'privileged thrilling adventure', and you have bought it. When men think about adventure, we think about exploration. Jack London is about adventure, <b>'All Quiet on the Western Front' has as much adventure as my ass</b>.
You wouldn't want to go to war UNLESS you thought you were failing to your country. It's not about 'adventure'. It's about DUTY. And women don't feel that kind of duty. You can't even understand it.
1. The Lament Configuration (puzzle box) - Hellraiser (1987)
2. Phurba - The Shadow (1994)
4. The Eye of Horus Amulet - Manhattan Baby (1982)
5. Evil house - Monster House (2006)
6. The Golden Calf - The Ten Commandments (1959)
7. The Books of the Dead and Life - The Mummy (1999)
8. Cursed Red Shoes . The Red Shoes (2005) (you have asian horror movies with almost every cursed item you could imagine: wigs, musical instruments, dolls, combs, paintings, vhs videos, cameras, pets... even pop-songs)
Bad Boomers
Wokeness is the mainstream religion/ideology in the modern left. Mostly, a combination of feminism 4th wave and diversity anti-white reverse racism.
Political correctness is just a manifestation of it.
<blockquote> She found it more appealing than just being a perfect lady at home.</blockquote>
<b>NOBODY</b> finds the war appealing, not if you have to be a soldier in the frontline. Nobody.
Many men will do it willingly because they feel it's their duty to their country, their people and their family. But the war itself, appealing??? Being in a trench, starving, shivering with cold, while you watch your friend trying to hold his guts with his hands, knowing that maybe you'll be the next one. Appealing? Are you nuts???
That's the problem with woke agenda: they make illiterate women think that men's life was some kind of <b>videogame</b>. And so you have people like you saying things like she would find the war more appealing.
The fucking war. Appealing.
<blockquote>He did not train her</blockquote>
I couldn't help but to remember this ^_^
That's hard. No matter how mature she is, she's still very young. And how long can wait your friend without having actual physical sexual contact? It depends on the law, but probably he'll have to wait until she's 16, that's between 2 and 3 years. If they can't, he can end up in jail.
He's playing with fire.
So 93% in the RT Wokeness index.
Confirmed: it's <b>woke</b>
1. Seinfeld - The rye
2. Hannibal (2001)
It sounds VERY promising. The trailer is brilliant.
I was afraid it would go woke, but having bad mainstream reviews, it seems that we're gonna have a good movie after all!! ^_^
The trailer had it sold for me. But bad reviews from mainstream critics... well, that's make the movie look even more promising, if possible :-)
How about two animals combined? Like 'Sharktopus vs Whalewolf', or 'Octopussy'?