Galilguy's Replies

There’s no fixing these indoctrinated Leftist sociopath eunuchs, there’s only avoiding them. Of course, the difference, they say, is that Trump refused to turn his docs over but what about the fact that Biden shouldn't have even HAD his in the first place? How did he get a lot of those when he was just a Senator? Now we'll never know.. Yes, furniture and electronics are down in price. That is because demand for these products are down because not as many people can afford these things anymore. Great job democrats! When you mash all the bullshit out of the 'migration' issue today, it points to an unholy alliance between radical, America-hating Democrats and clots of wealthy Republicans who desperately want cheap labor (some of which is fairly skilled), and more sales and 'market-share' as the older "Boomer" population retires on lower fixed-incomes, and then dies. Then there's the matter of the domestic labor market. Look at what that's turned into. We've got two generations now of badly-educated, slovenly 'adult children' with little or no motivation except to get on government handout programs and 'subsidies' of a dozen different kinds. Now pretend you're a business owner, what are you going to do? Why, you'll get Pancho and Maria to do the menial labor, and build robots and use AI to do the rest. Hint: you don't (DON'T) want a gang of domestically bred twenty-something's putting a roof on your house. Cheap labor and robots that don't need "personal days", that's where we're going, like it or not. The question I keep on asking, over and over, is "Why the hell can't we insist that we do this LEGALLY, in a measured and intelligent way?" Neither Democrats nor Republicans have the answer to that. I am absolutely shocked! The president actually did something the president is supposed to do. The idiot has to turn around to be shown where to stand, real action here OP.. Under Trump, we had a safe country with borders, crime and inflation under control. Those are the results that I prefer, not what we currently have under Biden. He just has the right mix of love of America, piss, and vinegar to tell the Uni-Machine to do something anatomically impossible to itself. Look at it this way. Forget about Donald Trump the person, and consider the facts. There is a man, a wealthy man, who was willing and is willing, to stand up and pronounce his opinion that the country in which he lives in, is in deep trouble. He desires to correct the wrongs of those who are in power, the ones that led us into this condition, and to remove them from power, in order to Make America Great Again. This man is elected, took no salary, and did his best to fulfill his promise to all of the people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, or political persuasion. What in the Hell is wrong with that? Is that a criminal enterprise? It must be. He was impeached twice, accused of being a Russian agent, and is currently being indicted as a felon at least four times, and his lawyers are not even allowed their right to speak in his defense, with a gag order put on him to shut up in court or without. Why would this man go through all of this? If he, by some miracle, were even to be reelected in 24 it would only be for another four short years. So why go through all of this? If you are not appalled at this outrage, then what in the hell is the matter? The wellbeing of this country affects each and every one of us and if that is not important then nothing at all is either and we will all suffer as a result of refusing to see what is most important to correct. Only Leftists want someone dictating their every rule and standard. One of the most important things that Congress can do is to censor those who support a terrorist group. It is telling that so many Democrats voted against censoring a supporter of a terrorist group, Hamas. The vote was 234-188. There were 188 votes by Democrats against censoring a Democratic member who is supporting a group that is on the State Department list of terrorist organizations. Unbelievable. Her representation of our county is warped and dangerous to us.. The OP is a deranged homosexual that should be committed.. Oct 7 was too savage, too close to home, and the world response to it such as direct and indirect calls for the elimination of Israel and Jews, has been an earthquake to all Jews in and out of Israel. Israeli's see the existential threat and want it removed. This sort of attack, where a Jew ends up dead, is not just happening in the U.S. I quick web search will show similar fatal attacks happening in Germany, France, Spain, England, Norway, Sweden, Mexico, Brazil, it is happening all over the globe. The details of those assaults are almost always very similar to this story. The perp is almost always a young to middle aged Arab Muslim, the Victim is almost always an elderly Male Jew. There is almost always some tool or protest prop used as a weapon. The cause of death is blunt force trauma to the head. I blame the media. They are manipulating the public's emotions and goading them into committing acts of violence. They are getting people killed or thrown in jail. We don't have a gun problem we have a Democrat problem. Uvalde: Democrat Buffalo: Democrat Boulder: Democrat Orlando: Democrat Parkland: Democrat Nashville: Democrat Las Vegas: Democrat Sandy Hook: Democrat San Bernardino Democrat Midland/Odessa: Democrat Colorado Springs: Democrat Powys Synagogue: Democrat Tree of Life Synagogue: Democrat Lewiston: Democrat It's no surprise they suppressed this. It shows that this murderous little freak is a product manufactured by the CRT/DIE indoctrination infecting the nation. Another school shooter driven to murder by the American Left's anti-White hate propaganda. TDS is still a pandemic with the woke folks. They just can't get enough of the Democrats telling them what to believe, no matter how their backwards policies affect the country. They are brain damaged.. China Joe is a master of military strategy. And those people STILL go on mass killing sprees. You can't get off the couch to get your hot pockets. The only thing you're shooting are loads into your socks thinking about the Hildebeast.. She needs to be removed from Congress. She and her politics are a total joke and makes us as a country look like a joke. She can make my martini though.. Love Gina! little limp-wristed commie weasels get offended over everything..