MovieChat Forums > CoachGainz > Replies
CoachGainz's Replies
Looper. Maybe Surrogates. Live Free or Die Hard to be safe.
Never saw Sin City 2. An argument might be made for glass.
Trust me, you're not. My friends and I all were very perplexed by its overwhelmingly positive reception. It's artistry sure ,and that probably explains the critiques liking it, but the general moving going audience?
Would agree with this list save Batman Begins. I'd put BB up at 4. Haven't seen Tenet.
Tom Hardy alone in TDKR is better than most movies released.
Dunkirk is by far the worst. Easily my worst theater experience. Even shelled out to see it on the recommend 70mm Imax.
Person I saw it with also said it was absolutely the most boring movie they've ever sat through.
Honestly, I was one of the people who thought DOS was much much better than the first when it was released. I've since re-watched them and while DOS is still my favorite I quite enjoy AUJ much more than the first viewing. I still can't get on board with BOFA. Once Smaug dies it's all down hill for me.
But, when it was released I found as others have said AUJ very slow and very long with a lackluster ending. We spend nearly 4 hours in this movie and we barely know our characters' names besides Gandalf, Bilbo, and possibly Thorin. I also hated the CGI Goblins at the time and still find them to be the weakest part.
While DOS had as others said a much quicker pace and felt shorter than AUJ. It also had Smaug that stole the show IMO. They did a fantastic job of bringing him to life and his screen presence was something we hadn't really seen before. An evil intelligent talking dragon of all things. Pretty cool if you ask me.
Another thing that nagged on me was how bloated AUJ felt compared to the Lord of Rings movies. Those were made for under 100M each and I thought did a wonderful job of bring that world to life with minimal CGI and practice effect use. Similar to how the original star wars movies did. While AUJ supposedly cost $250M alone and felt like they used a CGI crutch every chance they got. It didn't feel real, it felt like a very high-end video game cut scene. I remember Ian Mckellen a veteran actor cried on set because it was so hard to act to so much green screen.
If you ask me Peter Jackson and George Lucas have a lot in common. Both made masterful trilogies that had while good in their own right lesser prequels that rely far too much on CGI.
Like Thingmaker said it's a Fantasy. That means there's no correct route. In this universe the rules of our world do not exist. In this universe Dragons could be born with all the ability to speak just because that's how their gods made them.
In the case of Middle Earth, Morgoth (That's the big bad guy from the 1st age who's a rebel God of some kind) Corrupted (That means made from some other animal already existing) Dragons to be used to fight for him against the Elves. From what I've seen Glaurung, the original wingless dragon died and others spouted out of him and then continued to breed(Asexually) other dragons. Some had wings, some didn't, some could breath fire, others couldn't.
What we do know is that Dragons could speak and not just Smaug.
"Many accounts of interaction between dragons and other beings makes mention of them speaking, using the Common Tongue."
Now, the question is how were they able to speak. Either A, they were born with the ability to speak just because that's how Morgoth made them, or B they were taught to speak by others. Remember Dragons live for thousands of years in this world. So it's not inconceivable that Morgoth taught his Dragons to speak and then they passed that ability down to their offspring. Also, keep in mind that Dragons could very well be far more intelligent than the people of this world. Why? Because that's how the writer created them.
Below is a link if you'd like to dive deeper.
"Script is Laughable"
I think the Academy of Motion Pictures would disagree with you as this was nominated for best adaptive script.
"Every Cliche Imaginable"
I would disagree as countless have reviewed the film and found it unique and full of unexpected twists and turns.
"Nothing redeeming or realistic. Everything is way over the top and implausible."
As this was based on a true story and Belford himself said it was actually on the tamer side of what actually happened I'd say you're wrong.
"The dialog is for adolescents who think you actually talk like this in the real world"
Many people and cultures speak like this, especially those who work in fast high stress positions such as wall street or police.
"There was nothing complex or engaging on any of these characters."
These are quite possibly the most engaging and complex characters brought to screen. Among many other example you take Belford himself who started out as a married man trying to work a honest job and earn a living. He's then thrust into a world of fast money, high stress, mass drug use, party lifestyle and he gradually changes to fit this new environment. By the end he's not even close to the same person. That alone is more interesting and engaging than most movie or tv garbage.
"Stupid fat guy who sucks in everything his ever in"
Are you addressing award winning and critically acclaimed Jonah Hill? Who make more in a week than most do in a year due to his consistent work as a successful actor, director, writer, and producer?
"But it’s one huge ever lasting frat party where even the frat captains would be like, well that never happens here. But looks cool!"
What's your point? Some People's lives playout more like a frat party than anything else.
My point is the same as my first post. You can't just spout your opinions into reality without any substantial backing or evidence to support them.
Yeah, I'd say jumper was probably his best move. It had a promising premise, talented director, fantastic supporting cast, and was decently executed.
If anything I think Jumper suffered from casting Him as their lead. I think Hayden is underrated but his performance in jumper was atrocious. The scene play and dialogue were weak but it still didn't stop SLJ and Jamie Bell from delivering solid performances.
He was also divorced several times 3 or 4 and also had a son. I would say the divorces, alimony, and child support cut a lot of the money he did manage to invest well. Other than that he seemed like a guy of simple taste that lived in the moment. Remember he's an artist not a banker. I would say when he was a big deal he lived outside his means and saved very little.
regardless if it impacted YOU or not it's the most iconic line in saga.
Actually, historians are not even sure the Trojan war happened. Most would agree if it did happen it was vastly different than what's recorded.
It's based on the Iliad of Homer which intertwined fiction, mythology, and actual events. What is true and not true in the Iliad can be debated. But ,it's fun to believe that these characters existed and the events truly transpired this way.
It's impossible to criticize a movie's historic inaccuracy on events that may not have even happened.
Dear lord, don't waste your time with Dunkirk. I'm a huge Nolan fan and even spent $30 to see Dunkirk on the recommended Imax 70mm screen. It's a 1/10 imo one of the worst movie experiences of my life.
1. There's zero character development( I don't even know if has what you would call a lead)
2. Hardly any dialogue worth rating
3. The dumbest plot ever(Get on the boat, no get off the boat, no get on the boat)
4. 3 hours and you never see any real combat
It's basically a ww2 battle doc if it were done as an arthouse movie. I'm not alone, the person I went with said they were ready to leave after 30 minutes. Quite possibly the most overrated movie of all-time.
Yes it was a joke, but they added it solely to express an feministic undertone.
Hammond said that because yes he was a man, an elderly man at that. Men used to be raised to protect and provide for women. It was called being a gentlemen. Its the same reason for women and children first. Hammond was a man who invited Elle to his island full of unpredictable/dangerous animals, and was chiefly responsible for her safety.
So when a situation came up that a person had to venture out into the park full of dangerous animals it should be expected that Hammond go.
What's kind of funny is Ellie Sattler is much younger(Early 20's) and described as muscular and very attractive in the book. I'm pretty sure she was a grad assistant for Grant in the book.
Many of the other characters noticed and even hit(this was show by Malcom in the movie) on Ellie. Grant took pleasure in having a young and attractive girlfriend. He would typically not let on that they were a couple and people wouldn't find out until after they had made a pass at her.
I would say our good friend Kathleen Kennedy(Who was a producer and assistant to SS on JP) didn't like the female portrayal and insisted an older, and only moderately attractive but very strong(attitude/Personality) actor be cast as her.
Women Inherits the Earth/ We can discuss sexism in survival situations when I get back
Pretty sure those were lines added.
They even took some of the action scenes from male characters and gave to Laura Dern.
Irrfan Khan - John Hammond
Mr. Arnold - Jake Johnson
Timmy - Ty Simpkins
Nedry - Vincent D'Onofrio
Gennaro - Jimmy Fallon
Muldoon - Omar Sy
Jeff Goldblum - Ian Malcolm
Ellie Sattler - Bryce Dallas Howard
Alan Grant - Chris Pratt
See what I did there :)
Good Answer! In all honesty it looked like neither one of them knew what to do. I mean what do you do? A 40' 10 ton hungry carnivorous animal just escaped it's pen and took an interest in its visitors. They let the rex topple the car and begin crushing it before making any moves. They were pushed to a point that if they didn't act soon the kids would die from being eaten, crushed, or drown.
Like u said he was trying to help out and after watching grant(and also observing the rex chase the flashlight to the other car) he probably figured the rex would follow the flair. So he thought he'd walk the rex away from them and then throw it. Not counting on the rex chasing him over the flair.
I gotta say I love Jack.
However, who would have ever thought Heath would have been just as good? Health wasn't known for his acting chops and before the TDK and look how that turned out.
Actors typically are upset about this kind of thing. David Prowse is still pissed about his voice being dubbed over with James Earl Jones for Darth Vader.
I honestly don't think this guy was on anybody's radar before this show aired. Now look at all the attention he gets. Looking forward to seeing him in more stuff!
Not saying you're wrong but I highly doubt Cruise would take on the Max role. I don't think he would put himself in a position to be overshadowed by the vincent character. Even if so Cruise was still top billed at the end of the day and his character was the focal point of the movie.