Neither really feels like a big deal right now nor do they really have a strong character arc that leads to them being the one to win the Game of Thrones.
Sansa with Tyrion as her hand would actually be better. Arya kills Cersei, Danny refuses to give the North her independence or Jon the throne, both Danny and Jon die.
Agreed -- lots of better endings. Jon should die bravely in battle. Danerys should be stabbed in the back by Misandei, when she realizes Danerys has gone mad for power. My favorite final version:
1. Cersei thwarts everyone trying to throw her out. She's been consistently the most devious and determined character, and that counts for a lot.
2. After an epic battle for Kings Landing, with massive casualties, Stannis rides in and takes over and rules the remnants with an iron fist. Keep in mind we never saw Brienne actually kill him, so in TV terms that means he's not dead.
3. Brienne realizes she is duty bound to install on the throne the only honorable character left in Westeros, for the good of the kingdom, and stages a military coup, naming herself king.
Keep in mind we never saw Brienne actually kill him, so in TV terms that means he's not dead.
But on a later episode, Lord Bolton asked Ramsey if it is known who actually killed Stannis. To me, that’s a sure sign that they found his body. If they hadn’t, Bolton surely hadn’t asked this, but either said something like: "And we still didn’t find Stannis?" or the writers would have simply make him say nothing at all about Stannis’ death.
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I keep saying it's going to be Missandei and Greyworm. But they are going to destroy the Iron Throne as a symbol of white oppression and violence, and establish a socialist collective in its place, where Missandei will act as a wise advisor to the people with Greyworm as her equivalent of Hand. They'll open the borders of Westeros to migrants from Essos and everyone will get all the free stuff they want and live happily ever after.
It was sarcastic, but the sad thing is, in the modern political climate of Hollywood, it is not utterly ridiculous to imagine them ending it that way. Look at Avengers Endgame and see the numerous changes made for the sake of political correctness to many of the traditional characters by the end of the movie.