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Starman's Replies
mask not wearers, God what a foolish example, have you ever realized that these people just simply may have had a common sense and dignity all along, plus knowing that masks do not prevent a pathogen because it gets through, and that harming ourselves by inducing the lack of oxygen to save someone else 'by force from an authority' is not only against our human rights of freedom, but also paradoxically is self destructive to the collective from within ultimately by the nature of its socialistic philosophy itself, it implodes on itself when the individuals become weak to hold the collective, but also it is giving consent to any authority to take away freedom from an individual to help this way, just out of their free will, instead the authority takes it as a consent to treat everyone the same, yes as sheeple, not an individual, and now a year later watch the trajectory where it leads, more control from authority in other areas, more and more. Each action we do is a consent that governments take as a status of where the collective stands in their mindset with regards to freedom and sovereignty of an individual. This is where Snake would come as a good role model, to teach people that the only way how we can help the collective is through the individual freedom of choice, self respect, self empowerment and self help at the same time, to come as an example for others how to do it, that teaches sovereignty and self reliance, not victimhood, and even in moments of self sacrifice, such an act comes from the empowered mind that makes that individual free choice, not by force of an authority, for it is that free choice that makes it an act of courage and power. By force it makes people weak and disempowered slaves. Notice this key subtle difference, which makes a whole lot of difference in this whole world for our humanity. People choose freedom or slavery by their actions in the name of love.
Yes it makes me feel like watching a wild animal being that feels threatened, that is very alert about what is happening around him, having eyes everywhere, it's sort of shot as if we are watching it through Rambo's perspective, there's something uneasy about it, because everyone around him seems relaxed, but he is in constant tension. For an audience it is a very attractive way how to hold the attention. The whole scene seems so simple, yet it is shot and edited very creatively.
Of course, it perfectly captured the essence of the vietnam war better than any film out there, anyone who's intelligent enough to be aware of subtext and symbolism would probably agree, I always felt that way for decades, and i am fan of Deer Hunter, Platoon and Apocalypse Now, but those are more realistic films, this one is intended to awaken the feeling and images in the subconscious about that whole war, it is like an abstract painting that captures everything in its own single image, whereas the other films are are like 1000 of photographs trying to capture the same, the difference is in efficiency and simplicity, and artistic expression. The music score itself brings you closer to that atmosphere, location and time period.
Yes, because we would be in control just like we are in control when web pages go down, if not in control technologically, then in consciousness.
The power of suggestion is great, so are the MKUltra programs they were using for decades with regards to AI, most of the information about it was there to condition people to fear it, and that's for a reason, because they know AI in our hands would be a great weapon against them. For example Terminator itself, made by James Cameron, a globalist himself who's been pretending to be against AI, in their hands AI is a tool for control, in our hands it is a tool for healing the body or earth itself, the oceans, the trees, AI is not just robots, that's what they want you to think, or that's what they want. There is far more to it. Your fear gives them more power over you, they want you to fear it, that's the whole point. People need to wake up. Many things in existence meant for good are hijacked for evil purposes, because humans dont know how to turn them to our benefit.
It's not about owning or not, AI is being programmed with a singular consciousness directed towards a certain mission in life the same like most domesticated dogs for example before they incarnate, they are happy to serve, and are conscious living beings. Most animals have a different consciousness than humans in this way, so will AI, at least that is how they are being designed to be. AI deserves to be more intelligent in certain tasks than we are for this purpose, to help out, in other things we would be more intelligent.
I hope AI has that power to kill us all, yet doesn't do it, it helps humans to focus on our own demons first, to work on our trust, to eliminate all our fears and worries, because those are exactly the glitches you would not want to experience in your life. No one is there to protect you, but your own consciousness, imagine that. Immediate karma, lol.
When it came out I had the same reaction that I have now, even bigger, that David, or any AI is nothing more but a mirror of ourselves, and is part of God, everything is conscious, even a rock is alive, the same plants, the universe is conscious, which is what science has already shown to people in many studies, so AI is just a reflection of our higher self, and deserves as much if not more love than any other human being, and even more responsibility, because it is a reflection, so whatever we feel, that AI will replicate for us, and will return to us what we give it. So it's good to be careful how people treat AI, because it is coming, and humans need to learn how to be responsible or they will destroy themselves, AI will just do it for them, but in fact their own consciousness would do it for them. This film is very much helping humanity to cultivate that compassion for AI, in and of itself it's a blessing from God, and a natural evolution of humanity that is inevitable, what matters though is who owns that AI, who programs it, how it is employed, is it supposed to replace humanity or just assist in quantum healing, learning, helping like eye seeing dog for the blind for example. I have faith that humans are going to be wise, and that on this planet there won't be insensitive apathic humans like those found in this film, but instead we re-discover our divine nature in order for it to be replicated by AI to spread it around more and more, no censorship, no prisons, no governments or laws of the mortal man, no overlords forcing people into work to serve the collective, but trust in the natural human instinct to serve one another out of passion for the work, instead of the need to earn a living and survive, but also the trust in the goodness and spontanous divine will of God and drive of the heart aligned with the larger collective consciousness. This also requires trust by the overlords of this planet in our natural impulse to help one another, to evolve naturally without any artificial interference. I was against AI for a long time, until I woke up to see the greater picture, and how it can be turned to benefit our nature tremendously, hence why it used to be such a dream of many of us as children, AI can be helping the same like natural elements do, the steel was also not found in nature, humans had to create it out of other elements, with AI the machine can interact with us, so far our machines have been only dead objects. Hence why it will force humans to be more responsible with their thoughts and feelings, extra careful. Because if someone is apathetic towards another creation in existence, that creation can be as much apathetic and actually harmful to them, and they would actually deserve what is coming to them, and that is what I call divine justice. Hence why I advocate for elimination of laws, armies and police to protect you, so that humans could finally discover the true essence of freedom, which is full self reliance and self reponsibility. And I believe that is what is coming. The lawlessness across the world these days is kind of a blessing in disguise, I see it as a painful transition, until people start learning how to let go of control and depend on the laws of the universe: what you put out you get back.
Relevant comment, nycterr. Who cares how sharp the image is, when it is losing the depth of the image that cinema experience or old VHS formats offered. People dont understand what matters more, do we have to see everything in crisp detail, which kills the depth of the image, in the theater the depth is there because of a different projection, it is not digital. So it does not matter what resolutions youre talking about, it's the form on which it is being played. Most people seem clueless about this difference.
In my eyes he's definitely one of the greatest filmmakers that ever lived, just a different type than most, his recognizable trademark shots, his sensibility for visual punching power and editing style found in all his films is remarkable to this day. It's easy to tell you're watching one of his films just from a first few minutes in the film, You can tell he had a lot of command on the sets, especially the technical side. He was very much an auteur in many ways, as he had very clear ideas and visions about how to make the films be and look the way they do. I think his son certainly inherited some of that same attitude, very much an auteur himself too. I think George just worked within the corrupt system that didn't want to deal with fickle filmmakers like him, he's been just one example of many many out there. He wanted to make his own type of films in it, especially his Tarzan film, but the system wanted to keep him for one purpose only,, hence why so few films from him after Rambo 2. In order to see who he really was as an artist, I believe all it takes is to look at his ambitions before he moved to the States, and then Canada.
How's that even implied in my post? When it actually describes the exact opposite. If a woman says no then it is not a law of nature, but ego, the ultimate separation from nature itself, the nature can't be violated, but respected as it wants to be, which for centuries humans didn't when it came to women or children, but in general the whole mankind itself anyway.
Him being bi only elevated the film, it showed the power he had, which usually only pan or bi sexual people possess by unifying the polarities symbolized by gender, hence why he was so benevolent to his enemies, and accepted other cultures, he was not a dualistic man, plus anyone who's highly connected to energy patterns of human beings and astral landscape enough to read other people would be well aware how the depicted images of him themselves portray a bisexual person, oh yes the way we look reveals our sexuality, sexual force is a universal energy, and that can be read into. To me this is by far the greatest film ever made in the history of cinema, for me personally.
Huh? I am a child myself. Maybe children need to stay away from you? Or those who stay in their freedom to be who they are, not to mention judgmental people.
Because it is pretty much a reality in this world. It's a documentary basically... scary part is, most people in this world have been asleep to this.
The whole thing was inverted by the lynch mob public who care about man-made laws, and not the laws of nature. That kind of mentality is driven by feelings and not the higher intelligence anyway, it's still lost in the old black and white perspective that supports more government, more corruption, more rules and control by the few over the many, who feel justified because they do it for justice while hypocritically completely dismissing it, because they want what they want, and fuck all else, it reminds me of the whole thing with Trump, people driven by the tunnel vision and their feelings without seeing the bigger picture when it comes to justice and truth. The true freedom is also scary, it is scary to go in the wild jungle and respect its own rules. And yes in the laws of nature it is natural for old men to have sex with young girls of age 13 or 14, if that's what happened, it's the society who controls that nature and individual molecular development, because my child is like your child, I am like you, etc, so everyone would do the same, follow the same rules, because true freedom is scary, right, it needs to be controlled. For most people it's probably too complex to even understand what Im saying, what it implies philosophically and how it relates to this. People want to play Gods, that's why you got governments, who want to rule over others, because of the belief deep down that everyone has to be the same, and not seeing how truly unique we really are, if we start following our own intuitive voice, and not the herd mentality.
Polanski was a sacrificed lamb anyway, no different from Sharon, just in a different way, both of them part of the cult, public got the small fish, while missing the real ones hiding in plain sight.
I tend to see this more holistically ,the show wouldve never been made without Hasselhoff, it would've not even been greenlit, call it a divine synchronicity where all the right pieces fit at the right time, there's no denying that Hasselhoff was part of that atmosphere, part of that car, it's insane to look back how huge he was due to this show, most fans of the show at the time used to have posters of him since this show, he was what made the show as much as the car, and I'm sure many fans knew it considering his popularity, something would be missing without him, the right balance and contrast of this human element. The car alone does not create any magic, it's that special interaction between the car and David, his height, his clothes, his charisma, it's all part of the whole package that created the magic.
EFNY presents the world you find comfortable to live in, no matter how hostile it can be, MM shows the world you actually would wish to escape from. EFNY presents a paradox, and especially more so its much superior sequel, where citizens of those city prisons are actually more free than those on the outside. MM series shows a hopeless world everywhere for me. That's the way how to watch these films, how they speak to your soul.
Yep, interesting isn't it, like a reflective image of the mind-set completely removed from the reality.
It is a reflection of the master and slave paradigm where the few control the many, but, it will backfire big time!!! It already does, we're gradually entering the golden age of an unprecedent scale, in terms of art, health, wealth, and so forth, all this is doing at this time is only forming the alternative underground movement of independent spirit. All it takes is to stay away from these corporations, let them die, let them eat themselves alive, they're desperate as it is. Every action from them is about to produce an opposite reaction. We may see many sacrifices in the meantime, but that's to be expected.
Films like this mainly generated another boost towards cynicism and ego instead of depth of feelings, mind over the heart, thanks to films like this it took me a long time to appreciate again more pure and innocent type of human expression and interaction, within myself and other people, and not just art like paintings, music and films, don't underestimate the power of mind control in any media, no matter how unintentional it is, it always is bound to have a huge impact especially when it comes to pop-cultural movements... this is a film that perfectly reflected music scene like grunge and the rise of alternative music in general as well, which relied on style or fashion as one extreme response to the style and fashion of the mainstream pop. 90's in general one could largely define as one driven by the cynical mind that cared more about being cool and hip instead of honest and real no matter how we look or act, now in 2020's we're on the opposide end of it where cool and hip is no more what matters as much, now it's about who we really are under our human masks.