yawkee24's Replies

Eeeeeeuuuuueeeewwww! I know got this off Google, "DAZED" unable to think or react properly; stupefied; bewildered. Dirty Harry "Clint Eastwood" said to his partner after the girl shot the guy's penis off and was full of blood and his partner was eating a hotdog with ketchup, ..... "Nobody, I mean nobody puts ketchup on a hotdog" Nevada is the only U.S. jurisdiction to allow some legal prostitution. Currently eight counties in Nevada have active brothels (these are all rural counties); as of June–July 2008 there were 28 legal brothels in Nevada. Prostitution outside the licensed brothels is illegal throughout Nevada. .."""hoods are gonna hood no matter what""" unfortunately, that's true no matter where you go, Shogun, never bring a knife to a gun fight, (Sean Connery) ,,,, so many people have been saying (including myself) that all the strictest laws in the universe will never stop psychos from getting them and killing people, but what really gets me is the people that blame the cops for not protecting them, they don't make the laws, and they don't get called till it's too late, the damage has already been done, all they can do is catch or kill the killer, but the victim or victims are already dead, you just have to protect yourself, sorry about your friend (just read it)... you have to respect your weapons more than anything else, You cannot carry in NYC but I'll bet every hood carries short story, some years ago there was a rash of robberies and beatings of visitors at certain hospitals in elevators at night, the description of the 2 men were tall, skinny and black. At the same time my mother just happen to be in the hospital, my wife and I went to visit her, we parked in the back parking lot, went in and got in the elevator, just as the doors were closing someone stuck his hand in and stopped the doors, that's when 2 tall skinny black men jumped in the elevator, they seemed very nervous, I knew these were the guys, I backed up against the wall and stared them right in their eyes and never took my eyes off them, it was winter and I had my hands in my pocket, they knew, they could sense it, they were about to die, one guy pushed the second floor button, the doors opened and they RAN out the elevator, I had a fully loaded, cocked 9m pointed at them the whole time, say what you want about guns, I will always carry one. I believe I was Superman in my other life b/c I often dream I can fly. Just read on Google exactly what you said, I also read on google exactly what I said about the 10 year sentence, and not being able to own, buy, posses, trade, sell automatic weapons, so what do you believe?, I think the only answer is "don't buy a machine gun" I really believe that he joined Isis and they brainwashed him and shot him up with so many drugs that he had no idea what he was doing, even the craziest of the crazies would never do anything like what he did, where did he get all that money for the weapons and the hotel? and where did he actually get the weapons? he was financed by someone, and he was a sleeper till they needed him then planned everything, he didn't look that smart to pull that off the way he did. mplo, first of all, it's not affective, it's effective, and secondly, it does not matter how strong a law is to a crazed killer, the man killed himself, he didn't care about the law or the consequences, he wanted to kill as many people he could and nobody or any one of the 2000 gun laws we already have would stop him, you can't blame the country, the politicians, the gun laws, the NRA or anyone else, that man wanted to kill and be killed, and that's the name of that tune. look up Tokyo subway, London is part of the UK, Foiled plot to blow up plane, unleash gas revealed in Australia - CNN and so on mplo, the gun laws here in the United States are effective, no law abiding citizen own guns in states that prohibit owning or buying guns without proper scrutiny, it's the killers that know people that sell dirty weapons, obviously mplo, you know very little of street smarts, and I'm not here to teach you anything, so you can believe what you want, adios. Here's a law that's already in the books mplo, the United States does not allow the sale, trade, ownership or possession of automatic (machine guns) weapons, or the altering of a semiautomatic to an automatic weapon, with a punishment of 10 years in prison for any of those violations, but that doesn't mean anything to a crazed killer, that net result is not b/c of our culture or society, it was b/c of some nut job's brain that shorted out b/c of drugs or brainwashing and no law could have stopped it, don't blame the USA, it's all over the world, bombings everywhere from terrorists, all over the mid east, Paris, London, Germany, even Switzerland, the country that's supposed to be the worlds neutral country, never at war with anyone, they were targeted, You can't buy a machine gun legally in this country, it's black market sales and usually from Europe or the mid east. my wife has been applying for work for some time now, but all the jobs require you to speak Spanish as well as English I like camping as long as I can sleep at a Holiday Inn umm, killers don't obey laws, there's not a law in the universe that would have stopped that attack, did you know there are more than 2000 gun control laws in this country already? and they are useless. Don Knotts, on "The Andy Griffith Show" that might explain it, lol