has five rules and 11 types of prohibited content, although Smith says its mods are dedicated to “open dialogue and free speech”. Users are banned from trolling, flaming, spamming, unsolicited advertising, hacking and impersonation, and are prohibited from sharing porn, threats, hate speech, malware and excessive profanity. An offending user first receives a warning and later may be temporarily or permanently banned from the site.
Did you get that ...
>>>> Users are banned from trolling, flaming, spamming, unsolicited advertising, hacking and impersonation, and are prohibited from sharing porn, threats, hate speech, malware and excessive profanity.
What is this constant discussion about Hitler and Eva Braun but Spamming and Hate Speech???
Well Jim ... how about an official comment on why Hitler is constantly on the banner part of the MovieChat website??
You were just preaching about free speech yesterday, and calling yourself a free thinker. Now you’re telling people the “adult” way to handle things?! What? That’s YOUR preferred way of handling things. Of course, you’re entitled to your opinion.
Silly rumor I guess. Border collie’s are lovely. Too damn smart for their own good, which makes a fantastic mix of crazy fun. Worth the occasional dog puckey you have to clean up now and again.
I believe it. Between their willingness to learn and desire to please, they’re capable of a lot. They’re usually the most impressive breed at dog frisbee competitions. Fun to watch, super focused.
I smell a Zergnet click-bait headline brewing- “The Real Reason Hitler‘s Message Boards Get So Much Traffic” or “Why Hollywood Won’t Cast The Führer Anymore Is Finally Revealed”
> What is this constant discussion about Hitler and Eva Braun but Spamming and Hate Speech???
If you aren't interested in those topics you don't have to read the posts. If merely seeing them in the "trending" list upsets you that much, you have some pathological problems and need professional help. And that's your problem, and only your problem. I don't care if you're butt-hurt, and nobody else should either.
And now, I'm going to reply to a post in the Eva Braun forum just to piss you off.
To the mods, who are obviously reading this thread.
> Users are banned from trolling, flaming, spamming, unsolicited advertising, hacking and impersonation, and are prohibited from sharing porn, threats, hate speech, malware and excessive profanity.
Assuming this accurately reflects the rules here (I haven't looked), it worries me. One person's "hate speech" is often another's controversial opinion, and another's thought-provoking idea. Whatever the intentions behind a prohibition on hate speech are, too often it becomes an excuse to censor opinions with which the person using the term disagrees. In our current malignant social environment, it was and is entirely foreseeable that some will try to use it for that purpose -- as brux is attempting to do, and others certainly will.
Furthermore, there's no prohibition against defamatory statements. And there should be. That's a prohibition with a legitimate and quite correct purpose. I suggest the prohibition against hate speech be removed and replaced with a prohibition against defamatory speech. That prohibition is necessary -- and, combined with those against flaming and threats, would prohibit statements which could reasonably be called "hate speech."
"Content that incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization"
Sounds reasonable enough. But it still worries me. I've seen forums with similar provisions where people get kicked off for making un-PC but quite defensible statements. And the "other characteristic" clause is an invitation for abuse. From what I've seen here, the mods seem to be very reasonable. But I've seen other sites with reasonable mods cave in to this sort of pressure.
And merely discussing Adolf Hitler in no way violates that provision.
> And merely discussing Adolf Hitler in no way violates that provision.
It's only the people who attacked me with lies that said that, I never did.
Do you think it is a good thing to see Hitler on the front page of MovieChat day after day for months at a time? Would you like someone to paste a Hitler sticker on your car, or post Hitler on your Facebook page if you had one. It's just a question, so I wonder why the defenders of Hitler are so scared and defensive?
It is a good thing though that maybe my comments have led to the Hitler folks chilling out and leaving ... for a while. I think that is a good thing and am glad not to see it. Let me be clear for the more dense out there - I do not mind an occasional discussion of Hitler, though it is weird that he is an actor on MovieChat, it is the domination of the front banner page to me that looks bad.
If you consider MovieChat removed all the political discussions from the front page - that is more censorship that I ever called for and certainly never demanded.
This issue has been hijacked like a lot of things and twisted around to be about freedom, but you don't see anyone screaming about how they cannot post political stuff in MovieChat media or people discussions.
All I ever ask or can hope for is to get people to think a bit.
I'm not going to waste any more time on this than I have to.
> I never [said that discussing Hitler violates the quoted rule.]
Technically you're correct. You did not say that discussing Hitler, in itself, incites hatred, promotes discrimination, et cetera.
What you did do was quote a news article about MovieChat which summarized the rule as a prohibition against "hate speech." That abbreviated description, appropriate enough for journalistic purposes, distorted the meaning of the actual rule by making it appear broader than it is. You then asserted, in the form of a rhetorical question, that discussions of Hitler are frequent and that this constitues hate speech, and in doing so you indirectly asserted that those discussions are a violation of the terms of service.
From your original post in this thread:
Users are banned from trolling, flaming, spamming, unsolicited advertising, hacking and impersonation, and are prohibited from sharing porn, threats, hate speech, malware and excessive profanity. [quoted from]
What is this constant discussion about Hitler and Eva Braun but Spamming and Hate Speech???
By the way, since you're indulging in Clintonesque parsing of words then sententiously flinging around accusations of rank dishonesty, I'll point out something. At the time you posted that, there were at most only three posts that had ever been made on the Eva Braun page. (In truth only one, but that cannot be demonstrated with 100% certainty from the time stamps.)
Eva Braun was not constantly discussed and was not constantly appearing on the Trending panel. A little dishonesty there on your part?
> Would you like someone to paste a Hitler sticker on your car
My car is my property, I'm the only person who uses it, and it is known in my community to belong to me. MovieChat does not belong to you, you are only one of many users, and nobody knows your true identity. Your analogy is beyond merely asinine, it is nonsensical.
> I wonder why the defenders of Hitler are so scared and defensive?
I'm not going to review this entire thread in detail or the posts on Hitler's page. People are defending the right to discuss Hitler, but I'm pretty sure that nobody is defending Hitler himself. You say that they are. I challenge you to give specific examples to support that assertion.
> If you consider MovieChat removed all the political discussions from the front page - that is more censorship that I ever called for and certainly never demanded.
That was not censorship. Nothing MovieChat does or could do would be censorship. There is no force of law empowering their regulations, no criminal penalties they can impose on those who break them. MovieChat is a private entity, not a public utility, and the management is entitled to set rules as they see fit, including prohibiting the expression of certain ideas.
But they did not do that. They made a section for politics, which anyone is free to read and contribute to, and a rule that political discussion is confined there. And with good reason. The difference is only one of degree between two troops of chimpanzees screeching at each other and the typical political "discussion" on the Internet, in which groups of shaved apes screech "you're an idiot" at each other without any substantive expressions of rational thought.
Now I'll wrap up by quoting from the same community standards page I quoted earlier.
"No trolling, flaming, spamming or unsolicited advertising"
"Our team of moderators have several tools at their disposal to enforce the Standards, including [...] Temporarily or permanently suspending your ability to post"
Mischaracterizing the statements of others is a time honored tactic of trolls, as is distorting facts. You have done these things.
You have repeatedly made character attacks against those with whom you disagree. That is flaming.
It is clear that the moderators have heard your complaints, considered them, and rejected them. You continue to make your complaints, ad nauseum. That is spamming.
Please do not protest to what I am about to say by complaining that I don't know you and have no way of knowing what goes on inside your head. People draw inferences about others' mental states from their actions every day, not only in courtrooms ("mens rea") but in all other aspects of life.
It seems manifestly obvious to me that your intent is not to discuss an issue which is of grave importance to you, but to harass and annoy. Furthermore, I believe that most reasonably minded people would agree with me.
You have violated the terms of service of this site. You have done so on multiple occasions. You did so knowingly -- you cannot claim ignorance of those rules, since you yourself quoted them in your original post.
I ask the moderators of MovieChat to enforce this site's rules by suspending your ability to post for thirty days. And I call upon any other user who agrees with me to join with me in that request.
Those are the people who got the IMDb boards shut down in my view, not the so called trolls. If people didn’t complain so much about anonymous people on the site posting stuff that was “offensive”, there never would have been any problem. There is nothing that anyone could say that would ever get me to report them. I’d just be like - oh well, someone I don’t know and will never meet said something I don’t like. Moving on.
Maybe Jim's a religious man, and recalls this verse?
"Go from the presence of a foolish man, in whom thou perceivest not the lips of knowledge." Proverbs 14:7, KJV
In other words, don't waste your time arguing with an idiot.
Or maybe not. It doesn't matter. Brux would just put him on his enemies/ignore list, then scream that Jim doesn't have the right to run his own site as he sees fit.