lordbishop34's Replies

What is it you about The Shawshank Redemption that puts you off? it is not horror or Sci Fi, or is it the Stephen King connection? Did he make it through college? I mean..you would think if you study film one might come across those people.... True, but I believe a core element of a Mary Sue started as a character inserted into another universe and she (or he) is better than all the other heroes. In the case of Mary Sue it was Star Trek. Rey ticks enough boxes of that character for the critique to be a fair one. Nancy Drew has similarities but I am not sure she was better than the Hardy Boys, as they were stunningly capable as well. Perhaps more of a case of an overpowered hero which is fairly common issue in most books and movies. I have not seen Game of Thrones either, but that is primarily because its on HBO and I have read the books. I may check it out when I have time in the future, but I never felt the need to the pay the most premium of prices for HBO. Not even out of respect for the loss of Walker? That's cold, man. There is always time for Big Trouble in Little China :) and quite frankly something like that can be far more enjoyable then "smart" movies. Which in the end is what a movie should be, entertainment. I think my wife hates it, I usually have those convos with her. I recently had this reaction when I told her we received Murder on the Orient Express and it stars Kenneth Branagh and she was like who is that? :/ It began as a false story, from the description of Zimmerman to the first photo that was circulated of Martin. I would rather deal with the angry one over the kiss ass. I think at this point he is too old. He could perhaps play the character again to shepherd in a new lead, like Stallone did in Creed. But as a lead, no. Its not a great argument, because that is true of many jokes. His jokes were in poor taste for many people. They are also old and being brought up to just cause the man harm not because the jokes were in poor taste. Now yes he should get in trouble if you are going to attack and ask for people to lose their jobs for comments and jokes then you have to be consistent...so under that way of doing things Gunn has to pay as well. But for me, he should not have lost his job, but that has been true for many people that have lost their job over a poor or offensive comment/joke. You know whats funny, when I heard this I thought they are probably going to do something lazy or PC like change the characters race and sure enough the next day I saw the headline on TOR. When it becomes predictable like this (as with Dr Who) you have truly failed creatively. I never cared much for the character, and the trailer doesn't change that. But it does look radically different from what DC has been putting out so that has to be a good thing. Though I am less excited about Black Adam if he is going to be played with the same goofball humor, since Shazam and Black Adam are linked. Hmm you never know with these things but I am thinking if successful more in the 500-600 mil range. Its Shazam, not Wonder Woman. While this is true about who brought it to light, it doesn't change he shouldn't have been fired. I really wish some of these companies would stand a little firm, and not buckle because PR may be bad for the short term. With the new films I have learned to appreciate the PT more and in reality i will never just pretend the new ones don't exist. I will just treat it like a do a series of novels, sometimes the last books don't always live up to what came before. I haven't started because its behind a pay wall, CBS All Access isn't worth the monthly cost. I havn't heard great things about it either. A friend of mine has been watching it lately and he is pretty open minded. Of the 10 eps he watched, he has only kind of liked one. I want to be interested, I was going to give it a shot..and probably still going to. But the last season or so was pretty dismal. I still haven't managed to watch the last Christmas special, so it will be awhile before I will be watching this. Public restrooms are vile,evil places...hate them...I suppose that is a phobia. I also can't stand heights, getting on a small ladder is an issue. I love the original recipe but I rarely find a KFC that makes a good batch. But when they do I would eat that over Popeyes any day of the week.