Keanu Reeves's can't act

John Wick would have been better with a more realistic actor.


A realistic actor? What is that... a more theatrically trained actor or one that is simply believable to you? You're expressing a rather popular opinion by calling him a bad actor in general (yawn). But most viewers find him perfect as Wick, so you're in the minority with that one.

Whether he's limited as an actor or not, bottom line is he was perfectly suited for the role of John Wick (his presence sells it). It's not being seen as his most iconic role since The Matrix for no good reason.


We should hire real assassins to play movie roles


Well his lines sounded like he was reading them out. I cringed/laughed multiple times. But hey, if that is the way professional killers speak, who am I to say? I've never met my knowledge.


Yeah, it's best not to find out and familiarize oneself with any....

Keanu still delivers the goods as Wick, for my money. His presence and dedication to performing most of his own stunts is perfect.


He did Clint Eastwood proud when he said "It was gin, wasn't it?"


The guy is a star... he literally makes the movie with his minimalist way of acting... I don't want some thespian emoting about his childhood in my kung-fu / assassin movies...


Keanu Reeves is John Wick. You can't get any better than that.


No he cannot. He is terrible.

As bad as he is though he ten times better and actor than Johnny Depp.


I am not sure that is possible. He is John Wick. Its his portrayal of the character that is a key reason I enjoy the two films. Whether he should be appearing in things like Dangerous Liaisons, Dracula or Much Ado About Nothing is certainly debatable, but he is part of what makes John Wick work in these films.



Illiteracy and stupidly rule = sucess of the John Wick series. And these posts.


Well there you have it, folks! Case closed. 😜 πŸ™„
