MovieChat Forums > Starman > Replies
Starman's Replies
No because these days everyone thinks they have the truth and shove it down other peoples throats no matter how much they hurt them, it is not the truth unless it is realized it is the truth by those you share it with. Freedom of speech is overrated when its used as a weapon to oppress others. Only a narcissist thinks they have the truth others need to see even if they dont want to.
Freedom of speech has consequences, thats why we got cancel culture to remind us that words can and do lead to action, this is how systemic violence and murder used to start in society, that has an effect on the well being of other more vulnerable humans, especially when it comes to minorities in this world. We still live in the world where mob mentality formulates as a result of beliefs designed to devalue other people's existence, not just beliefs. Jones needs to learn the lesson that with power comes more responsibility. He has been known for dehumanizing others for a long time, he had it coming.
Nothing. It's ironically what this world needed to liberate it from oppression.
Yes!!! Isn't that obvious? They are true to themselves, it is their reality, it is the truth they're living by, which is the EXACT opposite of delusion. But your example usually comes down to psychosis, unlike gender identity that is biological and provable in physical reality. But that's beside the point, purely from a philosophical perspective we are supposed to respect, believe and validate other people's true sense of self. This is extremely important if we care about individual freedom on earth. And yes of course being trans is not a mental illness and neither gender dysphoria, lol, I have it too without ever transitioning, it's just a distress caused by the body disorder/physical handicap since birth, that's all. Beyond this distress the mind is completely healthy and fully functioning. It's obvious you have no clue what you're talking about.
"Changing long established pronouns should not be allowed."
Can I ask which pronouns do you mean? I know that trans people need to change legal docuements and birth certificates in many countries all over the world so they could finally live at peace as who they are, it's the reason they transition in the first place, pronouns go along with that of course. Do you mean pronouns like "They" instead of he or she? But that is still up to people to tell us who they are, and we need to respect that. Why should it be someone else defining who you are for you, how would that feel if someone came up with a name for you and forbidden you to use your own name that your parents have given you?
LOL. Oh yes there is, because science already recognizes gender as a biological sex itself, it's part of the whole package. They were born biological women of course, one just needs to shift the perspective about what biological sex really means, people have been lied to for decades.
Except that is common decency, if you do not acknowledge who they are (in their brain), then you are delusional yourself about the reality of how they live and exist for themselves, and unable to accept it, so they have every right to cancel you or get rid of you out of self respect. So misgendering on purpose is a LITERAL hate crime, absolutely literal, because you care more about yourself than others. Learn what love means first, it means sacrifice and surrender of OUR own beliefs. They are the gender they say they are, otherwise they would not transition. So what people like you represent is the opprecive force no different from governments, so you deserve to reap what you sow by receiving the same kind of oppression from others. If someone can not learn how to respect others, they are bound not to be co-existing around them, whether it's job space or various platforms. It's a common sense, absolutely unbeliable there are some bozos out there who still don't get it, something so simple and obvious. Learn to be a human or get out of this planet.
That is exactly what is pretty much illusory and reductionary by itself that there are only two sexes. When people talking about chromosomes, there's about 9 sexes. If talking physical attributes, there's like 32 sexes (male, female, then a ton of different types of intersex). Go deeper into this and watch till the end. -
The fact of the matter is that gender identity can be measured and physically observed on the brain scans, and our brain is the largest sex organ of the body that operates the WHOLE body, it is the way how we are attached to our genitals (one reason why trans women can not masturbate or get aroused or reach orgasm by touching the penis), our relationship to our body, our perception and behaviour. This is why it is fully legitimate and based on actual fact that trans women were born biological females.
When people talking about chromosomes, there's about 9 sexes. If talking physical attributes, there's like 32 sexes (male, female, then a ton of different types of intersex). And even by chromosomes, XY is an arbitrary trait. It's not the only one that controls our makeup. AIS is one, as you have an XY chromosome but develop an almost entirely female form. (Testicles in the place of ovaries I believe otherwise a complete female form). Because one marker adjusted your testosterone response. But would people argue you are biologically male or female? You have an XY, but your breasts and vagina came from your genetics. And if nature can adjust the genetalia there, then where else is it occuring in our code. Plus a lot of cis men (40%) stop having y chromosomes after 70, are they all of a sudden women? We can not use one arbitrary set of markers to define sex. Man and woman are artificial definitions, we are unique contrasts to one another that deserve to be defined more by the hue of a color that no one else can exhibit or replicate rather than a word.
Before sexual, gender and racial categories were made up by humans for humans, humans before that were understood, just like any other individual being in nature, as each individual being a unique combination of different unrelated parts randomly put together, what we all really are, besides all tries of trying to lump us into biological and sociocultural boxes, which all ultimately fail, because, as in natural reality, generalizations DO NOT work, that means that categorizations also do not work because there is no categorization without a generalization.
In the end, a society without gender, race nor sex is one in which having "innies" between your legs and darker skin do not make someone a black woman, because those characteristics do not define the places you are destined to occupy in this world.
I could go on and on further why even biological categorical notions like biological sex and species are also made up human sociocultural constructs, because, for short, in the end, they still are generalizations and all generalizations are failed, nature itself appears to despise "naturalizations", in the sense that it always breaks its own rules with exceptions.
All of us have many sexes each, we have a genetical sex, a chromosomal sex, two anatomical sexes, one primary and another secondary, a physiological or hormonal sex, a behavioral sex, and, as humans, we also have a psychological sex, which are our gender identities, they all are not obligated to align and match perfectly, nor should any of them have the power to define our existences for us.
Understandably the reason trans women and trans men know what their gender is because they receive the specific signal in their brain (that matches the brain of the opposite sex) that allows them to recognize what their body should look, even at 3 years old, it's like asking to describe what love is, or how do you know you love your spouse, you just do, the point of reference does not come from seeing the opposite sex and knowing that's what I am, that reference comes from their own body that basicvally indicates the opposite of who they should be, so for instance they have a rough skin, man boobs, so they know they need to have the opposite on the gender spectrum. Our brain is wired to know whether we should have boobs or penis, ask intersex people who have certain parts missing, they know they miss it, and it should be there, the same like someone who removed their breats, their female brain is wired to recognize it is missing.
The same goes also for categorizations of our sexual orientations, which are all made up social constructs, that we base our orientation on our knowledge (our mind) instead of our own body instincts, which contribute to how we sexually express ourselves and who we are attracted to, so for example heterosexual men are chemically, pheromonally, hormonally, sexually attracted to trans women, yet our ideas in our head would try to deny how our body naturally sexually responds to seeing some of them, no matter how attractive they are, our thoughts in our minds would try to delude us, to prevent that sexual arousal, that truth, and that's the social conditioning, the same like race, gender, sex, none of it is natural and real as we think it is, it's all in our heads. I could go deeper in the rabbit hole of philosophical matters of all this.
That's because many of them suffer internalized transphobia and still searching for self love. Trans does not exist as a gender, it's just a physical condition, trans women are recognized in science as women when it comes to gender, some trans people just need more time to understand it.
Well said. It's obvious what you say would go far beyond people's minds, they just can not comprehend the world without the need for laws, which is where I believe we are headed as a civilization thankfully, where the only laws that matter are laws of the universe and nature that operate on the basis of karma, so when something bad happens, someone gets murdered, we can choose not to intervene, and let the karma play itself out without the participation of society whatsoever, no judges, no jail, no cops, no solders, no wars, but this is the leap of faith we all individually have to make first before the collective joins in, it requires facing our fears and embracing darkness and evil as good and part of its karmic process. I am personally in touch with people in their 40's who used to have sex with their pre-pubescent children as part of a dark ritual, I am also in touch with a woman who allows herself to be impregnated so she could abort the baby as an offering to her Gods. Why should I intervene, it is their karma, I refuse to police the world, this way I am saying to the universe - I do not need governments oppressing and controlling others, I do not need any authority having control over others'sovereignty. I allow nature to express itself as it is without me being a judge. Let me tell you, THIS is the way how you gradually start removing all governments on earth, where individual people become their own governments ruling only their own lives, not others. Which again requires embracing darkness and having faith and trust that we are protected by the higher powers of the universe, that nothing bad happens to us.
In our ancient history this is how many pagans also used to live, they used hidden magick for protection, they didnt police the world, they embraced evil without any need to fight it. Which is a temptation for an ego that perpetuates wars of good and evil, all the divisions among people, instead of unifying the polarity of good and evil as part of one greater whole.
Who cares how someone was born, all the biological changes she went through are enough to re-affirm my own heterosexual orientation as a male. Besides trans people have absolutely no obligation whatsoever to reveal to partners how they were born anyway, just like women born without a womb or uterus, at least unless they want to spend a lifetime together and have a baby of course.
I considered this one by far the best Indy film on its release back then, and still do today... umm no the appeciation was always there by regular audience who just love to have fun, it's just been always drowned out by the cult of fanboys. Thanks to this film I started following Spielberg's films once again, I felt it was a return to form for him in 2008, especially stylistically speaking, his films since then didn't lose that same spark.
This is one of those films that make the viewer fill up the gaps in their imagination as its not showing everything, it creates the whole mythos around Myers just by making eveything dream-like and yet real. I admit the first time I watched this film when I was 10 back in 1990 it was in chunks, as I had to be switching channels as it was too horrifying to sit through it without pause, especially through its permeating atmosphere, it would be too traumatizing for me if I watched it when I was 5 for example. I just needed to look at something lighter to release the tension and then switch back to the film, at least for a few seconds.
Conspiracy theorists used to say she is a man, they dont mean like a trans woman who is born a female inside, just a man forced into sex change. Well anything is possible in this crazy world.
Avatar is one of those films I didnt have to watch many times just to love it and never forget it, its like 2001 Space Oddyssey, Siberiade, Tree Of Life, Seven Samurai or Pianist, I dont feel like watching such films many times, it doesnt mean they didnt leave a lasting impact on me. This is just an argument to those who say Avatar is not as much cult as Star Wars. Avatar is a different cinematic experience, its like you dont want to watch films like that many times, because youre afraid the whole sensory emotional experience of it could wear out. Id not be surprised Avatar has by far more fans than Star Wars, it just is not cult experience to talk about it, making all the noise around it, it left an indelible impact on our subconscious, thats enough. For me as a trans person who was born a woman with male sexual development it was also very relatable with regards to Jake being able to inhabit a different body, and being fully alive, grounded and vibrant in it, it made me cry just at the very end when Jake woke up and opened his eyes. Many trans ppl are not born with that privilege for we're usually totally disassociated and ungrounded in our body unable to be very intimate or social, so I believe thats one relatable aspect that Im sure most disabled people could relate to as well, another one is the environmental message, it awakened our deep past life memories of living in Lemuria, Avatar basically depicted the earth in that ancient time before it was destroyed after the fall of Atlantis.
I agree with you. Of course, this is the main trick, the slight of hand, to deceive people by using their own good heart against them, this is not about Jones, this is about all of us, and I don't like Jones myself, this is much bigger. Cases like this are used to examine the social climate basically, if people agree with this, they're naturally consenting to similar attacks on free speech in public.
Of course, it is the same paradox with the creation of Bible and its battle with Satan, if there was no Bible there would be no Satan or Satanism controlling the banking system, governments and most corporations around the world. This kind of paradox was something that absolutely blew me away in the recent months, and not many people may be ready for this truth, and this kind of shock though. There goes that saying that what we fight we feed it too. Maybe the best solution at the end is not joining either side of the resistance, and transcend that duality in our world. Our observation creates a reality from the perspective of quantum mechanics, so it is good to be wise and step out of such paradoxes.
No they are doing the opposite because they know the government is lying to them and know what is helping others, and ultimately themselves, and it is not slavery. No I do not wear a seatbelt, or a crash helmet, I do not lock the door to my car or house either, and I do not wear a condom either, but that is my free choice, simply because I am not driven by fear, and know the science of what trust and faith does electro-magnetically to keep us protected. And there is a reason why it never failed me. But that is what self empowerment does. When the individual is in power, then the collective is in power, simply by us going as an example teaching others. Change the world, change yourself first.
What self destructive mask wearers do, is changing the world so they could change themselves, completely backwards, and they're on the way of death itself, because they dont see the bigger picture of how life works.
I am not telling you that you are irresponsible, cruel, ignorant, dumb, or any of that, you obviously have a good heart in the right place who has his own way how to help, just a different perspective. I know what I know, and you know what you know. Don't let governments divide us, that's what they want.