MovieChat Forums > The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (2022) Discussion > An example of an inappropriate review th...

An example of an inappropriate review that was removed by Amazon.

I actually agree with the removal. Anyone ranting and raving about 'Mary Sues' is a dog whistling misogynist. Be better, learn to criticize without turning to sexist internet lingo.

I'm in favor of all 'Mary Sue' critiques being silenced. Such a stupid term that is flung at pretty much every single Female protagonist.


How do you identify and handle gushingly positive reviews that were given just to counter reviews like this one?


It doesn't really matter what you agree to.


Nothing inappropriate about that. An opinion's an opinion. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️






When you look throught the reviewers you will notice that very many of them just registered to write just one review - for this show and nothing else. That shows the great bitterness of the fans and their rejection of this show...


And there are the same amount of people who registered just to give it a 10.

Whats the difference

That shows the great bitterness of the fans and their rejection of this show...

No it doesn't. It shows that the fans don't like what has happened to something they love and are free to do so. The timeline is all out of whack. Characters that shouldn't even exist or born are in this. Poor writing. Poor CGI. Boring and pointless subplots that no one cares about.

But yeh of course its only because they are bitter right.

If they had just done a true recreation of the mans work fans would have adored it and flocked to it. That is what people like you don't understand.


creating lotr all over again was never the intention of the show. If you want to stick to lotr keep it in your heart and watch it again and read it again but dont blame people for trying to create something new.
The CGI is pretty good for a tv show. look at lotr - these CGI effects were state ot the art back then but now
these elefants look pretty bad. But I don't give these movies a bad rating because of that. There are
people working hard to create something special at least one can appreciate these affords in my oppinion.
But that is - as said- only my opinion.


creating lotr all over again was never the intention of the show

It is literally in the title and using the characters so it is LOTR.

There are people working hard to create something special at least one can appreciate these affords in my oppinion.

Yeh and there are people who make thousands of movies and shows and some will be good and some will be bad. SO what. I can appreciate someones effforts and still criticise it. This show is bad and deserves to be criticised. I'm sorry that isn't a valid reason.

THis show is using characters and places from LOTR. It is called LOTR. They bought the rights to some of LOTR so it is LOTR and will be held to the same standard as all other LOTR projects.

So The Queen for example isn't born for another 1400 years and was never actually queen.
Galadriel is talking to her son in law she hasn't met yet
The Numernorians know exactly who Galadriel is but in this they have no clue
The Harfoots are completely pointless and serve no purpose other than to have a female Frodo

With all the wrong characters in the wrong timelines you might as well just bring Frodo back or make the mysterious bearded man in Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter it would make as much sense.

It is in short an absolute train wreck of a show.


I got your point with the mixed up timeslines of some characters. On the other Hand
just because of the lable "LOTR" is had to be clear for you that this was only a lable.
Or did they fool you with that. I mean I for example am an avid fan of the old star wars movies.
nevertheless I somehow enjoy the mandalorian as tv show despite the fact that is pure money making
and labeling it "star wars" I dont think the show can live up to the original - nothing can in fact.
the same thing here with the Rings show - still I am entertained


just because of the lable "LOTR" is had to be clear for you that this was only a lable.

Then call it something else. They are using the name so will be held to the same standards.

That is not the same. The mandalorian is set in the same timeline as the OG Star Wars. It doesn't for example have Padme suddenly appear years after she died or characters not yet born does it.

Or did they fool you with that

So instead of telling a coherant story that follows Tolkiens work they decided to fool us. To what end. Don't they like money or something or do they enjoy negative criticism.


I think all the hype around the show already payed off for them. It was the most watched tv show ever on amazon prime - so all the criticism can't stop it anyway...


Yes it can

25 million if true was only for the 1st two epsiodes. Resident Evil had huge numbers and then cratered off.

This show has to have massive numbers to make money and depending on what sources that varies.

There are also mumerings of Amazon buying positive reviews.

Make no mistake if the figures for this show crater off they will be in trouble.


SO you are in favour of poeple being silenced because you don't like it. I'm sure that will end well.

Here is a novel idea. Stop writing Mary Sues anmd people will stop complainign about them.

Nothing wrong with his review and is shocking that you actually defend this type of action.


He/she is trying to normalize shit thinking. Someone should inform him that sensibility is already going against the stream.


So there are acceptable opinions and others should be marginalized and eliminated if they don't agree with you. Got it.


There is nothing wrong with Mary Sue critique but Galadriel is not a Mary Sue since we know next to nothing about her apart from her little selfish quest. Maybe her improbable awesomeness was earned.
If we are to throw a label on her that would be "Karen".


I haven't read from this "SASKIA47" person much before, but I have learnt that they are a COMPLETE ASSHOLE.
