david80848688's Replies

You should post this on the Halloween board since it's been trending a lot today. I do like some of the Halloween movies but I think that Michael Myers is overrated. It looks somewhat better than the horrid Cowboy Bebop adaptation. They're so obsessed with Trump, they'd even report his farts. It is a great one (uncut version only). Just what we need. More shit. From 2001 and beyond his actors are stilted and robotic. In his early movies they act more natural. Off topic, but what's your quick thoughts on Kubrick? His filmography didn't have a lot of quantity towards the end, with long gaps between films. Yeah, "The Pope's Exorcist" was forgettable. I'm not going to be watching this. I like them all but Once Upon a Time in America and Duck, You Sucker! (since it seems overlooked in his filmography) are my favorites. He went in, paid his bail, took his mugshot, walked out, then flew home. When he was president he knew exactly what to tweet to rile liberals up. Did you watch the movie? I don't remember much about it, but it seemed a decent J-Horror film. He looks really pissed in it. Starring Owen Benjamin. No wonder he went crazy, acting in shit like this. I only saw Caddyshack and Back to School. He was great in both. I don't think anyone gives a fuck about Mike Pence. It sounds pretty bad, like I figured it would. Even though Roger wrote the songs, Dave, Rick and Nick helped make them what they are. I do like Roger's old voice when he sang on the Floyd albums, he sounds like shit now. Mexicans have El Santo. Tangerine Dream's soundtracks for this and Michael Mann's Thief are masterpieces. He was really good in this.