yawkee24's Replies

X ray, called "X" to indicate it was an unknown type of radiation, Roentgen called it "X" b/c he didn't know no, iPhone x is iPhone 10 (roman numerals) coming out Nov. 3rd fiction The banks were not about swindling people, the loan officers were all about swindling the banks, the last thing they want is to deal with foreclosed homes, they were padding the applications to make them look like the buyers could actually afford those loans when they couldn't, buyers and their lawyers could read the contracts but most were too excited to get into their new home, they should have known that they couldn't afford the mortgage, most of those bogus loans were sold to overseas banks who then got caught in the meltdown, then Bush comes along and rewards the banks with 800 billion dollars, when he should have arrested those crooks instead, Obama comes along thinking he wants to help too and ups the reward to over a trillion dollars, those 2 idiots should have been thrown in jail, the banks got their money and refused to give it out, they stopped all loans, which halted the real estate market, they gave themselves raises and trips to wherever they wanted to vacation, it was the biggest scam of all time, bigger than most people know, I know b/c I'm in the building business and lost a fortune, I hate thinking about that, a very very sore subject with me. MissMargoChanning, you are definitely not one of the disgusting people, many people in my own family buy gifts anytime when they see them for someone else, it's serendipity when your out shopping for shoes and you see something that your son or daughter or uncle would like, so you buy it, there is a huge store right off the highway where I live called "The Christmas Tree Shop" it's Christmas 365 days a year in that store, I love it and so do many other people b/c it's always packed with people, you can do your entire Christmas shopping b/c they have everything, I once bought a $250.00 winter coat in April at the Gap for $25.00, warmest coat I own, but I had to wait 7 months to wear it, lol. I know I'm early but, happy holidays. Thank you for that shogun, This year we are adding an additional $1000.00 for toys along with the food, something I should have been doing all along, but the only thing we Italians think of is food, lol nothing wrong with links, Dazed just fucked up a pretty good post about the other jerk, Jerry Lewis. Thanks Prelude, I'm good, as long as I stay out of trouble, lol "It's just that for some of "us" it's not "bring them on." It can be an emotionally difficult time not just financially" I assume when you say "US" you are one of the many that struggle with the Christmas holidays, I'm sorry for that, My brother lost his young wife just days before Christmas, now he chooses to sit by himself in his home, I visit him, he has no financial problems and smiles and jokes on the outside when I'm there but inside he is an emotional train wreck, and there's nothing anyone can do to help him. I told you about him b/c I want you to know that I know what it's like to have emotional difficulties during these times. you take care Prelude, I realize that it's not a happy time for everyone, and the suicide figs are off the charts, but that's not going to ruin my holidays, however, every year my company donates $2,000.00 in food (turkeys included) to the church for the people that might not otherwise afford to buy for Thanksgiving, and we do the same at Christmas time, my truck pulls up to the lower part of the church the eve of the holiday and there's always a line of people waiting, that's one of the best part of the holidays for us, I love Christmas, best time of the year, they can't start it too soon for me, it's a happy time, families get together, share gifts to one another, we cook for days, we plan for weeks, so many Christmas parties, office, friends, etc., Christmas eve for the Italians is a fish feast, all kinds of fish dishes, sooooo delicious, Thanksgiving is just like Christmas (without the gifts) time for family gatherings, we start setting up for Christmas right after Thanksgiving, love the holidays, BRING THEM ON, weddings, I just wanna kill the DJ, every time I go to a wedding I can't hear for a week, she's my favorite too, just wish the writers were a bit kind to her character. the generals sent the troops into the waiting arms of the enemy, my cat could have come up with a better plan. ok, they were fighting Germany, the Germans were in the Utah beach in Normandy, 2500 Americans were killed in that dumb attack Junie Hoang, also called Houng Hoang, sued IMDb for publishing her age and lost. saw Tim Curry in the Sylvester movie "Oscar" he was pretty funny a black guy that raped and murdered his son then gets shot in the balls and bleeds to death bothers you? but a film by Stephen Spielberg's long opening scene where American U-boats open up on the beaches in Normandy where most of the young GI's were shot in the head by 50 caliber machine gun fire is considered a classic, that was the worst scene I've ever seen in movies and should have been cut from the film, I think Spielberg is an asshole for filming that scene. it bothered me so much that I could not stop the tears, I took the DVD out and threw it in the bucket with the rest of the garbage. but I would enjoy seeing that black guy bleed to death, I would have cut his balls off myself.