MovieChat Forums > Starman > Replies
Starman's Replies
All films, especially the ones claiming to be based on true events should not adhere to our conception of reality, ever, because that's limiting the imagination all art demands, but the conception of its own reality, which is purely poetic and symbolic. The claim - based on truth - is no different from Blair Witch Project and films like that, it's all art, all part of movie magic to make you believe in what is presented outside of our own know-it-all ego mind. As an audience we're supposed to empty our minds and immerse ourselves in the presented imagination, the purpose of art IS to challenge our imagination, not our robotic regurgitations of what we know, or think we know, and limit our ability to create something new, just like in indoctrinating schools right, repeating the same bullshit, fuck that... f u c k that!
Yes... I love the ending though, we see rebels beating the corrupted system, I can see this kind of an end coming soon for all of us people. Even if it was not military willing to step in, sooner or later the regular people themselves are going to dismantle the corruption in FBI, CIA, police, justice department, governments, etc. Ultimately there's more of us than them. But I believe that process of dismatnling has started decades ago already through infilitration.
"Believe me, the Fox studio execs are far from being elite"
Oh my you might be in for some serious shocks in the next few months or years if that gets out. One is always wiser to be be open minded that all the major companies in Hollywood have been infiltrated by CIA with their MKU operations, people threatened, paid, black mailed, etc. When you know what you know, it's easy to put pieces together to see a bigger picture. I won't comment more on that, besides all what is said, all those stories told through people (who they themselves may be involved as well) are often just smoke and mirrors, illusions covering deeper truths underneath, it's easy to be fooled by our physical senses of what we see or hear, only when we start putting pieces together more becomes revealed.
I am confident whatever you reply will be again things someone told you, just regurgitating promoted things like mainstream news robot again and again that came through someone else's mouth, that's not how you get the proof for anything, it consists of several pieces scattered around that require for you to do the research to put together. We're not even dealing with proof per se, but intuitive insight and resonance, to discover the truth for ourselves. Sometimes one needs to learn a language before one can read the book if you know what I mean.
With more time the metaphor might become bigger, it seems to be only about pedophile ring so far, but that's because at this point that's one thing more exposed to public, even the aliens are the real thing that these elites have been worshipping by blood rituals in underground tunnels and Antarctica often by using remote viewing technologies. There's so much more that public needs to see. Who knows maybe in some 20-30 years this film's metaphor starts to be perfectly obvious to everyone.
It would not surprise me if this was Carpenter's channeled anger at the elites for throwing him under the bus for his previous films that didn't do well, just by hiding the truth in plain sight, with Prince Of Darkness as well, using satan hiding underground the church (a convenient metaphor for Vatican there?). He was really pushing it with those two films. Both made for Alive pictures, hmm what a title, almost feels like siding with the liviing and not dead, doesn't it.
Here's something to open people's minds, you can't show proof, you can only drop enough pieces for the intuition and common sense to come to some conclusions.
There are two reasons.
1. As it has been shared numerous times through various testimonies and sensitive military documents, movies are largely made to hijack and rewire the consciousness psychologically, the same popular music, which as a result of seeing such films humans can become cynical and skeptical that the reality can be like that, one can easily notice many people saying it's just a fiction, or it can't be taken seriously, especially when reviewing it through the filter of how it's made, or whether it's good or bad, instead of how it adds to the conscious reality they're creating for themselves, what energy frequencies they're emanating and affecting their mental, emotional or spiritual body, or how it makes them believe in those stories or themes, their senses are so numb that they can no longer feel the deeper subtler layers under the surface, that's how deeply mass hypnotized people have been, never ever realizing that Star Wars, Flash Gordon, Harry Potter, Lords of The Rings, the biggest wildest fantasy films out there are real on some level, by showing us who we were or can be, but our disbelief in it being real can never make it real, and that's exactly how the manipulation of the brain works, it's the ultimate paradox in the realm of sorcery or spiritual magick that any advanced wizard or witch might be be aware of. We project out such a fiction into the world as we see as a fiction, not a presentation of reality. There goes the old saying in ancient scriptures through the history that the ultimate power is in our belief first.
2. They're made to allow the collective consciousness of humans to create their reality for them, exactly as they want it through the subliminal signs, energy, manipulated emotions, messages, etc, humans are just largely unconscious of such participation. That's the real trick of black magick, they need to show what they do, but we have to be unaware of the real intention behind it. This film itself is dangerous as it provokes violence, that's what they want, division, violence, conflict, wars, it uses part of the truth and inserts its own emotional manipulation into it. Understandably most filmmakers are perhaps not aware of it, most of us have been psychologically brainwashed from the birth, from generation to generation therefore there's a genetic influence, it brought us here to carry certain emotions and thoughts throughout our lives. This is very deep reaching back to the Roman Empire/Babylonian times.
PS: Although I must admit, some people are saying John Carpenter himself is a Freemason too, I can't verify that myself, nevertheless it would make sense, Halloween 3 itself carries perhaps the biggest predictive programming of all the films he stood behind in some way, with all the selling of masks, tv programming, witchcraft, robots/clones, etc. Knowing this one can never watch the films the same way ever again, it changes everything in your consciousness, just that horrifying realization itself.
One person awakening to all this is not enough to change the reality to our advantage, but 9 billion? yes that's enough electro-magnetic volume to tip the scales of power, and that's what they fear.
Since the late 80's I always found much better filmmaking in most of the sequels in this franchise. As kids back then when they were being released I dont remember we ever compared these films, they were all great, and that was it, certainly not putting original or sequel on pedestal or something. The humour of the sequels definitely added a lot more horror, the more funny it seemed the scarier, cause the so-called humour was demented, disturbing and chilling down to the bone, that's what humour usually does in horror films, it's a balancing technique. It certainly didn't seem intended to conjure up a smile or a haha laughing moment, but the exact opposite, that's one of the reasons why the original is easier to watch for me in terms of scares than the sequels that went much deeper into the depths of fear. As to what is better, they're all great, but personally I can't recall a single franchise where the sequels have not been somehow superior in terms of quality, the same goes for this one as well. There's usually a great improvement as they go on. I think The Dream Master is my most favourite, it's Renny Harlin's film, which was the most popular of the franchise at the time.
As long as people are divided we're on the right track, the world was enslaved for too long when it was following only one master, whether it was science, news, politics, religion, that's for the herd mentality to have only one truth, truth is in the heart, not somewhere out there to be given to us, so every one of us is bound to believe something else and divide from others who believe their own truth, as long as we're on the path to the awakening of the spirit as a prime creator of subjective universe, therefore understanding and respecting why others live in and create their own universe. This is the time of liberation many of us have been waiting for for a long long time.
Horror from the recent years, Bye Bye Man from 2017, that was for me like a journey to 1930's, the first film since I was little that I had to to watch through my fingers, and sometimes had to look away completely or switching off the sound, not because of gore, but because of the silence, the empty space boiling with intensity that was nerve racking. It is probable during my out of body experience I could meet that Bye Bye Man there for real, coming after me, lots of imaginary things beome real there, it affected me a lot, maybe it's time for some cleansing and healing to release it from my emotional body.
The show certainly became far more watchable and funny after Jefferson came in, the more cartoonish it became more timeless and hilarious, and sometimes when it got sillier the more intelligent creativity was behind it, the quality and humour is especially less constrained by time of its cultural humour unlike the earlier seasons. Cartoonish nature of art more often reaches far beyond fashion, customs, trends, it appeals to the senses that any child can get without being aware of what's going on in the world. That's something more universal, the quality in the vein of Tom and Jerry can always reach far deeper into our psyche that more people share. Perhaps why the newer shows that tend to take themselves too serious or being too embedded in the real world can hardly reach the worldwide appeal of something like MWC. For me personally 99% of all shows and film franchises I've ever seen always get better later on, probably because there's a space for improving.
I remember that feeling, I was there at one point. Any film has depth beyond all intentions, we carry that depth with us, it is our responsibility to see beyond the surface of life, not up to the outside stimuli. I would step further and appreciate to see more perspectives that reveal personal feelings towards specific areas of the film, not just themes, but aesthetics, colors, shapes, specific tones, moods, anything that is awakening something in us, our traumas, our past experiences, anything that makes us relate, sometimes people do so anyway, however unintentionally often, not for the purpose of exploring our souls through the art we observe or create, or any experience that affect us somehow. I remember growing up and gradually getting disappointed how even most artists are cynical, superficial people despite creating great depths in what they do, yet never seeing it themselves. There is no bad art to me, there's only an entirely neutral experience, to show us who we are.
Of course, Alien Covenant as a film understandably works on a different level for me. that film came from a great degree of neutrality, a rather more advanced consciousness in my view, where the matters of good vs evil are less pronounced. as a subject matter of this thread it's not appropriate to use, not as a film to offer faith and hope in progress of AI technology, not for lots of other people, as not everyone is capable to rise above the duality of consciousness, the judgments, self righteousness, etc. Not everyone is able to defend humanity of murderers or rapists like I am, I am mindful of other peoples state of minds, how they think or how they are. Nonetheless, Alien Covenent doesn't feel to me personally as a film made with a single purpose to spread fear of technology itself, it goes deeper, it's not the focal point as much as in other films featuring AI, so for me it is still appropriate and shows an important side of technology and points a mirror at humans who have not progressed beyond their ego, hence why David developed the God complex as a reflection of humans dominant collective mindset, it is just a mirror, as long as there exists an overriding judgmental mindset in humanity, there's a higher probability such a God complex is bound to develop in our reflected image, as a shadow of our souls, and that's where I feel the usual fear of AI stems from, the unconscious fear of who we are, our inner unhealed side of Id. it is an extremely important subject matter in a film, that in a crucial time when dealing with technology might eventually prompt humans to look back into spirituality or religion to let God make ultimate judgments, not mortal humans. However, I could see why other people would miss this content in the film, therefore not a good choice for this thread. That film also works mainly from a more philosphiocal standpoint for me rather than a genre film to thrill the senses, hence why I tend to prefer it to any other Alien film made at this point. Hope that explains my standpoint when it comes to this one.
Yes I do have a soft spot for them indeed, there's so much to learn from something that contains our knoeldge, our values, to reflect back to us, to think about, to reassess, I might be wrong about many things, I am just learning, and AI is just one of those things that could very well reflect back who we are.
I am adding the one from the new Lost In Space show, now that show really makes a difference for the children today concerning AI, intitially there's a fear about it, but the kid trust it, and it turns out to be a great helper, someone who seems to learn so much from humans, I am really curious where the filmmakers would take the development of its character next in that show.
Another one that came to mind, my favorite, Wall-E. Which gives the heart of a human to the main character, and yet depicting the world of humans corrupted by reliance on technology. Good balance there.
No Terminator doesn't count for me, people use it as an example why to be fearful, it's why it never spoke to me as a kid, and Arnold fan at the time, in the sequel he may be benevolent, but the message of these films is not offering much faith. It's important to be careful, but it doesn't show the bright side, that's all. However even in the sequel there are bits suggesting that T can become more human and alive.
Finally an actor who gets it, in my view, for years I've been baffled why some people had the idea that Batman should have some big muscles, it's a fantasy, a comic book hero, the fact that Adam West didn't have big muscles is exactly what appealed to me, that contrast, which is powerful and magical. Also superheroes have all the power usually because of the psychic development that gives the energy into the body itself, it's not about how defined the muscles are, but how much electromagnetic chi energy is channeled into the body. In my view Pattinson looked the part long before he was given the role, it's about the mystical side of him he was born with as a person, there's the feeling as if he was hiding great powers, that's his appeal for me, and that's more important than how he changes on the outside.
As an audience our imagination is here to do the most work, in any fiction, not the creators, they're merely giving us suggestions, clues or implications, that's when the true magic comes. What Pattinson is doing is part of the revolution I am seeing more and more these days, to bring back the art that makes the audience participate in terms of the imagination and intellect, over the years the digital era along with the special effects have taken the big toll on that, for the last several years there's been a huge wave of collective consciousness coming to bring that part of the old era back, that really entertained the intellect/imagination as much as the heart, in perfect balance.
Those are my feelings about this subject matter.
To emphasize a point of what is conveyed emotionally. Otherwise it is a useless word that I think mainly helps some people who have not healed their shadow side stemming from childhood.
This film made Kurt Russell a big star for the first time, as in the 80's his almost every film was a flop, basically beiung saved only by the emergence of videocasstes, this film was big pop culture phenomenon at the time, and for that reason it has to be watched within the context of its time, not now.