Galilguy's Replies

Leftists will believe anything. It must be the drugs.. I don't even know what to say on this one because it's utterly beyond the realms of stupidity. They removed Trump from the ballot because of the Left's narrative of insurrection, never mind that a riot isn't an insurrection, never mind that Trump has never been found guilty of anything, and never mind that the crime asserted hasn't even been charged. It's asinine and it'll get knocked over in appeal. These activist judges just want their 15 minutes of fame.. Thin skinned snowflake. Smoking more than that.. I guess that tiny bag of coke they found was just a "dealer's sample", evidently the whole damned lot use it by the metric ton. The OP is way too stupid to understand that. The Borg never rest, let alone take a breath in between their propaganda and BS. If you spend too much time with Democrats you wouldn't trust anyone. And Boston was the hotbed of the Revolution... amazing how far Massachusetts has fallen since.. The 0bama's were always Race baiters and I see they are still at it.. You create hundreds of shit filled propaganda threads per day. You are a clown show.. Ha! Classic That poster is the biggest bullshit artist I've ever seen.. Some of these posters are quite terminal. I'm afraid it's too late, so sad.. People are having to get 2nd jobs to afford anything. Great job democrats! Look no further than Democrats and teachers unions. You really need to pull your head out of your ass.. After the events of 1939-45, one would think that in Israel it would be a criminal offense NOT to own a government issued military grade weapon and train with it monthly at government expense... go figure. Maybe your incessant propaganda is driving people off? I am laughing as the dealers realize they have a genuine hot potato sitting in the lot that really could spontaneously combust at any time and they can't get rid of them. The insurance hit was the death blow. You can't repair them in even a minor accident..