I believe it's unrealistic now (I mean within the next 5 years, I don't have ANY predictive abilities of sociological phenomena beyond that), only because they are both profiting too much currently from their own segregation. But it could happen in the future for sure. Why would FOX sell to Disney? The Avengers franchise, a movie series, literally altered the course of corporate history
Disney gained Aliens, Predators, Planet of the Apes, etc. and w/e other random film franchises. It profited from absorbing its TV shows, Hulu, Sports content, etc. but let's be real, a multibillion dollar merger was largely motivated by gaining comic book rights lol. Fantastic 4 and X-Men. Billions of dollars spent for that. And it will lead to massive profits. Just like it led to massive profits when Disney bought Marvel AFTER the first Avengers film for like 4 billion dollars
Fantastic Four and X-Men films and the crossovers which they enable will probably single-handedly cause this absurd merger to "break even". The Disney conglomerate will continue to rake in massive profits even as its spends obscene amounts to eat up other corporations like an apex-predator anaconda