CoachGainz's Replies

How in the world does Rise of Skywalker have an 86% fan rating on RT?? The movie is the hottest of the hot garbage. The movies really aren't in chronological order. They're each loosely connected. When I say loosely I mean they each contain the word cloverfield and are sci fi monster movies. I really don't think there's any reason to watch them in a specific order. If you'd never seen them before I'd watch Cloverfield first followed by 10 Cloverfield Lane... then I'd just skip Paradox. While the 2 movies are good it's the suspense and mystery that makes them stand out.. and the only way to experience that is to follow the viral marketing and watch them as they were released in theaters. Yup. I think they either couldn't make it without Dean and Roland or wouldn't. Personally I think its one of the biggest mistakes studios make. Rushing sequels and moving forward without the original directors or writers. So in this case I agree with their decision. However, I'm shocked they moved forward with the script but they may have been worried if they didn't get started it would never get made. Yeah, thing is they didn't spend 2 decades thinking and putting it together. The studio was hot to make a sequel since the original released. However, Dean Devlin the writer of the ID4 stated he couldn't crack a good story and gave the studio their money back instead of turning in a script. Then his good pal Roland ran out of high level work around anonymous and White House Down not preforming at expectations. So, I'm sure the studio poked and said "hey you know that ID4 movie that made 800M 1996 dollars... we could use a sequel or two that". Then he and Dean kicked out a couple of scripts in a matter of weeks. Then Will Smith somewhere along the lines of wanting too much money, having too busy a schedule, and not liking the script didn't return. So they had to rewrite the script around Bill Pullman and Jeff Goldblum... 2 guys in their 60's far past their prime. So then they had another plan of writing in younger characters to act as the young leads but as supporting actors with limited lines. Still doesn't excuse just how bad the script was for this. The studio should have never moved forward with it. Should have at least brought in writers with better scripts and ideas. I would have paid somebody big money just to redo the screenplay. But I'm sure there are serious politics involved with all these things. Easier said than done kind of deal. Nope. It not a great movie but it's certainly entertaining 6.5 or 7/10. Christian Bale and Matthew McConaughey vs dragons... what more can you want? A star wars play? This movie certainly is a hidden gem these days. CGI is pretty good IMO for it's release date and budget. Probably not. Obviously the engineers motives and beliefs are unclear but it seemed they believed in sacrifice to create new life, not preserve it or work towards immortality. Probably, but as others said it's easier said than done. Hindsight, yeah more people probably would have tried piecing things together the moment the ship was hit. Outside of having the materials and skill to build a raft that would keep you safe was time and urgency. They only had 2.5 hours to do it after hitting the berg and it didn't look bad until an hour before the end. The immigrant classes(Most of the people who would have needed a raft) were caged below deck. So they couldn't even see the situation or have access to raft building materials. Also, few outside the higher ups knew there were a limited amount of boats and the ship was actually going to sink before help arrived. I'm sure they were advising the passengers that the ship was damaged and other ships had been called to move them. Also, that they were moving people to life boats as a precaution. They didn't even start loading people in lifeboats until an hour after they hit the berg and at the beginning were only loading them half full. I'm sure they were not passing info around the ship that half the people were going to die because there weren't enough boats and help was not going to arrive before the ship sank.The mass panic would cost even more lives. So yeah, from our prospective it would make sense to start at least trying to piece together a raft. But from a passenger's prospective that didn't know for sure if the ship was going to sink, there weren't enough life boats, or help was going to arrive in time. The best thing to do was to remain calm, keep order, and follow the crew's instructions. It worth noting that a member of the kitchen staff actually tried throwing chairs and other furniture overboard in an attempt to provide floatation devices for after the ship sank. He actually survived the sinking without getting on a lifeboat. Real Time Sinking Man, I called this fairly well just based on the trailer. There were always rumors of Devastation being in pre-production. Ashby himself stated he was set to return and had a script. However, if I remember correctly there was some kind of rights lawsuit held up in court for years. There was a rumor that sets had been built in NO before Katrina and were wiped out. I've never saw anything concert on it going into production or even a director hired tho. Devastation probably had potential but it would have come down to who they got to direct it. Other People's Money ^Agreed. I still don't understand the need for the Cole character. If they had completely removed him and his family (which was a girl who could have been his sister and his wife who could have been his mother neither of which served any purpose) and set more of a focus on Kano and Sonya as the leads I think it would have been better. If they had set Kano and Sonya up as the leads with there current story as enemies and they both learned they were chosen for a tournament and had to learn to work together against a common enemy I would have found that more compelling. Then they could meet up with Liu and Kung with Raiden and learn more about the tournament from them. I would have set Liu and Kung as original chosen ones with Raiden training them for life to prepare for the tournament. So when they meet Kano and Sonya they kinda have to play catch up as the tournament approaches. The outworld scenes were pretty pointless as well basically 1 min long intros of the bad guys. A lot of excuses of low budget going around but according to google they had 55M to work with and from what I've seen they spent most of it on CGI. The original had 18M (31M today) and it looked much better 25 years ago than this did. ^MVP Good point! (Just from the movies and no info from the books) I always took it has more of a prideful refusal to accept help than being unaware of Gondor's troubles. His line of where was Gondor was more of an excuse not to call them than actually questioning why they hadn't helped. Also remember that info probably traveled pretty slow in Middle Earth.(Again just from movies) It didn't seem evident that Gondor and Mordor were at war. Yes, we saw Rangers attack men from the east when Frodo is captured, but it wasn't until the on going siege of Osgiliath that it was clear that Mordor was attempting an invasion of Gondor. Aside from Boromir's speech about his people's blood keeping the rest safe there wasn't much to suggest that anything was going on. All of middle earth seemed to be lofing about from Rohan to the Shire completely unaware that Mordor was slowly wearing Gondor down and was priming to take over the world. Gandalf himself is out partying and smoking with the hobbits for Bilbo's birthday. So maybe Theoden was perplexed as to why Gondor was just allowing Isengard to build an orc army and invade his lands. Same. Regardless of Liu's skill and adaptability at the end of the day if Raiden hadn't purposely left the water buckets Zero would have won. Yup. While not Jurassic Park level the CGI isn't bad at all for it's time. Except the reptile CGI that's like Direct to DVD level CGI. Unfortunately movies typically get judged by their worst CGI not their best. Sure! CGI typically doesn't age well especially if you're not using the A team. MK had an assortment of different CGI companies working on the visual effects. Not exactly Phil Tippton or ILM. Remember MK was made on a very low budget(For a Wide Release) for it's time 18M and I believe they were aiming for 10M. Movie's that hold up CGI wise from that time Jurassic Park, ID4, and Starship Troopers had 60M, 72M and 100M budgets. MK had about the same budget as Power Rangers the Movie 95. Let that one sink in. Still, Raiden and Katana both were obviously concerned that Liu could lose to Zero. If Raiden was confident that Liu could beat him on his own why bother leaving the buckets and why have Kitana say anything? It's not like the ice was a surprise, Sub Zero showed his cards during the opening dinner. I suppose Johnny could have been given advice off screen but there's no evidence to suggest it actually happened. Still, Raiden and Katana both were obviously concerned that Liu could lose to Zero. If Raiden was confident that Liu could beat him on his own why bother leaving the buckets and why have Kitana say anything? It's not like the ice was a surprise, Sub Zero showed his cards during the opening dinner. I suppose Johnny could have been given advice off screen but there's no evidence to suggest it actually happened. True! The Reptile and Scorpion fight far exceed the rest. I'd give the Sub Zero fight a distant 3rd. What's actually pretty impressive is how well Linden and Tagawa looked in their fights. Scorpion/ Sub Zero Reptile and Liu were all portrayed by expert martial artists.