MovieChat Forums > CoachGainz
CoachGainz (453)
Pinocchio puppet creepy and annoying
What would have happened if...
Best Direct to Video or DVD Ever???
Incredibly Underrated
Just watch the trailer
Why did Alonzo need Jake?
Leading Man ?
Rank the Warriors
John Hughes ??
Criminally Underrated
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Perhaps... based on what we see Cal was chiefly if not solely responsible for his lifeboat and all of its passengers surviving. So yes, while Cal was looking out for himself first he and his actions are what possibly made the girls and others survival possible.
^^^^ This is a joke right?
Ralph Macchio over Frank???!
I disagree that Silberman was working with cyberdyne. There's nothing in the movie that even hints at his involvement.
As for hearing the name cyberdyne, it was probably a legit company that was already founded in the early 80's before Reese's arrival. So they could just say Reese plucked any computer company name. The same as if somebody from the future came to our time and started raving about Apple or google taking over the world.
As for the credibility he's taken from Sarah. He really wouldn't have to do anything. She was arrested for trying to blow up a factory. She was a free woman until this act. She was acting incredibility unstable on video in lockup and was clearly a danger to people around her. She attacked several workers and Silberman himself(She stabbed me with my pen a week ago). One of those encounters she held him as a hostage as under direct intention and threat of death.
Honestly, Sarah probably was crazy after the events of the first movie even if she was right about the future. I mean I would have to say anybody who endured what Sarah did and having to be the only person in the world that knew its grim fate would be.
At this point the only thing Cyberdyne is guilty of is possibly helping cover up finding the terminator remains. I personally would say the police and feds were more responsible for the cover up than Cyberdyne itself.
Probably because he hadn't decided on all the details of her death and how it correlated with Anakin's Fall. He just knew he wanted to to happen while the children were very young and unable to remember any specific details about her or her at all.
Also you have to keep in mind having a plan and making it work on a certain run time during a trilogy with 15 other characters and their arks are very different.
It can probably be said she has character instead of ugly. She has unusual traits that make her stand out from the crowd.
For example there are tons of pretty people but very very few if any of them are as captivating as Jack Nicholson. Jack was never an example of traditionally handsome but he has facial features and natural expressions that draw positive attention.
Tom Hardy might be another example. He's seen as very attractive but it's his rare characteristics that set him apart from men that would be arguably more traditionally handsome such as Ryan Gosling, Prime Brad Pitt, or Chris Hemsworth.
I also want to note that I find Milly extremely attractive. Her body alone puts her in the top 1% of modern western women. Along with that she has strong hair, straight white teeth, and a symmetrical face. I also find it very odd that people claim she's ugly when I would bet Dimes to Dollars that she wouldn't give a single person on the board the time of day if they approached her even if you took away her fame.
Maybe. I think this movie would be better and more widely received if it's main character was more likeable.
It's not a success on it's OWN! Encanto is only a modest success at best because of Disney's streaming service that they need content for.
If Encanto were made by Sony or another studio that doesn't have it's own streaming service it would absolutely be viewed as a loss that could possibly break even after every penny is counted for the next decade.
While Strange World would be near Waterworld flop. 180M theater release that grossed 75M world wide.
Strange World Listed With Biggest Box Office Bombs.
Never said it was a flop.
"All in all i would say disney views ENcato as a modest success.
They would view Frozen as a big hit."
Agreed! Temple of Doom is my fav as well.
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