CoachGainz's Replies

Also, those critics gave their review right after a star wars themed party. They didn't let the movie sit and digest before posting a review on how different, unexpected, and beautiful it was. They left a overwhelmingly positive environment where I'm sure it would not have been cool to say negative things about the big event movie that just played. I would like to point out that many of the critics were not star wars fans so a lot of the things that upset hard core fans didn't affect them at all. Many of my friends who are casual fans liked TLJ but I ask them about the Luke Milking scene or the fact that they threw everything out the window from TFA or the whole casino side quest that went no where or how stupid and unnecessary the Rose character was or how they turned Hux into a childish buffoon Their response is always the same, kind of a blank stare followed by yeah which one was Rose again and who is Hux... I really liked the hyperspeed attack it looked cool. These are casual fans who have seen the previous movies once if even that. The ones who are confused which set of movies came first. To these people nothing in TLJ is all that upsetting because they are not invested in the mythology or the story ark. It's kind of the same with me concerning the super hero movies... I liked Man of steel and Batman vs Superman also enjoyed justice league. But I could care less about that universe I'm a very casual fan who will go see a movie not concerned with how it connects to the source material or the other movies. I'll even skip a few movies here and there and have no interest to watch them. Most of the fan base was actually happy when Johnson was hired. He was young, ambitious, and made different challenging movies that like them or not were talked about and praised for the most part. However, I would say that once hired he became a yes man putting ideas and characters Disney wanted in his script without any push back. He was efficient, on time, and on budget and had really good relations with the cast and crew. Studios love that kind of stuff. A talented director who can make a pretty film on time and on budget while also getting along with everybody and is willing to work their vision in is a studio's dream hire. What they didn't think of was how the fan base(The people who spend money on SW after it's theatrical run) would respond to his script. What they don't like are guys like the lord and miller who tell them they are making the movie their way or not at all. It was heavily hinted that Collin T was controlling and power hording as well so they axed him. You're absolutely correct with all of your statements about the OT. I would give Kasdan a lot of credit with how Vader turned out. His script for the empire strikes back is incredible film making. He took all the characters from star wars and appropriately expanded on them in interesting directions. I would argue that Vader was the main character of ESB a bold move being that he was the primary villain. One of the reasons I like TFA is because it had good characters. I would argue Rey, Fin, Poe, and Kylo were interesting new characters with story lines that we wanted to see continued. Kasdan! About Rey, yes you are correct that it makes zero sense for her to be that powerful with little to no training with the force. However, I would argue that it did make sense in the TFA. I say that because we were lead to believe Rey was a somebody. Snoke and Kylo were seemingly both aware of who she was as if she was somebody of extreme importance. I was always under the impression she was a gifted student of Luke's academy. Somebody Kylo grew resentful of as he was expected to be the most powerful having the Skywalker bloodline. She somehow survived the assault on his temple and was stowed away from Snoke, Kylo, and the first order similar to how Luke was from the Emperor and Vader. So when she reappears during the hunt for the map to Luke, Kylo and Snoke are very concerned for they feared her power. If she had trained in the Jedi arts since childhood and was naturally gifted that would explain how she was able to do the things she did in TFA. It would also give some light to why Kylo turned to the darkside he was jealous and craved the power and saw Snoke as his only avenue to rise to the greatness that was Vader his grandfather. That's the direction I would have taken. But me and Johnson are not on the same page apparently. His idea was to just say she was a nobody that is a super force user just because it looked cool on screen and that's what the plot needed. I would like to point out that most people were/are upset with TFA because it resembled A New Hope.This was purposefully done. Lucas gave Disney his outline along with offering his service as a creative consultant and the told him directly that the first movie is going to be what they called a retro movie. If you can look past that TFA is a pretty amazing movie and Kasdan did a great job helping out with the script. I also really enjoyed JJ's direction the slow paced opening act meeting BB-8 and Rey I thought was done really well. All the scenes with the Falcon were great I would even say the scene on Jakku was ground breaking it's beautiful to watch and the way the filmed it made the ship feel real that somebody was actually piloting it. Harrison Ford actually showed up and gave us the Han Solo we have missed since the OT. I could list the good stuff in TFA forever. TLJ is a complete mess you could list it's problems forever. Oh please.... RJ threw everything JJ set up out the window. The story for TLJ was garbage and there is nobody to blame for that except Johnson and Kennedy to some degree for allowing him to film a garbage script. A good writer would have explored the world JJ set up and expanded the universe. They would have come up with intelligent answers and thoughtful directions. Don't give RJ any breaks because he was given a set up without a map to guide him to the answers. He signed onto the project free willing. If you don't like JJ and his style cool don't watch his movies but blaming somebody for a bad movie that they didn't write or even direct is foolish at best. Are you really going to blame JJ for TLJ?? Rian Johnson is to blame and nobody else. RJ was writer director he held 80-90% of the creative control. I can see why people don't like JJ's style he set up storys and ideas with no idea where he is going with it. Personally I like this. It adds to the mystery not even JJ knows what is going to happen. The problem with TLJ is that RJ had no interested in going down JJ's set up rabbit hole and abandoned it all. Kennedy should have read RJ's draft before hiring him to helm it. Also, should have had JJ actually produce/co-write it instead of giving him executive producer credit to show up at a meeting here and there. They know they messed up and that's why they are bringing him back for E9. Problem was Disney was ready to start making cash off their investment and pushed to get everything moving and setting up a Marvel style cash machine. Remember TFA was originally going to be released in May and Disney was set on it until JJ told them noway it was happening. They rushed everything that's why they are back peddling now and firing directors left and right. Super nervous RJ is set for a new trilogy which was probably Disney's plan for phase 2. Until they saw how the hardcore dependable fans reacted to TLJ. Truth. You mean that painfully predictable scene where we KNEW Kylo would turn on Snoke and where we KNEW main characters were not going to get killed by plastic red army men? The only weight that scene held was when Kylo asked Rey to join him. That would have been the ballsiest direction ever taken.. and they balled on it. Weak! I remember reading how there were huge reveals and the most surprising directions taken. How it was so unexpected and thrillingly surprising. I watched up to the scene and I was like okay where are all these twists? Then Kylo offers his hand and I gasped... this is it! But no sadly my idea of a thrillingly surprising twist is not shared by the majority of the film watching community. Would have rather of had Admiral Ackbar take her screen time. At-least he's is fun to watch and has quotable lines. But no, they killed him off so we could have admiral purple hair and captain big nose do nothing of relative importance. JJ is the man! The guy is a genius. Say what you will but you can't deny his ability to create interested thought provoking worlds and ideas. I also hope he can get Kasdan back to help with the script. The only concern I have with JJ is that he will end 9 with again tons of unanswered questions that will not be answered for decades if even then. IT just seems to me that JJ is a far superior film maker to RJ a real genius when it comes to sparking interest. I wanted to see the TLJ so bad after the TFA and now the only reason I have to look forward to E9 is because JJ is coming back hopefully to save star wars for the 2nd time. RJ had no idea what to do with all of those ideas set up in TFA. That's not his style of thinking so he trashed it all. His conclusions to all the questions were the laziest weakest path anybody could have taken. A talent film maker would have made a movie that truly paid off. Anybody can just throw ideas out the window. What kills me the most is people are hailing it as unexpected and surprising. Lucas film should have at-least had JJ write the story or an outline for TLJ. I wouldn't blame KK. She was over Lucas film when TFA was made and it's great IMO and Rogue one which is also very good. She was the one who decided Rogue One needed re shoots and brought in a new director to over see that. The biggest mistake KK has made so far was putting way too much faith in RJ. They hired him as both writer and director without even seeing his pitch. RJ was hired because he was a talented, daring, up and coming film maker. Just what the fan base was asking for. They didn't know his vision was going to piss everybody off. So what did you think of it? Yes -If you think Kevin Hart and his same jokes for the past 10 years are funny -If you like mindless mediocre rehashed action scenes -If you like 1 dimension non threatening villains -If you like recycled cheesy romances -If you are drunk or high during the viewing Other than that no I'd skip it. In all honesty it has a couple of funny lines from Jack Black and Hart but I'd never spend bother to see it again. Because the Light Speed Bullet is a Gigantic Plot Hole!! It was placed in the movie because Johnson thought it would look cool but didn't think it through. Why didn't they just light speed ram the super star destroyer at Endor? Why not try it on the death star in a new hope? Because it was never meant to be a something that was a plausible tactic. Other wise it would make the extremely expensive Imperial Navy useless to a band of kamikaze rebels especially considering we have droids in this universe. I'm assuming that Light speed would be extremely to hard to pin point a direct impact. Or that a Defector shield would make it more like a bouncy ball than a bomb but that would be just my thinking. It also ruins anything in the future. Any threat I'm just going to be thinking oh no big problem just light speed ram it and we'll be fine. A sad time we live in.... Neither movie is any good either... Makes me loose faith in humanity. 5/10 I seriously doubt I could name my top 3 but I'll list 3 of my favs Terminator Empire Strikes Back Return of the King Yes! Anybody who thought this movie was good I dare you to make a response video. I don't think Johnson knows what the Knights of Ren are. Pretty sure that was a something JJ put together that needed fleshed out but apparently Johnson doesn't like continuing story lines set up by somebody else. This should be the go to source for anybody who is confused why fans don't like the TLJ. It should also be mailed directly to Kennedy. Send this to Johnson too so he can see why everybody is pissed at him. Now he needs to make a video listing all the stupid jokes.