This homophobic, racist, 'pick me, I'm not like the other girls' clown has flushed her career down the toilet. 🤡 🚽
Now starring in movies funded by Ben Shapiro. Movies that get watched on DVD by about 200 MAGA clowns in america, people who only watch them to #OwnTheLibz.
I wonder how much money they pay her to star in these Z-tier flicks? About ten thousand bucks?
Except the point of go woke go broke is that you drive away the fans, and thus don't make money.
THe fans love Gina. Indeed, I suspect that Mando was permentaly damanged by her loss.
Some Woke asshole at disney, fired her, ignoring their responsibility to make money for the investors in favor of punishing a conservative.
And disney is really paying the price for this shit. You are aware of how they are bleeding money right? They HAD fantastic stockpiles of.... fan good will and interest built up onver generations, both for their own stuff and stuff they bought.
That helped hide and delay the damage they were doing to their brand, but now....
now they have exhausted those stockpiles, and are being judged on their own merits and they are being FUCKED, as they so richly deserve.
Please look up the definition of the word bigot, read and learn what it means, and get back to us when you can use it correctly and not as name calling.
You opinions would be a lot more respected that way.
She said nothing bigoted. In the other hand Pedro Pascal compared Republicans to confederates and Nazis and he was not reprimanded.
Gina Carano questioned vaccine mandates and lockdowns which turned out did little to nothing to slow the spread of the virus and she stated that trans women are not women which is also true.