peterkneter's Replies

I think all the hype around the show already payed off for them. It was the most watched tv show ever on amazon prime - so all the criticism can't stop it anyway... I got your point with the mixed up timeslines of some characters. On the other Hand just because of the lable "LOTR" is had to be clear for you that this was only a lable. Or did they fool you with that. I mean I for example am an avid fan of the old star wars movies. nevertheless I somehow enjoy the mandalorian as tv show despite the fact that is pure money making and labeling it "star wars" I dont think the show can live up to the original - nothing can in fact. the same thing here with the Rings show - still I am entertained creating lotr all over again was never the intention of the show. If you want to stick to lotr keep it in your heart and watch it again and read it again but dont blame people for trying to create something new. The CGI is pretty good for a tv show. look at lotr - these CGI effects were state ot the art back then but now these elefants look pretty bad. But I don't give these movies a bad rating because of that. There are people working hard to create something special at least one can appreciate these affords in my oppinion. But that is - as said- only my opinion. When you look throught the reviewers you will notice that very many of them just registered to write just one review - for this show and nothing else. That shows the great bitterness of the fans and their rejection of this show... I love the "Sardine sequence". It is so brilliantly delivered by Fisher and Hanks. Always a lol! just started the first season and yes. too many sex scenes that stretch the episodes and don't bring the plot forward. also I startet to skip the secondary court cases because I just want to know the main case. They are nice in the first place but start to annoy after some episodes...I not sure to watch the full 6 Seasons of the series now that I am at episode 11 in season 1... That is a good point. Anyway I was wondering why this works so well with fictional worlds to keep the styles alive and was asking it this method could be adapted to other creative areas... I thougth the russians are the orcs! you mean "collaborative writing"? John Williams went on to be best Film Composer in the Universe...collecting 5 Oscars... I am totally with you. Great show. But I disagree that the end was totally clear. <spoiler> We did not see Frie killing Brechtje. We did not see her killing Roos. There where plenty of possibilities of potential murderers. And I do not really understand the voting for the first question. You only have to vote "Yes" when you dont have the slightest doubt. And there where plenty of doubts in the whole case... </spoiler> yeah me too. <spoiler> I had the impression that the writer/director wanted us to think Frie was innocent but was found guilty just to reveal the twist that she was really guilty. ON the other had the end is still kind of open: What did Marc Vindevogel do to Bretchtje? May be Marc and Frie did it together? Who shot her after she was dead? There is still enough room for more episodes... </spoiler> Yes, Potts turned the stone rolling. He is part of the classic "Call to adventure" in the heros journey. For me it worked fine. But I thoght of something else: Do all investigations of a person go away anywere when this person dies? What is with the protocol with his notes "Meeting John and Danny?" and with the security cam material that Marco knew of? Anyway - a great show with great cast. loved the south/carebbean/mystery feeling. I am just in the last episode from season one. truly great writing and acting here. something special. just wandering what the next seasons will be about... edit: I just finished season 3. I think it is a great show. 9/10 I share some critics for the 9th episode of the 3rd season. It is kind of a David Lynch meets Groundhog Day Episode that does not really fit into the rest of the season. Last Episode was solid again. A solid ending for a great show. Thank you to Netflix andn all the creators. it is also good for the lighting. Sweaty skin reflects the light better in night scenes. Cant understand the hype: he is totally ripping of Ennio Morricione "once a time in the west" blending it with arabic cliché notations. Don't know why everybody still thinks that this is exotic and new... Showing desert and playing arabian sounds is all too much of cliché for me. A serious Man, The Shining, Dead Poets society, A beautiful Mind, Also the Netflix Series "the chair" is very good and you get right into the academic setting! He does not have to... I mean, you can argue that. DeNiro pretty much has also only one facial expression...