So the last installment of the Skywalker saga will have no Skywalkers????
How the fuck is that ok???
And don't hand me that Ben solo is a Skywalker horse shit!
How the fuck is that ok???
And don't hand me that Ben solo is a Skywalker horse shit!
Ben solo is a Skywalker horse shit
shareNoop! Like it or hate are your fathers son! And this comes from a guy whose real dad was as sack of cunt knuckles! Not to mention he ain't even Ben solo anymore LOL! Square with it froggy...the last Skywalker episode won't have any connective tissue to its name sake...once again...unforgivable!
Ben Solo's mother is a Skywalker, which makes him a Skywalker.
shareLike I are your FATHERS son...I didn't make the rules...when a man spawns only female offspring, the family name dies with him. It sucks...I know...but those are the rules...and without rules...what do we have???MADNESS!
Now if your argument was that he has Skywalker therefore a midichlorian test could determine lineage and get some Jedi decree to over-ride observed custom...then we could talk😉
He's his mom's son too. She is a Skywalker and so is he.
shareHey buddy if that works for you...go with it! Guess I got higher standards...for Star Wars and lineage! One thing is certain...I don't go by my mothers maiden name LOL!!!
shareYou still have your mother's DNA and you are still a part of that family. If your mom's maiden name is Smith, then you are a Smith even if you go by your dad's name. How is that so difficult?
shareDUDE?!?! What the fuck? I'm having a little conversation with you...employing a little levity and all of a sudden you're being a dick? I get what you mean...obviously I mentioned theDNA Jedi shtick...but in terms of things like royal succession, you have to admit I have a point...or not...seems a civilized discourse is not your bag...
shareSorry if you think I was being a dick, but I just don't get your point in this whole thread. If you were just playing around, then that's fine. I didn't know.
shareIf a midichlorian test to overturn Jedi custom was not enough to clue you in I do not know what more I could have done save PMing you my intentions.
The point of the thread was simple...I'm pissed Luke died and I thought I'd vent in a humorous fashion that might generate some good hearted Star Wars fun...good hearted Star Wars fun...ancient memories they are...
In some countries on one planet, most children get the father's family name and not the mother's. So why should it be the same on other planets?
Anakin seems to have taken his mother's family name, so Luke is actually using his grandmother's family name. Naboo and Alderaan are ruled by women, perhaps they're matriarchal societies where the woman's family name is passed on to subsequent generations. Rey has no family name, and Finn has no name at all, Ben Solo changed his name, so no, naming conventions out there are not the same as on Earth. put a lot of thought into that👍Well worded and quite compelling...if I didn't find Kylo to be the Star Wars equivalent to a toothy blow job you might even convince me to change my opinion...but even if only figuratively...he ain't no Skywalker!
shareHe ain't no Supreme Leader either, fortunately for Our Heroes.
shareOh good...common ground! You do see what I'm saying right? Sure by double helix standards he is a Skywalker...but the ability to carry the rest of the saga as one? And as a pseudo grand villain? Rain did acomplish one thing...he has taken the franchise in a totally different direction!
shareI don't like him as a villain, but then he's not intended to be purely a villain. I don't like him as a person or a character at all, but I admit that Rian J. got a hell of a lot of suspense out of him this time around.
And yeah, he's going to make a shitty galactic ruler. He's conflicted, immature, emotional, and gives no sign of being able to see the big picture or make long-term plans and carry them out, or to inspire loyalty in large numbers of followers. Even Hux treated him with open contempt until he got a Force-choke! He's going to lose the First Order's grip on the galaxy, just when the REBELLION needs help the most he's going to give it without intending to.
These films never should have had Episode titles. If they were just sequels it would be a lot easier to take them as they are.
shareWhy do people assume Luke won't show up as a Force ghost?
Also, Leia will be alive in the next movie even if Fischer can't play her. They'll probably mention her on some base or whatever.
She won't necessarily. One theory is that they'll kill her between films and open IX with her funeral. I think that'd be a nice way to do it. No CGI recreation as they've said, no dreaded recasting, keeping her alive but explaining her off-screen activities would feel too forced. I think opening with Leia's funeral would be a nice way to acknowledge the actress's death, and the fact that it changed the trilogy's intended outcome, and let everyone mourn her for a moment, then continue. It's a bummer that after seeing VIII, I do more fully buy into the theory that they were planning on VII being Han's movie, VIII Luke's, and IX Leia's, which obviously can't happen that way. If they'd only known.
shareThey're stuck either way.
I still think Luke will come back as a Force ghost even if only for one scene. There's no reason why he wouldn't.
So they killed her, but no really, but yes really?
shareOh I am certain his ghost will appear...and thanks to Rains new view of force ghosts...I may even get to see him wield an actual real life lightsaber!!! But let's be honest...Luke will show up in an homage cameo, much like obi wan in Jedi, pat Rey on the back for rebuilding the Jedi order...or whatever they decide to re-name them...and that's it for the Skywalkers! So I guess you're right...they will be in there...from a certain point of view 🤐
As for guess is that 9will take place a few years in the future...and we will get a Martin Brody style statue or maybe a ship named in her honor...perhaps even a half baked backstory of how she died heroically?
Or maybe worst fear will be realized and they have no intention of even including the Star Wars equivalent to a tounge kiss from ones sister...the force ghost fan pacifier...hate to sound so's not in my nature, especially where Star Wars is concerned, but TLJ is testing my usual optimistic outlook.
Ben solo is a skywalker horse shit. Also, why is he called ben? Han and leia had no real relationship with kenobi, luke did. Why ben solo? Seems weird.
shareYeah, that always bugged me. It was needless pandering.
shareWell, Leia did send the message to Obi-Wan via R2 in ANH, in which she talks about him serving with her father in the clone wars. So she clearly trusted and respected him, and probably knew he was a Jedi from her father (Bail Organa). For her, Kenobi was a war hero and close associate of her father (i.e. Bail). Given all that, I don't see it as unreasonable that she'd think of him when deciding on a name for her son. It seems unlikely to me that she'd choose Anakin, even though that was the name of their youngest child in some of the EU novels. They could have gone with Jacen Solo I suppose (also one of their children in the EU). I'm fine with Ben.
shareYeah, her dad was a friend of Obi-Wan's just as Luke was a student of his. She's close to people who were close to him, but she never met the man (she saw him for two seconds just before he died). Han had a more personal relationship with Obi-Wan and they didn't get along.
I understand why they didn't go for the name Anakin and I guess they were afraid of turning Jacen Solo into a bad guy.
I dont know, I think it would have made more sense that if she was to name him after someone she knew, it would be her father. But bail solo just sounds stupid. Im not against ben, it just never really felt organic. Feels more like forced by the writers than anything else.