MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Love the Porgs, but they look so awkward...

Love the Porgs, but they look so awkward in flight

I was surprised to see them flying at all. Being penguin shaped, I expected them to be ground-based with vestigial wings that ended up becoming fins for the water.

Seeing them fly was odd because it looked like they flew "upright" all the time, with their head above their feet as if they were standing. The wings definitely flap, but it doesn't look at all like it's actually flying or capable of flight.

Also in the scene where Chewie wanted to chew on his cooked Porg, he shooed two of them away. The two that took off literally floated upward, with some wing flapping but they just lifted out of the scene in a clumsy way.


I didn't mind the Porgs. They were harmless, and weren't shown much anyway. However, they were completely superfluous.


Right? Was looking forward to these little critters and while I found them to be every bit as endearing as I hoped...was a bit underwhelmed at how underutilized they were. Guess I was expecting a bit more relationship building between Chewbacca and the Porgs. As far as how they fly...reminded me of the mechanical owl in the original clash of the Titans!


Hey look, they are a Pokemon!

I was looking to see if there was a crystalline fox in the Pokedex, but found this randomly.


They were great overall. I have a cat that looks just like a Porg.

Also, have you noticed they seem to be also influenced by R2D2? Their eyes look like his big black eye-thingy, and the head/body shape is pretty much the same. Plus they "bleep and bloop" in their non-droid way.

Heck, they even waddle like R2!
