Tom Petty

Found out yesterday that he died of an accidental OD. Damn! Hey people, drugs are BAD, mmkay?



Just awful
I googled it
Loved this guy so much!
What a decent, down to Earth, regular guy and a legend
He killed it in interviews...simply didnt care about fame and didnt take himself too seriously, all while being the smartest and coolest dude in the room

Fuck pills man
Bad stuff
Drugs really are shit


Yes they are!



Yes I like his music. The song Running down a Dream is in GTA San Andreas
radio station KDST.


That cocktail of drugs his doctors had him on was ridiculous, even for someone in severe pain. IMO, fentanyl should only be used in a hospital setting.


Big Pharma and the CIA are the worst drug dealers of all-time.


Some doctors are really stupid.

